Help me, amerifags!

Always wanted to live there in Boston Massachusetts, how do I go about immigration?
22, single
No criminal convictions
Qualified domestic electrician
No family with citizenship

What is the best way to do it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just move there.
Get a job.
Find a white chick. Marry her.

We don't want any more muslims than we already have, and on the off chance you're an authentic Brit we kicked your asses outta here perminantly. No take backs, go pats

why boston? london is a more fun city

fuck off Muhammad we're full

Stay away redcoat unless you want another tea party

Fuck off turbo-Jew

You'll feel right at home. Just a bunch of cold wet ugly sad mother fuckers in Boston.

Was Bill Burr just memeing or is everyone violent and aggressive in Boston? He makes it sound like a shithole.

Just go there you'll fit right in. Limey and Paddy illegals all over the city.

The weather makes everyone salty

It's fucking cold, kid.

Fuckin A right it is.

OP here, probably should've mentioned...
White Catholic
Keen interest in American politics and big supporter of Trump and love the culture
Boston also seems to be the most English like state, which I spose it is in a way

post arm

I thought we made it clear along time ago old, we don't want you lobster backs in the commonwealth

The city is filled with Irish illegal immigrants. Nobody will notice you.

Go to Mexico and cross the border illegally. No one is looking for whites crossing and Congress is keeping Trump from building the wall.

1) find a sponsor for h1b
2) marry
3) go study there and stay after studies
4) illegal immigrations

your choice

If you want the "most English like state," why move?

It'd do the American people a favour to know they are our cousins, we settled there...
They're just mutated English folk that went rogue and got lucky
*shits pants at sight of glorious red coats*

>Boston also seems to be the most English like state

This better be a baitpost.

"People of Irish descent form the largest single ethnic group in the city, making up 15.8% of the population, followed by Italians, accounting for 8.3% of the population. People of West Indian and Caribbean ancestry are another sizable group, at 6.0%,[131] about half of whom are of Haitian ancestry. Over 27,000 Chinese Americans made their home in Boston city proper in 2013"

Come to 'straya mate.

It's fucking hot.


Hate to break it to you but Britain now is nothing like it was during colonial time Muhammad

Just apply, and tweet a screen shot to Trump.
find a user in Boston to help with the rest

Would it be possible to buy a small apartment in the city outright and find a company to sponsor my citizenship in the time limit I have (4months I believe) before having to leave?

>implying Ireland isn't English clay

go to Argentina instead

boston is a fantastic city

i lived on beacon hill and in the back bay, was born just outside the city proper

tons of really smart people. it is very segregated and he nogs downtown are super kept in check. its clean and nice

i loved living in boston, it's probably my favorite city on the planet and i've been around

there may be a bunch of liberals but there are loads of very smart people there and it's ton of fun

Why the fuck would someone from England want to live in Boston? It's a worse version of a UK city.

You can come

Boston sucks, why the hell would you want to live in that shithole?

Western MA master race reporting. Boston is a cancer to the entire State and should be liquidated. Thanks to you assholes, us normalfags must suffer the faggotry that shits its way from the heart of retardation: the city itself.

You don't want to live here, Boston is full of liberal faggots.

Move to a small town in Mass or NH or Maine.

What the fuck's in western mass? Only hicks, and springfield niggers.

You shant' be a loyalist are ye?
Good luck with the immigration.

Consulting, look into LEK

Springfield is subhuman but the rest of the State is wonderful farmlands, old country roads, and rustic joys and pleasantries. We all have guns and drive trucks and have a grand old time.

That is until the shut in Boston faggot trash pass draconian law after draconian law making it harder and harder for rural people to live uncucked. Fucking Healy should have been dragged from the statehouse and shot a long time ago.


Except for the fact that your whole empire is gone and forgotten like it never even happened

Western mass = literally who

If you're past 495 nobody gives a shit about you and you're basically considered from another state

Fuck healy, but north shore and south shore are better than Boston and western mass

Lowell > Boston

Lowell is a cultural beacon if you're a non-white.

Implying it's a bad thing to live under the radar. Boston is a fag city full of actual fags and (((students))) who don't do anything but drag the state further down into trash.

>muh big dig
Was 100% a mafia operation. Oh great and now we have these wonderful (((automated tollbooths))) all over the State which compliments our horrible gun laws

Get a tourist visa.
A couple of weeks before, put an ad on the Boston Craigslist looking for a soul mate.
Meet up and impregnate your soul mate.
Go back to the UK and apply for a K1 visa.
If you're white and she's white, have many more babies.

>north shore
>south shore
Rich yuppies, jews, and old people. yeah sounds great...

Have you ever seen western mass in the Fall? This is our time of the year and you faggots always flock out here in droves ruining the place.

I'm in western mass right now my dude

Massholes. Boston needs more white people, less niggers.

>nogs are kept in check


learn spanish, buy a one way plane ticket, dye your hair black and tan your skin.

its that fuckin simple. fuck getting citizenship, you'd have to pay taxes. pretend to be a spic and theyll hand you life on a golden platter.

The last thing this state needs is some uppity Britbong faggot thats just going to add to the general cucked tendrils that seep out of Boston. Although we have our shitholes too like Holyoke, Springfield, and Northampton.

>but NoHo is so great to drink in
The majority of the bars are owned by one guy and everyone else is a tranny faggot from Smith, Hampshire, or dUMbASS.

honestly iam a the whitest dutch goy, got a good education, good job the works.
i could NOT get into the u.s.

mfw israel would take me in but not the u.s.

you picked a good city. and niggers dont like it. I live in nyc right now and all the subhumans here dislike boston. ill be moving there eventually

Fly to Mexico and cross the border

Might as well just go to New Hampshire if I want to look at nature

Except for the fact you are a direct result of it?

What language are you speaking there bud, American?

Oh I see, you're jealous of those who are able to get an education

U.S. is actually one of the hardest countries to get into

>if you aren't a nigger

New Hampshire is what Western Mass should be. One day hopefully we can break off and join them

I already graduated. My old university is even going to shit now and I would have considered it a normie place too. I think I escaped just in time.

All you have to do is get here. It's a sanctuary city run by permanent Democrat majorities. Good luck finding housing though, and you're about 100% likely to be murdered in Dominican heroin gang crossfire.

On the off chance you're not murdered by Dominicans, black bloc Antifa will cave your head in with a brick on Huntington Ave in broad daylight.

On the off chance the Dominicans or the Antifa doesn't kill you, you're likely to be murdered in traffic by a Chinese illegal immigrant working on tainted vaccines at Pfizer in Cambridge. They don't have to learn to drive to actually drive.

On the off chance all of that doesn't kill you, you'll likely die in a bioweapon release from the mosque in Cambridge that the Tsarnaevs came from.

On the off chance all of that doesn't kill you, you'll likely die from being smothered by one of the millions of BLM or GLAAD flags hanging from every lamppost in Brookline.

Have fun

not happening

electricians do real well out there. I would recommend you not go straight to the rat race tho, look for a place outside of boston first maybe wareham. it puts you close to the rich culture without the high cost of living.

>wants a white ethnostate
>won't let in europeans

typical le 56 percent face


It's like SF with worse weather, in terms of CoL and the kind of people you're going to be interacting with. Even if you landed a good union gig you'd still be struggling to live in the city. Pick another state.

t. wop diaspora

he's probably white. we need all the white immigrants we can get. bring your friends pls OP

Maine my neger.

>implying we set the laws

Or just live outside the city

Just remember, the Massholes tend to be leftists. If you can stomach that, you can do okay in Bah-stun. There are also just as many annoying plastic paddys in Boston as there are in Jew York City, if not more.

Yeah in one of the culturally enriched places like Lowell or Dorchester.

Marriage probably

You seem like a good person, but you should know that all of Massachusetts is a cuckold state.

Mass is one of the very few states where every single county went to Shillary. Mass is one of the very few states where even if only white men could vote, Shillary would have won the state anyway. Sad!

The US and most Western countries are significantly easier to get into if you are a shitskin. Hell, only 6% of our legal immigrants are white.

sooo, hows canda for immigration as a white goy?
might actually be a good idea for me in the future.

could just make trips to the u.s. now and then

I said outside the city not pick a worse city
Still in the city m8

Fuck no the whole state fucking sucks
5000 dollars in property taxes out of me and they can't even plow the state highway in front of my house when it snows

My town went Trump, that's all I cared about.

Are you:
Indian, Paki, Muslim or Black? If so fuck off.

We don’t use IEC we use NEC so your qualifications are shit. Basically you would have to do two years as an apprentice. So sorry bud you have no useable skills here.

You have money?

Trust me I know the taxes suck but if op is so set on living in MA I'm just giving him advice and also learn to drive in snow

OP again
Is it possible to do through joining the military?
And what are the odds of me joining the police?

a pal of mine is going out with a yank who moved to cornwall, she says its like another planet with only white people.
think shes from florida.

The U.S. is a better prospect for one of le Chosen People, since you'll have the option of dual citizenship. I don't know about Cuckanada.


Go to school in the state, go guard, so basically you get locked into staying in the state

And the civil service is retarded so police jobs are tough to get unless you have an in

When do we resurrect the MA militias?

I will gay marry your for 10 thousand cash. I am not gay, but you will need to provide fellatio and boipussi when soever I desire it, which is very often. Also, must have a dick of at least 6 inches, and be over 5'6. No homo.


KEK Maybe from the panhandle but most of Florida is now New Cuba.

And thankfully counties don't mean much in New England, but still. As someone who moved to Mass from the midwest, I've never seen anything like this. I don't even know how to begin trying to make it better.


Military is for tards.
I'm not sure if some kind of FFL-style citizenship program exists but probably not.
There's a lot of people in this country that really really desperately want to become cops for whatever reason and fail to make the cut so your chances of that are pretty fucking slim.

There is no legal path for immigration for someone like you (not only in the US but anywhere in the world).

Boston is an amazing city.

And we are violent and arrogant, or whatever the fuck it was you said

I'll gay marry you if cute


A company can't even sponsor you for a work visa unless you have at least a bachelors degree to begin with.

Stay the fuck out of the Dot.

And there's your plan, white senpai. Might as well use the policies (((enacted))) against us to our benefit.


Yeah, thanks to the Mob-run unions.

Lmao right down the street ;)

Massachusetts is a pretty decent place, it's one of the few states that haven't been niggerfied yet.