"The great thing about turning 50 is I don't give a fuck what you want."
Based Corgan
Other urls found in this thread:
I would unironically buy him a beer
until the old outnumber the young in 20-30 years.
Is he our guy
Corgan browses Sup Forums
Based Big Tunes Billy.
2nd Golden Age of the NWA coming soon!
Billy just purchased the NWA. just the name, no rights to videos or past performers likenesses.
Corgan >>> Kurt Cuckbain
Cool. So when is he going to start talking about white genocide and the Jewish Question? Or has he already started?
>Is he our guy
Indeed he is
He came out as an American with Irish descent.
NB4 le %56
Billy is OP
haha beautiful!
are you billy corgan?
Man Billy is eating his depression away and that scared me
I don't want him to have a heart attack
why the FUCK are the podcasts only 2 hours now??
Yeah, I dunno. Might be a second, different episode today like earlier this week.
Billy is a good goy.
Exhibit A: youtu.be
He was our guy long before you was born.
Can't say I didn't rock some Smashing Pumpkins back in the day, but there's not a same race couple in this video.
"Disarm" is anti-abortion, I don't care what Billy has said in interviews.