It would be fucking awesome an islam but for whites only i would be in if it were a thing
Why no white islam?
Other urls found in this thread:
White sharia is fucking retarded and you know it
LMAO. Literally created by a daddy issues beta cuck Sellner with Balkan and Albanian roots resident in Austria
every thread lol
If White conservatives/ Alt-Right began to embrace Islam, the far left would drop their support of Islam in a heartbeat.
Europe would be genuinely better off if it was Islamized. Not if it were Arabized, but it whites were converted to Islam instead of Christianity hundreds of years ago we wouldn't be in the mess the west's in now.
fuck off
kill all muslim
Lets be honest an different version of islam where we didnt do the stupid shit like prayed 5 times a day but believed in a white supremacist islam where you had to breed as many whites as possible would be ideal...most of europe will be islamic anyways we might as well start a form of it that is similar except goes in our favor
>Europe would be genuinely better off if it was Islamized.
Been thinking about beginning a troll group on Twitter of Alt-Right embracing Islam.
I would love to see the liberal reaction.
Keep islam but take the barbaric shit fasting or having to pray 5x a day...women modest but no hijab required but no blue hair or dressing like a whore! Its fucking perfect plus no racemixing
>white islam.
Go to your local prthodox you stupid bog nigger
Chechens are pretty much alt-right Muslims. They're based af tbqh
fuck kadyrov and his dogs
Chechnya died with Aslan maskhadov
>hey guys let's preserve our white culture and all the technological advancements it brought us
>also lets adopt a culture that enslaved whites and that thinks technology shouldn't have evolved past a couple hundred years after christ
No i mean a white version of islam but a radicly different one focused more on white nationalism then on islam itself its a good idea
Just put quotes from Quran and when they attack you just say they aren't real muslims
Another rule no chopping off your dick and no dying your hair blue in public also no nose rings allowed shit pisses me off
>They're based
they should be based in trains, and sent back to kazakhstan, Comrade Stalin knew how to deal with mountainious monkeys
No wonder you're a retard you're in bumfuck nowhere Lithuania.
>Islam for white only
So potentially Christianity if niggers are killed off?
Russians always so big on words )
always when they hear the word Chechen they piss their pants faster than you can say help
what you're thinking of exists, and it's called the Church of the Creator, or Creativity for short.
Worship the sacredness of the white species and our holy mission - to multiply and refine ourselves for all time.
Look into it.
Niggers asians everyone kicked off other then whites!!! Also no racemixing or allowing nonwhites into your nation jihad will basically mean fighting the white war not holy war so whites will be seen as holy in white islam we will be a offshoot of islam that will piss off muslims and we will call them the disbalievers since they arent white
Maybe because i`m half-azeri, so i`m not going to piss in my pants, cuz i can piss in churka`s mouth
would like to see you try at a chechen or Ingush )
good luck Ivan
Bring back super saiyan 4 Lithuania
>chechen or Ingush
all of them are virgin midgets, not even a problem, if that`s not typical "honest" north caucasian fight like whole aul against one man
All religions that are a derivative of Judaism are ultimately going to be conquered by Judaism. Christianity first then Islam After. They’re not the religion of white people and they never will be.
>Keep islam but take the barbaric shit out
>.no fasting or having to pray 5x a day
Not to be rude but you are completely ignorant about Islam... Fasting and praying are part of the FIVE PILLARS of Islam...
You can start to educate yourself by reading about the life of Muhammad and the teaches of Dr Bill Warner. If you remove this "barbaric shit" then it won't be Islam any longer now will it.
Fuck the pillars im not ignorant about it my country is 0.1 percent muslim so i know just saying take some of the shit i dont like and change it also in my islam no beards in fact you must shave at least once a week