Sweden is Dying


Even their own people are ready to give up their own heritage and embrace their new Muslim overlords. What. The. Fuck. I knew it was bad, but seriously?

You guys have anything to add to this? Or any more evidence of the Swede's own self-destruction?

Other urls found in this thread:


Fix your own country, it's even worse

Serious question,
How can someone make an add like the above and not be completely repudiated by their fellow countrymen.
I do honestly have troubled understanding.

every time


Serious question: Why haven't we banned all Amerishart posters yet? youtube.com/watch?v=PnDgZuGIhHs

It burns to me to the absolute core.
seeing the best looking blondes on Earth, sell out our race.
Blondes in the USA all want to be coal burning mud sharks.
Woman are the root cause of the white genocide hands down.
Then you want a native girl you get this shit...

I’d rather have niggers and beaners than bomb crazy Muslims. At least Mexicans actually work.

CAN WE FUCKIGN STOP WITH SWEDEN!!!!??? They're all dead cucks who serve as cum dumpsters for a bunch of illiterate black plague contaminated fucks.


You are arguably more cucked Hans. At least white America rose up and elected an anti-immigrant populist.

gib mjölk

öl in swedish means beer, but in german it means oil.

one of the slightly confusing things when learning german

hans and sven like to have cuck offs to see who can breed themselves out faster

this is why

oil beer

You're 20x worse you dumb fat fuck.

Soon youll have to call them Achmed and Tamir

Yep. At 64%, we are measurably and empirically superior to you morally, culturally, and materially.

Its okay sven, no need to deflect, If you need a shoulder to cry on then Im here.


Why do americans feel like they can comment on white countries??

I'm fine, don't want to get dirty

>American choosing to be led by transvestites.
America is too far gone.

Being the side kick of a fading empire is the sadest thing I can imagine. they will drag you under with them. Cut your ties. They will destroy you in their death throws.

Wir werden besser kämpfen.

You've got it backwards, mick. Canada is being enriched at a far faster rate than the U.S. They'll reach white minority status years before we do. They're barrelling full speed ahead with it, too. At least we elected Trump to try and slow things down on our side of the border.

>Minority white births.

We are disavowing you. You are Brazil.

>Even their own people are ready to give up their own heritage and embrace their new Muslim overlords.
And this you base on a Ad made by one of the 20k Jews that live in Sweden? There isn't a European country that is worse off than your own fucking country. Not even France. You made this thread as an excuse for you yourself not resisting the genocide of the European Americans that is happening right now.

What makes you think it's the average Swede that owns most of the Swedish Media? Protip it's Sup Forums's favourite group of people.

How can you live in Mexico I ask you, among all the sub-human. Now I assume you are one of those that are pure Iberian.

Im sick of this “the swedes self destruction. The germans self destruction the” its nit swedes and germans who want it its the fucking greedy ass governments



>Rose up


Both USA and Sweden suck

But it's natural both of you race to the bottom

This. And the Swedes that seemingly want it are conditioned to be like that.

When the tipping point finally comes (((they))) and their pets will be cleansed. It always happens.

God I hate this petty shit, fucking arguing about who's country is cucked more. Fucking race to the bottom, instead of ripping each other why don't we collectivize and figure out how to stop this shit for BOTH our countries sake.

Agree 100% brother, all our countries have their issues.

>Implying you aren't far away from being like sweden

What is your point?

it's quite far to that point

well said brugerbro

That you aren't far away from becoming like us yet you act like nothing is wrong

EVERY western country is dying!
Were the hell do you live that is spared from this shit?

Where did I act like nothing is wrong

YEEEEES, please!
FINALLY someone who gets it!
This shit is affecting every western country. Those who pretend that it doesn't are shills just trying to divide and conquer and stir shit up!

holup, read the whole thing wrong, my mistake

90% of Sup Forums are accidental nihilists, ie they claim not to be but lack the self-assessment capabilities to check their thoughts and feelings.

Because you faggots are further along than anyone else by miles. Hell, some of us even have a hope in hell of making it out of this alive with some semblence of pride.

And what is your point?


Last time I looked, California is a major part of your country and pretty much a trendsetter in western degeneracy.

the point is rather than saying x is more y than z, it would be better to fix the issue for both x and z rather than throwing shit at each other and having nothing achieved at all


> september 2016

Just one year after the "refugee" crisis, we are two years on now.

Won't happen until people start thinking before reacting. The shills love these divide and conquer treads.

How did this happen?

I don't disagree. However the American I replied to seems to have a different opinion.

Like 90% of American posters. They seem to enjoy shit happeninging in Europe. If they are actually white, I think they enjoy it because it's and excuse for them to do nothing about their own situation. "They are worse"


dude seriously what the fuck? your country is willingly giving up its ENTIRE culture. my ass americans are worse. have you seen our president? were not willfully agreeing to our demise

why is america even relevant to whats happening in your country? get ur shit together man i hate seeing this happen to sweden as an american

>it's even worse

it just takes one man

Then you're a special kind of crazy user. White americans don't have heritage outside their tenuous ties to Europe, with the exception of the old southern types. There's no ancestor to be proud of. The only history we have are those who fought in the 2nd WW, and we were the (((Good))) guys. It's half the reason we're so pissed at you lot, because you're sinking faster than we are.
Without Europe the US has no history, no purpose. Europe and the US are Western civilisation, and without Europe, there's no western world.
Same reason we hate the EU: It homogenises a diverse and varied civilisation. The US is the US through and through, only with different slightly varying theme park style regions like Texas, the NE or commiefornia. And that's what the EU will inevitably create should it be allowed to survive.


Finally a sensible Burger

>why don't we collectivize and figure out how to stop this shit for BOTH our countries sake.

you speak as though this mystery has not already been solved

>White americans don't have heritage outside their tenuous ties to Europe

>There's no ancestor to be proud of.
It's not so much about pride.

>because you're sinking faster than we are.

The EU will be dissolved before 2020, mark my words.
Tough we will have to be vigilant and like hawks on those in power that obviously will try to set up something just as shitty to replace it with.

t. Achmed.

careful, don't wet your pants now

How is point one false? I mean i agree with your other two answers but the first one is kind of true unless you consider non European ties a heritage worth to be had for them

We have landbridge to Germany, and Bridge to Sweden.

The white race is doomed ;_;


I live in CA my seven year old daughter can use every gun in the safe including the AR. Meanwhile the average 7 year old in Sweden is passed around the Mosque as a halal cum rag.

So true, we just poke at each other to make our own shitty situation feel better.

well at least the can go to the world cup unlike us


why are we fighting each other? arent we all refugee hating whites?

Mother of anecdotes

>Father was an American
>Grandfather was an Amrican
>Great grandfather was an American
>Great Great Grandfather was of the European settlers/immigrants that built what became a world superpower.
Or further back, first settlers.

I see what you mean but I think his point is that most of them have no clue of their heritage unlike many Europeans

>Italy is more worried about football.
Every single time, a true Italian.

They need football just like plants need water

Worth noting that not everyone even has ancestors that go back beyond grand parents. Sure we've heard stories of family in Germany and so forth, but never have and never will meet them.

This is the thing, the only way forward is to avoid the Divide and Conquer Jew

Roger That!, Same here, Living in CA this is a rare thing, In Texas, Not so much.

Everybody has ancestors that go back beyond grand parents. You mean that you don't know much about them/who they are? Do some genealogy and you'll most likely find them.

And even if you'll never know, it doesn't matter. They are there. They came from Europe and they built the US.


Sweden should just die already.


Amerimongrels are the worst scum on this board, no contest


It's over in Canada. Turning into Indo-Paki Stan and China

>Future of white men in America

Trump is just buying time for 4 years

America going full Racial Communism once a dem gets elected, they are hungry for revenge

I know that white boomer are responsible to bring this cheap labour monkeys

But when white boomer are dies out, white America is finish

average "whites" are atomized individuals, cocooned in their safe(for now?) suburbs/exurbs until the "not-so-nice" people start to arrive. Then the "For Sale" signs go up, and Whitey frantically runs to the next safe space.

White american run away to canada or australia

millennial and gen z are weak faggot babies

Aye, it's laughably obvious

damn this is painful to watch. How the fuck do people accept this?

I'm an ant and I appreciated this sensibly sized meme

this was made last year. It's not good but atleast mention that


Itt. Whites telling eachother who's more cucked.

This is why y'all are losing.
We need to stick together to fight off the Marxist Jewish Muslim lovers TOGETHER. 14/88

This is an American website, you anal wax tree hugging kebab arse

We're fucked. Enjoy the accelerationism boys.