Defend this

Defend this

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5€ for your skin, broke fagget


As a poor person im disgustied by this.

sounds like that bottom half needs to get their shit together

this has been the way it has always been. Even your beloved socialist countries have a concentration of wealth at the top.

Free market will eventually fix this.

As the 50% poorest will bend together to murder those 8 assholes and get their stuff to distribute amongst them.

I'm sorry I just don't care
Talk to us after half of our people aren't trying to commit mass suicide and or sell out our county to the highest bidder
You are trying to sell car insurance to a man on fire

>be in debt
>have no wealth
not hard to understand

In any given creative enterprise 20% of the people generate 80% of the value, if we have a society where being better is rewarded with more wealth than it is not only expected for an accumulation of wealth to happen but it is impossible for it not to happen without reworking the entire system.