So, who wants to grab a bite to eat?
So, who wants to grab a bite to eat?
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Yeah..... NO
Aids burgers in paradise
No way I'd ever eat there. Even if one little drop of sweat from one of the cooks gets on my food I'm HIV positive for life.
wonder if they serve blood pudding
So he only hires people with HIV? Isn't that discrimination?
Arent there health laws that prevent people with contagious diseases from working with food?
Only in that modern day Sodom we call Toronto
I hear the blood sausages are to die for.
This is in Canada. Home of the legal dog sodomy
inb4 retards who think you can get AIDS from eating a meal cooked by someone with HIV
Canada, not san francisco?
Watch it close in 6 months due to the food being shitty and no one wanting to risk hiv infections.
Somehow I believe these retarded articles were made by someone who invested into the restaurant.
>Letting people with bloodborne pathogens work in a profession where they can frequently cut themselves and contaminate food with their blood
Especially rinsed down with Kool AIDS.
>majority of HIV cases are faggots and IV drug users
>wanting either to handle your food
do you people even know how HIV works
Nazis aren't people
I'll take a rain check on that one bucko
Britbongs know how to ruin a goof
Right next door to Grannie's Hepatitis Deli and Joe's Tuberculosis Bakery
With sharp objects apparently
You may not be able to get HIV from eating food cooked by someone with HIV, but when you're surrounded by reminders that the cooks all have AIDS you're still probably not going to feel better.
fuck you OP for putting the jingle in my head again
watch it bigot
>do you people even know how HIV works
Who cares? Not eating at a single restaurant is not a big loss to anyone. I don't eat octopus either because of the small risk of death.
This makes me lose my appetite. I can only see it working in San Francisco and Virginia.
Ay, dios mio, Carlos...
Toronto is basically Arctic San Francisco
Being HIV+ is a job requirement now.
>but my feelings!
you sound like the sjws you probably hate
shut up, be a man, and eat your god damn aids burger
you being american, you probably eat a lot of cheeseburgers which i can assure you is a multitude more dangerous than eating something prepared by an hiv positive individual
>faggot chef of 'Fidel Gastros'
Offers a seven layer degeneracy burrito with hiv+ salsa
Yes, and the chance to get HIV from this is not zero.
what if it's a cheeseburger prepared by someone with hiv
I would eat at a restaurant with a HIV+ cook, if I didn't know it and found out later I would be fine with it.
That you probably have to sign some sort of contract saying they have no responsibility if you catch HIV from them when you dine there, though, would make me worried.
Like I said, there is very little cost involved in avoiding this restaurant, and the fact that their biggest selling point is that they are diseased tells me the food probably isn't that great either.
Plus the social aspect. I would not pressure my friends into this and would not consider someone a friend if they pressured me to eat there.
who better to educate us than Sweden
News on Feb 1st 2018
>First ever HIV+ Restaurant goes out of business
Screen Cap this.
In a real life situation we would all be looking at you in silence, wondering why you would think this was funny
>hiv+ cooks
>fidel gastros
as much as i despise the man, i'm feeling bad for him now. What leftism has become.
Highly un-rated post made me laugh out loud
Sup Forums is too fucking stupid to notice a good joke
What is with this recent obsession with 'HIV acceptance'. I don't fucking get it. It's like if people started pushing for leprosy acceptance. Get them treatment, don't put them in situations that can encourage spreading.
They should partner with Mary Mallon to open an ice cream parlor next door.
Western society is so diseased it's sickening.
Restaurant is closed due to AIDS.
I'm sure this place will last long
is this a jimmy buffet reference?
It'll take a little longer than that. The Toronto government will probably pay them to stay open for another year or two for muh acceptance.
Common sense doesn't apply anymore, in America fags who say they're women are allowed to donate blood because they're "real women" too.
Whereas fags who aren't into playing pretend are not allowed.
Here comes Captain Sweden to protect HIV+ rights.
yes, its when gays have unprotected anal sex?
It was a pop-up restaurant available by reservation only for 2 days, in order to raise money for charity. By no means am I defending this but do some fucking research for once. It's already shut down and gone.
what does he has to do with all this shenanigans?
Yeah seriously, wasn't leftism originally about wealth inequality and living standards and stuff? Now it's all about mexians, gays, trannies, vaginal blood, and now AIDS. It really is not "liberal" anymore.
you can't get hiv from food you retards.
if the cook cut themselves and put hiv in the food it dies from the air in 2 seconds even if they virus didn't die eating it would not infect you because it has to go directly into your blood stream within 1 second.
you guys spread so much medical misinformation that people need to know the TRUTH.
>the restaurants main selling point is a bad thing
>it’s also named after a commie
Carlos you have to go back
>You know what's a good business idea?
>Let's have our customers have HIV in their heads while they're eating food
>cook cuts finger
>blood gets on food surface
>surface doesn't get cleaned properly
>your meal gets preped there shortly after
>congrats, you have HIV and a bad case of the shits
Also, all it takes is a bloodly bandaide or a small cut to leave containments in food. I ain't getting the hiv m8
It’s from south park you twat
He actually has a point about the burgers...
Really anything from a fast food joint near a major city...
I bet a decent percentage of the St Louis and Chicago fast food employees have at least one STD or Hep.
This place is just using it as a marketing gimmick.
I don’t give a fuck.
I probably wouldn’t get sick in a bakery that says “we’re all into scat and smearing shit over each other, but we wash our hands before kneading the dough” but you expect me to go there if THIS is their unique selling point?
t. the Swedish Nazi larper who has AIDS so this hit too close to home. Why so defensive Sven?
varför är det alltid en svensk
Go get a pint of HIV infected blood. Then pour it into a glass, wait 2 seconds and drink it all. Record this to affirm your beliefs that HIV dies in 1 second.
so you want to spread misinformation so people with hiv can't join the workforce? kys.
Even though I know that first, the chef would have to cut themselves, and then blood to be mixed into the food, and then reach my mouth within a few minutes, uncooked, and then my mouth or esophagus to have an open sore or wound, and then I maybe possibly could get infected. Even knowing all that, I would never, ever visit this place.
What if Sup Forums did an IRL reenactment of the habbo raid at this place? Delightful.
>Don't judge me because I made bad life choices that could end up threatening your life you filthy white male cis scum
Where the fuck do these faggots get the audacity...
friend of mine found a bloody band aidin her salad once.
Second post best post
South Park parody of Jimmy when cartman got aids and nobody cared.. Couldn't get Elton John to play so Jimmy played that at his benefit dinner.
well actually i'm immune to aids do to a deactivated gene CCR5.
sucks to be you weak plebs that can be infected with hiv.
I'm a skinflint but even for free i wouldn't put a feet in this dangerous place. People are insane.
that's because your bloodline got banged in the ass so many times only the descendants with this immunity survived
Congrats, that causes issues in regards to other viruses such as West Nile. I don't think a CAPTCHA has ever been so relevant.
Sweden, we know but hiv only affects fags and junkies. Why would you eat food that is made exclusively by those types of people?
Woah geez okay guys, you just had to say no we'll grab pizza instead.
right up there with ordering stonefish, for extreme risk seekers only.
>eat at joes! We have the best steaks in town
>eat at June’s, our cooks are brimming with STD’s
Is this what the marketing industry now believes in how to attract people to restaurants?
who ordered the burger with aids?
I'd run in the opposite direction.
>Not letting people with bloodborne pathogens work in a profession where they can frequently cut themselves and contaminate food with their blood
>Can I get free AZT refills with my Aids Burger?
It's not an issue of them not being able to join the work force. The fact is that there is always going to be a risk. They can do anything else that doesn't involve things that people ingest.
>have worked in a kitchen
>know firsthand how often people cut themselves in a kitchen
>not even counting the servers, bartenders, dishwashers, etc that hurt themselves somehow
this is criminally retarded.
Can i eat their asses too while i'm at it? Just to show that i'm more tolerant and progressive than everyone else.
boy i sure hope this kitchen has no injuries that are common in kitchens
yeah, original leftists would hate this immigration shit, as it is a direct threat to the workers' well being. Plus they'd be favorable to the 2nd amendment and such. I dont know what happened to them
who would invest in this.. i don't get it? how dumb can you be?
illegal in cali
oregon its fine though, so, portland
>Can i eat their asses too while i'm at it?
Yes, you can.
It's called "Tossing the Salad" in prision.
Japanese, bro.
I still consider myself a Classical Liberal, since I still most identify with that ideal but I can't call myself a Democrat without getting shit from both sides.
Why should customers and other employees have to be subjected to the risk of a contagious disease that will ruin your life?
Chefs cut themselves all the time using sharp knives preparing food you fucking dick.
you need to have two copies of the delta-32 gene mutation to be completely immune.
Did you actually check?