I live by CBS studios Fairfax district and work in the entertainment industry. I can't say who I work for but yes the shit that's coming out has been rumored for a long time now. Ask away.
I work in Hollywood ask me anything
How come there isn't a goyim uprising in the industries and telling the kikes to fuck off.
Why did you sell your soul to the eternal jew?
there is. It's very subtle but it's habbening. Everyone here is growing tired of the eternal jew. Even jews I work with (of course) are really down and depressed cos they know the habbening is coming.
This. If you all just spilled the beans you could highhandedly save the USA. Not having a job for a while might suck, but think of the big picture.
I fell for their trickery like most. But I'm one of the many christians in Hollywood who have seen enough. We're growing more and more. A lot of executive jews are under huge pressure right now.
When does Spielburg go down?
Serious question: why did the Writer’s Strike collapse so ignominiously in 2009? Now, a writer gets virtually NO residuals for any work done on Broadcast television from the Kineoscope Age through the 2000’s.
The Producers just fucked the talent.
its true that jews has and overwelming power in hollywood ,and how its materialized?
is an ideological paradigm shift imminent in hw? are we going to see brad pitt portraying a misunderstood gestapo officer?
this is why most movies and content are so shitty right now. The good writers left. It will swing around though. Movies are going to get better in about 2 years and writers will be the new rockstars cos they truly are the reason for most directors or actors/actresses careerseses.
Is Steven Spielberg a pedophile ?
Who do you see getting thrown under the bus in the coming weeks, and whom do you see getting away with it?
It's a perfect storm of has-beens and never-beens and ladder-climbers accusing everyone, im laffin, but is there anyone in Hollywood who doesn't give a fuck?
I used to live by Paramount myself famalam
why you don't use vpn--> proxy? are you a so called larper?
When will Woody Allen, Hugh Jackman, Liev Schreiber, Ian McKellen, Dan Shneider etc... be exposed as pedophiles?
Spielberg hasn't made a good picture in eons. He's at his lowest right now and desperate. Hence the Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep fake news propaganda. Jews are now firing at full force.
Satanists. Know any? Do they really sacrifice? Do you have to join to sign a big deal?
Yeah, but nobody is going to work as a wagecuck in Hollywood under the present conditions until content and intellectual property is protected. Right now, the writers are chattel slaves, except the top flight, who get points.
Please I'd like to know Steven Spielberg is he really a pedophile ?
yes. They have to. They know they are in deep shit.
Post some form of proof. How many underground conservatives are there in Hollywood and will they stop hiding anytime soon?
I don't know. I don't want to speculate. Time will tell.
Di caprio was raped?
Who is the bigger predator among the actors?
drop the rumors.
We're going to see some more big A list actors like Kevin Spacey being exposed. Whoever suddenly disappears from the big screen you can assume studios didn't want to hire them anymore because they know he or she would be a financial risk and liability. So there is your clue. Look out for the sudden disappearance of A list actors. It's basically a good indicator who is a sex offender.
Fuck off kike.
Bruce Willis, Donald Sutherland.
There is no accurate meaning to "biggest" predator. They are pedophiles and worse
How do you feel about the revelations that Weinstein had an army of Mossad spies to spy on journalists and actresses. I wouldn't be surprised if he ordered some assassinations as well.
talk a litle how is the everiday life there
Give the name
no. I know what an end card and lower thirds are. Not larping. These are industry terms look them up.
Is everything being shipped out to Georgia?
tell me you do not want him to drop all the rumors on this board so we can meme it to oblivion to normies, fuk off JIDF.
Is there some kind of conflict between Jews and Scientologosts in Hollywood?
Keep the rumors coming. Sup Forums is all about rumors you fucking moron.
Once you don't see them in movies anymore. Studios won't hire anyone right now who has been rumored to be sex offenders. They don't want to open pandoras box.
How do you know? Bruce willis is gay or a pedo?
>why do Jews hate Scientology
Consider that Tom Cruise is the only gentile actor to retain his stardom for decades. Jews nearly killed his career for jumping on a couch, they have so little dirt on him. Scientology is based. You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
Tfw Scientology is an alien condom to protect against Shekel-Transmitted-Diseases. Cruise is based. Kubrick redpilled him further.
anything re: dan schneider?
When is the devil worshiping going to break?
Those terms are maningless in those circles.
They all do everything, animals included. Gay? Pedophile? yes to both, but much more.
You dont hear anything about Bruce Willis, he's one of the top tier moguls. So is Donald Sutherland.
obviously, you are some foreigner, drop aka tell us; fucking idiot. Take some more english classes dotard and learn that one word can have more than one meaning. Now fuck off and let OP spill his beans.
>Cruise is based
most male celebrities are bi sexual or gay. Even some that weren't so obvious... Some of them are good christians like Clint Eastwood, Mel Gibson who have tried to expose the filth in Hollywood years ago and been scorned.
That female talent agent who was killed a few years back, Miranda something.... did they ever find who killed her? That seemed to shake up Hollywood for a while there. Wtf?
I'm gong to laugh so hard if Donald Sutherland is one of them. He would deserve it after telling every white male in America to be ashamed of their skin color regardless of how good of a person they are and submit to minorities on radio and television after Trump won.
ABC blind items, look it up.
It's reliable and has proven so many times.
>You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
so i'm not the only person who thinks this is part of scientology's mission
L Ron was a smart guy
What do you know about steve buscemi? I like him i hope he's a good man.
And brad pitt?
Eastwood's son is full blown faggot, so is Bradley Cooper.
There are the faggots and there are the sluts.
Sluts like DiCaprio will fuck anything, which technically makes them "gay" but not really full blown faggots that exclusively like men (like Spacey, Cruise and Hugh Jackman as well)
there are more conservatives in the closet than probably gays in Hollwyood. We all secretly hate our jewish overlord. ;)
This would seriously be the greatest plot twist ever. Tom Cruise saves the lolis.
And he started it all with fat hands.
But can you make a good living down there and avoid Satanists and gangstalking? I really have to know. It's the only thing holding me back.
Not only that but he is one of the biggest moguls promoting this degeneracy.
Some actors fall into the trap of fucking underage children, some seek it actively, and then some are the ones that run the business. Donald runs it.
>The good writers left. It will swing around though
Unidirectional media will never swing back around. The era of one-way, top-down memeing is over. TV and movies are fucking dying and I can't wait for them to gracelessly expire for good
do you agree with the statement "Mel Gibson did nothing wrong"?
Were the rumors of Hayden Panettiere being a child prostitute true?
Does the gay mafia control the jews, or vice versa?
Can you expand on the Jews versus Scientology topic?
jewish studio bosses or people in the industry have very strong ties to Israel and travel to Israel every year. That's one thing I found to be odd.
Parents are producers
Have a very jewish (((name))) but am a goy
Have worked in the industry since i was in the eighth grade
>script consolidation
>location scout
Worked in tv, movie, and music
Listing is compound fracture, 300 and Sucker Punch, and a country music breakout from a metal band. (Wont say who cuz there are like 5 AP on the album and it would give away who i am)
Are you in LA, Vancouver, LV, Santa fe, or somewhere else?
inb4 jew york and in TV.
Can you tell us who is "leading the charge" against these ((people))?
What genre of film are they usually in
Also I think pic related is a closet rightwinger along with Christian Bale
With a little help from himmmmm.
In blackface.
Have you gotten foot game from any actresses?
our paths have not crossed. Nor would I be able to talk about or name any celebrity since I have signed several disclosure agreements throughout my life and it would be easy to identify me.
How much do you Know about Hollywood pedophiles? Drop names
Do they think Shoah 2.0 is coming?
Just how worried are they about what is going happening online? Even normie sites are full of anti semetic comments these days, they obviously are all aware of it?
I can reveal each month there are several gay underground gay parties happening in the Hollywood hills that are attended by well known musicians, well known agents and well known TV stars and actors. Think of "Eyes Wide Shut" just without masks. Celebrities all know this is going on you can ask any of them if you ever get the chance to interview them... if you want to get a funny reaction.
will there be a minions sequel?? jk yer probably the fucking janitor there haha
watch the movie "American Made" they basically give you a hint how the Clintons were involved in the drug cartels.
Why do black people get picked to be contestants on the Price is Right gameshow over white people just because they are black? Iv'e studied the tapes. The odds of 2 black contestants getting picked every show verses the audience is astronomical.
it's expensive as fuck here. That being said you make a lot more money than anywhere in the world if you are a professional with experience. You have to be really smart about your money. Most people here live with roommates to pay $1500 to $3000 rent each month. So keep that in mind. You won't make it on your own unless you're already rich.
>For the over the top nig reactions
>"Hoo Lawdy, I be a thousandaire!"
you're telling us nothing we don't already know
who is rumored to fuck kids
who rapes men
Reason is they have to go there to get their marching orders to implement the media brainwashing and subversion.
very much so. I recently saw him at the Daddy's Home 2 premiere in Westwood Village. He's a good guy. Very based.
Dude, they're just not that into you.
Corey Feldman will expose that. I only heard rumors too but don't know for a fact.
>Nor would I be able ... name any celebrity
Larper red alert.
Are talking in code? I live in a city more expensive than LA and NY and I already have money. I want to know if I'm putting my life and my family's life at risk by going to LA in entertainment.
most jews are perverts so the gay mafia and the jews go hand in hand.
Everyone here knows about Mena
You gentile or Jew?
Is it possible to advance in that town/industry without being jueden?
What if you were to fake it? Would they find you out? Trying to understand how tightly knit that community is.
1) Any other big closeted Gays who you've heard rumors about?
2) If there are any, how many people in HW are slightly upset that Spacey's career was ruined since he was so good at playing creeps?
Are blind items for sites like crazydayandnights.net accurate or in general?
It seems like he was just being himself
in live in LA. Worked at Marvel, Disney and other smaller companies that would make it possible to identify me. kek.
all I can say "Water Garden" Santa Monica. kek.
OP, have Hollywood jews gotten their hands on Nashville/the country music scene or is that still pretty much free from degeneracy.
also, do you have any dirt or know anything upsetting about Chris Stapleton? I like to think he's based but idk
I wish I could but I can't it would be too easy to identify me cos I have chatted to several co workers about Sup Forums. lol
kek i work near there. fuck los angeles. i was born and raised here, work in the industry but im ready to just leave and never come back. this city is sodom
What is the point of this thread then?
How come Bill hasn't been outed more during this sexual harassment shit?
Do Hollywood harems legit exist?
Is Marvel threatened by the DCEU? It really seems like they are trying to fuck them over and sabotage them so they won't have fierce competition
Which movies illustrate the truth most about the darker sides of the entertainment industry, why would they not work with David Lynch after Inland Empire?
Got me. I'm a janitors guild of America member. kek
It's his larp
That's why he's so good.
I watched 21 last night, good film, based on true story about MIT kids who Spacey teaches to count cards in blackjack, takes them to Vegas, they have to avoid Laurence Fishburne.
Like all his characters, he was controlling, manipulative, and smart.
Nobody cares about your lingo and irrelevant forms of entertainment. Haven’t been to a movie theater in ten years and haven’t had cable or watched a tv show in three. Top-down is DEAD. You’re just a drowning rat trying to latch onto Sup Forums - saying shit like “kek” and telling us nothing we don't already know.
Neck yourself, pedo
Are their many female molesters in tinseltown?
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