Are Nazis capable of coherent thoughts?
Are Nazis capable of coherent thoughts?
not a nazi but you're very wrong.
Sup Forums has always hunt actual pedos/rapists.
saying you're going to grab her pussy is not rape.
White people rape :
Fucked her, but she didn't like it
Muslim rape :
Grabbed by the hair and pussy ravaged, left bloody on the ground
It's not the same thing, mate.
Why did Americans have to ruin Sup Forums. Were they not satisf ied with every other board? American hunger for invading other places and filling them with shit can never be satiated
Are CTR shills capable of good memes? Saged
>Current location: US
Then get out of my country faggot
>Literally making excuses for Muslim shitskins raping and slaughtering your women
I get that you're a shit troll and don't believe a single thing you post. Ever. But I would still kill you for shitting up my board. I want to hear your explanation for why you're baiting, smile and laugh with you, and then plant a knife in your belly.
It's actually believable if a muslim did it
Whiteboys too feminine to rape yo
Are Communists capable of coherent thought?
Basically this.
The majority of Sup Forums users have no idea how economies work, how countries run and such, and just want a "day of the rope" (when it will never happen).
Yep larping as right wing was fun when it was done ironically
Nowadays it's a bunch of annoying hypocrites that treat politics like some autistic game and don't have an ounce of integrity in their bodies
it must have been someone she knew if she knew his religion, unless she took a survey mid-rape
shouldn't she be more worried by the fact that the muslim rapist won't get arrested? is this implying that they enjoy getting raped by muzzies?
In your world you think that's an accurate burn but here's the thing: Blacks and Arabs actually rape people all the time. Whites do not.
You forget the real problem and why rape is so stigmatized:
>she might now have genetically undesirable rape babies
>her value is diminshed and high value men are no longer interested in her, she may never get her superior aryan ubermensch children now
that's how rape actually ruins lives
People still refuse to see the obvious genetic connections with our stigmatization of rape.
yea but the part that knows how it works are fucking masters
take "he will not divide us" for an example, Sup Forums discovered that flag in days xD
Yeah rape has a whole bunch of meanings these days, but Muslims are a traditional breed, and tend to practice the traditional form
First lefty meme I've ever seen that has some truth to it.
Still, I don't care if it's rape or not, I don't want shitskins fucking our women, period.
Also that Muslim rapists specifically target white children.
This place is a morass these days
It used to be a high concentration of high IQ people discussing with each other - but normies have flooded in. Average IQ is probably 95-100 and most conversations lack insight because of dumbasses butting in with irrelevant noise.
It's not something I hate though, it's just a sign that Sup Forums is too popular and the high IQ autists need somewhere else to discuss things. Sup Forums's mostly now a place to disseminate info, not brainstorm/theorize/discuss.
Yeah, right.
Go after some loser actor while you stray away from your original goals.
Sup Forums can't influence real life politics in any way or form - they can only create memes.
Especially white Brits.
They claim that they can remove kebab, yet can't even remove their drunk people that you'd see in their millions every night.
Also, rape in white country by white is not the same as non white foreigner rapes white women in white country
>there takin our womyyyn
>Some white guy accidentally touch my knee, that is like literally the same if being physically assaulted.
>Oh some poor mudslime raped 4 12 year old girls, but he didn't know what he was doing was wrong, we should forgive him and the other 12 mudslimes that were raping this week.
Are leftist capable of coherent thoughts?
Yes, See:
When a feminist says "I've been raped" there's a good chance she could mean "we have consensual sex, but I changed my mind the next day", or maybe "raped" was "we were both drunk, flirting, and he touched my boobs over my clothes"
But if you add "by a muslim", then the chances are that he kidnapped you, beat you, and you were gang-raped, also if you're in the UK chances are you're underage.
See? its all about chances and averages.
Add in that if a woman admits that her rapist is a muslim, she loses all virtue signalling points among her lefty friends. The only reason she would have to admit it was a muslim is if she was actually raped by one or she hates muslims.
>you could be hit by a car crossing the street so it's ok to import mudslimes that are 25 times more likely to "truck of peace" you
one problem's internal and hard to fix, the other is imported and easy to fix.
>Sup Forums cares about rape when it happens
>this is bad
but no in all seriousness miscegenation and premarital sex are gassable offenses which resolves a good 99% of that bullshit right off the bat