English Speaking Skills in Europe

English Sup Forums. Do you speak it?


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Sure you speak English since you need that to leech in Switzerland, France, Britain and Germany

---World Ranking---

Very high

01 Netherlands
02 Sweden
03 Denmark
04 Norway
05 Singapore
06 Finland
07 Luxembourg
08 South Africa


09 Germany
10 Austria
11 Poland
12 Belgium
13 Malaysia
14 Switzerland
15 Philippines
16 Serbia
17 Romania
18 Portugal
19 Hungary
20 Czech Republic
21 Slovakia

I would like everyone to speak english in the country I live in

Our native language(and the second one) sucks and sounds disgusting

i catch myself thinking or accidentally speaking in english

>no latin
this is why you will all end up in hell, you filthy protestants

>sweden #2
haha fuck, our accent is trash. How can they even rate us that high?

>Germanic countries best at a Germanic language
wow! stop the press!

>this makes the catholic wet his pants

How does it feel, never be able to go to heaven after you die?

if you are not purple on this map chance are that you are a brown poorfag.

Yes. I fact, I've been living in Britain for 1 year now. Coming from Germany, I've lost my accent and can express myself effordlessly.

there is no heaven you kike on stick worshipping bitch

Yo no hablo ingles.

Protestants are sent by God. They are the ones that didn't sell out to the jewish money scam that the Catholics did
>Oy goyim, you have sinned
>give me money and you can go to heaven

Netherlands #1 my ass, people might know the language but the pronounciation gives me aids

I won't judge you for your heresy, but god will.
So excuse me I have to thank the father, the mother and the holy spirit that I wasn't born a godless northcuck.


Why would you pick >>> Britain, of all places

This reminds me of Sadhu.

I like the people here. I think their accent is funny and I still have to chuckle everytime they speak. Will go back when I find a job back home

We need a Lutheran revival and exterminate the Muslim vermin, our churches should be used as bases to plan and execute the ethnic cleansings, instead of old ladies drinking coffee and eating bakery

>We need a Lutheran revival and exterminate the Muslim vermin, our churches should be used as bases to plan and execute the ethnic cleansings, instead of old ladies drinking coffee and eating bakery
just keep in mind that angela merkel is lutheran -- and deeply religious
Let that sink in, alright?

I said Lutheran revival, which means replacing the feel-good era with warrior spirit, and purging fake Christians like Merkel

I'm an American living in Spain, the only Spaniards with a high level of English are on this board.

do I really need to post stuff about your "pope"? hmm?

Fucking retard
Matthew 7
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

>in b4 Father's will is do works
John 6
38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
39 And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.
40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.

>in b4 James 2

The communist puppet which calls himself the pope must be removed by the will off rome.

>he is unironically trying to threaten me with the pictures of anti-christ
>he thinks that I will defend the anti-christ

>speaking the oppressor's tongue
Cucked as fuck, desu.

That only points how irrelevant is your national language from a geopolitical point of view

Where is Croatia?

Great cherry picking you have there.

-- cherry picks some graphs that don´t even corroborate the tittles.
-- Pic's of gypsies and call them portuguese.

what a huge inferiority complex you have

Portuguese could be the 4th-5th from Europe because the hues and the niggas that speak that

can´t Spanish people speak understandable English? like how bad are they

We can't talk a germanic language, France is what we had talking internationally since the XVIII till the 80's

Exactly, should be right at the top.