Defend this
Defend this
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5€ for your skin, broke fagget
As a poor person im disgustied by this.
sounds like that bottom half needs to get their shit together
this has been the way it has always been. Even your beloved socialist countries have a concentration of wealth at the top.
Free market will eventually fix this.
As the 50% poorest will bend together to murder those 8 assholes and get their stuff to distribute amongst them.
I'm sorry I just don't care
Talk to us after half of our people aren't trying to commit mass suicide and or sell out our county to the highest bidder
You are trying to sell car insurance to a man on fire
>be in debt
>have no wealth
not hard to understand
In any given creative enterprise 20% of the people generate 80% of the value, if we have a society where being better is rewarded with more wealth than it is not only expected for an accumulation of wealth to happen but it is impossible for it not to happen without reworking the entire system.
This, poverty is on the decline anyway, it won't be long now.
The poor 4 billion people should pool their money and storm these billionaires' estates to steal their money. Sure plenty would die, but 4 billion vs the money a few hundred billion could buy is pretty one-sided. The survivors could distribute what's left.
>defend Africa
for what purpose?
the 50% are nigs
It shows your capitalist ideas are flawed
half the population is worthless
The eight people are successful entrepreneurs and businessman
Just like in communism.
More like 80% are worthless. Pareto principle.
I don't have half the drive or intelligence they do and my pay reflects that.
You are having a laugh right?
You are both correct
The free market will mix it they just need more tax cuts
>africa is supposed to be on the same level as america because ________
no. Their misery should be ended and we should claim their land.
the average person on Sup Forums has more money than hundreds of thousands of people combined when they get their monthly minimum wage paycheck who fucking cares
the means of production are valuable?
HOW CAN THIS BE!?!??!?!?
people work hard for that wealth, get diplomas, produce medicine, vaccines, electronic parts, stimulate the economy and so on
by removing them you won't redistribute the wealth only destroy the wealth
anyways ultimately this is marxist propaganda
and anti-white because we are the 1%
if you are upper class western like top 10% which represents a lot of people on Sup Forums, even if you just have a good job and own a house, well you are the fucking 1% IN THE LITERAL SENSE
so if you are white and complain about "the 1%" please do realize YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT YOURSELF, this is way too common in the right wing stop this shit already
Obama needs to defend this not me
Hey remember when Bill Gates almost singlehandedly save all of Africa from Ebola?
He probably shouldn't have.
>Oy vey you have too much money goyim, you must let us (((redistribute))) it to all the shitskin ass-scratchers who don't own a penny to their name!
Communist redistribution only sounds good when you don't realize that even poor westerners have wealth beyond the dreams of the world's poorest dregs and it's not just Joe Billionaire who gets his possessions stolen but you too.
there are winners and losers
Pays to be a winner
The proportions of wealth may be unequal, but the total amount of wealth is higher than it has ever been before. The percentage of people in absolute poverty is shrinking extremely quickly, and things like mass disease and famine are slowly becoming a thing of the past, even in third-world nations. The average poor person in America has access to luxuries that the greatest king of Sumer or the Indus Valley or some primitive tribe could never even dream of.
I'm okay with someone having much more wealth than me if that means that I benefit too - would you rather have $1k and your neighbor $100k or you having $0.01 and your neighbor having $0.02?
it's funny because the people who occupied wall street and complained about the 1% looked pretty well off, it is very likely most of them were technically part of the 1% themselves
it's fucking absurd
The quality of life is rising throughout the world. Doom and gloom faggots will never get out of poverty.
most people slosh in their own shit, and are worthless scum
how is this news?
What is that short thing?
Great image that really drives home how deluded Western champagne Socialists are. I can't blame Marxist guerillas in darkest Africa for falling for the Communism meme, I think they should be rounded up and shot like all other brigands but it makes sense for them to act in that way.
Westerners who advocate for it though are objectively cuckolds begging to be locked in chastity as niggers fuck their women.
That's bullshit. My dad is an investment banker at wallstreet and as someone who was part of occupy people who made fun of me for that.
Literally anyone except the TOP shareholders of the TOP megabanks is working class. Just because you make a decent living doesn't make you 1%. The 1% are the OWNERS of banks and corporations, not someone who can afford starbucks coffee.
a communist
(((Free market))) is what brought us to the current situation. Some countries lack worker rights and civil rights. Guess what happens wen we embrace the globalist lite and allow them to compete with us within a unified market, and guess who benefits from it the most.
>european population
743.1 mil
>world population
7.6 bil
Let them die
The figurative 1% of the WORLD dumbass.
Population of Africa goes up 3.5mil a month, only gonna get wider
We are comparing a country like USA to Africa
In what moral ground are you standing, that you get to dictate how income earnings should be distributed?
Last time I'm replying to a thread like this, jesus christ.
>defending the rich leftist jews at the top
Hang yourself.
I say kill both groups. Not like the US would be affected
America alone is 4% of the worlds population. It's impossible for the average American to be a 1%er.
I dont understand why they wear women's panties.
Is it "smash gender norms" or something?
Democracy thats the moral ground
Who cares? I'd rather be poor if it meant the rich had less.
desu, I probably I got as much wealth as about 1 million niggers in Niger. Which is like 14 dollars. Not high ladder to climb.
they are mentally ill and have low T
Their autistic weapon
Search for words:
This whole thread is shills talking to an A.I
Exactly. Even poor people in 1rst world countries are rich compared to the populations of places like Bangladesh, Africa etc
Hardly worthy to sage this thread. It might be a single post from OP but at least it has some substance. Better than the nigger larpers that been plaguing this board lately.
Of course. Quick raise taxes so that-
Oh wait, "taxes" all go to the Federal Reserve, which is just a ponzi scheme for bankers.
Well, enact Sociali-
Oh no, wait, Socialism is a scam to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of the Jews.
Well okay, Anarch-
Oh no, wait, every attempt at Anarchy has resulted in dictators rising to power.
Well, I guess you'll just do nothing, then, and if you ever try to touch my property, I'll blow a hole in your belly and record your death so that I can send it to your mother every year on your birthday. Thief.
I dont see a problem
There are 7.6 bil people
/100 that makes 76 million people not like 5000 people or whatever you imagine when people say the 1%
Those 76 millions are mostly just the western upper classes
I'm not saying the 1% has a comparable lifestyle to the 0.00001% but that's a different topic, in purely technical terms your father very likely is part of the world's 1% richest yes
Most countries in the world chose to have socialism and no capitalism, and decided to make / keep their country a shithole.
You wanna start a beef with the (((Rothchilds))), you go right ahead muh man.
It’s called consolidation. Strengthen governments and corporations, weaken individuals. With taxes, this can be done imperceptibly over time.
It is indefensible.
However wealth is not a zero-sum game. Insofar as this remains true there is a future for humanity.
The problem is these globalist fuckers want to MAKE it a zero sum game that they have won.
>Defend this
Post more than once.
I don't give a fuck. Why should I?
Number 1: thats terror
Perhaps this is the doing of the powerful, so we don't look at them or what problems they are creating... Perhaps not.
I'm doing fine.
You know Bill Gates was poor to right.
It's almost like being a poor piece of shit is your fault.
>Number 1: thats terror
Amazing. You're not a hit and run shill.
I don't have to defend anything, you fucking communist.
You have to prove that's is somehow wrong or bad or evil.
The poorest places are also the most densely-populated with overpopulation.
They can do like China and cap how many kids fmailies can have while noticing that as birthrates fall income rises and a new wealthy class emerges.
>You have to prove that's is somehow wrong or bad or evil.
Central banking is pretty bad and evil
You can at the very least clean your own godamn street for free
>Central banking is pretty bad and evil
Why, because you say so? That's not proof, that's your opinion.
Try again you communist faggot.
Equality in opportunity, not in outcome.
now kys socialist faggot
>Defend this
And if you stole everything from Bill Gates and others who have actually done something for humanity and divvied it up between all these street shitters they'd all have 120$. Now what's the next part of your plan?
if you don't believe me just check out
with 30k euros a year you're already way into the 1%
it seems somewhere in between 2000 and 2500 euro /month you enter the 1%
2500 euros ? how much does your father make as an investment banker, around 8-10k i assume ?
anybody reading this, if you earn 2500/month or more, you are the 1% too
Because printing money is immoral, it harms the middle class and the poor who depend on fiat and benefits the rich who are wealthy enough to own more than paper funny money.
>Because printing money is immoral,
Again, you're stating your opinion, not fact.
> it harms the middle class
Opinion. Not fact.
>and the poor who depend on fiat and benefits the rich who are wealthy enough to own more than paper funny money.
More opinions you're masquerading as fact.
Don't you fucking get it you stupid communist? Your feelings are not the truth.
someone that has a normal retirement is in the top 2% of u.s. by ealth
the entire crusade against tje 1% is ridiculous
technically speaking, joe the plumber is actually a 1%er
Nice try, commie!
Niggers aren't people!
My does not complain if he is poor. He has no concept of that. So do niggers.
*my dog
why would i defend judaism
Hmm, another defend/explain thread. I hope hell is hot for shills....
Why would we
Pol hates Jews
I suppose noone here can answer this but what drives these 8 people? There can't be much difference between having 10 billion and 20 billion.
I really don't get it. We cant make people immortal yet. Once you've had your dick sucked by 3 models/celebrities at once what else is there to do?
I won't.
I don't see the problem
Technically, it should be closer to 90% because those banks will really Jew ya.