When are we getting another one? We're in desperate need.
When are we getting another one? We're in desperate need
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the next one will be an ayy
>ayy lmao
The only people standing in the way of the Jews who wish for hegemony are the East Asians. There will the third World War will be between the Jewish controlled West and the Confucian/Buddhist lead East.
zwischen 1999 und 2017 hat eine ziemliche Verostung der FPÖ stattgefunden.
Looks like he's in the midst of a tap dance senpai
The third World War**
Gotta wait for a total economical collapse, otherwise the materialistic normie drones won't wake up
Never. The Amerikikes made sure of that.
>hitler is the avatar of white people
Working on being the Mussolini of New England. It's a work in progress.
Reminder that hitler was a jew himself.
What are the colors?
Can you please not post my picture online Nigel? I didn't give you permission to and it's a pretty embarrassing pic...
>another short guy with an abundance of military power and huge ambitions
Already indahouse.
Happy each time American soldier dies
>Occupy Germany to this day
>Force turks into Germany en.wikipedia.org
>Cause wars in the middle east and direct refugees into Europe belfercenter.org
>take in Marxist Frankfurt School and send them back to Germany to kickstart communist student revolts of 1968 who march through institutions and turn Germany into leftist shithole
>Jewish US-networks control media and government, lobby for mass immigration and anti-racism
>Call said country you destroy "cucks"
He sorta is for Germanic ones. Not like non-Germanics have a place in Germany or Germanic lands, so I fail to see your problem.
He'll be black fyi
Indahouse to prep the bull. Open borders with China? Check!
Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!
Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
Thieving everything, while many ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!
Enforcing even stricter anti-gun laws? Check!
Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!
Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!
From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under his rule? Check!
Here’s main Putin’s election propaganda piece. Very diverse!
“We believe in you!
You are young, thinking, decisive, ready to defend your own and Fatherland’s interests.
Ready to put your own efforts in personal and national development.
Now, you must invest your trust in us, because together we can do a lot.
Think with your own head!
Trust your guts!
Vote “United Russia”! “
*nevermind we failed to return apartheid, flooded the country with central asians and chinks, steal national resources while the ethnic Russian population lives in poverty* no refunds!
Oosh, western yuroptards BTFO
Churchill? Who is that?
Isn't it also true and hilarious that the Navalny guy who's getting Zelyonka'd every other week more of a nationalist than Putin?
Hopefully soon. People always complain about how bad he was for the Jewish Slaughter but then cry about the Jews taking over the world. He was doing us a favor but the amerikikes didn’t want that to happens.
>more of a nationalist
Putin can’t be Nationalist. He’s a former Communist party member for fucks sake and denies ethnic Russians biological existence. Navalny is a mixed bag. Some in Nationalist movement will vote for him, some abstain from voting altogether, but all Nationalist would prefer him to Putin.
What we KNOW about Navalny? Is on record using racial slurs, speaking for ethnic Russian interests, being friendly with "ultraright radicals", pledging to make visa regime with central asia, pledging to give a referendum on Northern Caucasus membership in the Federation, pledging to remove the hate speech laws and deregulate small and medium business.
What we KNOW about Putin? Is on record denying ethnic Russian existence, speaking for tolerance, enforcing hate speech laws.
Choice goes like this: pro-gun racist or anti-racist senile cuck
Alexander IV when?
Did the possibility of a decent governorship died out with Romanovs?
overall a decent, thorough view, what do you think of Yeltsin?
>Now, you must invest your trust in us, because together we can do a lot.
wew lad if someone said this I wouldn't put my trust in them
Never unfortunately... men like him only come about once in a millenia. Rate my OC
Found the Paki
elect me as your fuhrer. i promise i wont follow his bad decisions and clear all the shitskins from world. only let ancient turkick helenic and germanic people alive. with strong doctrine and belief. basically gonna be god-emperor of mankind. then end myself cause i am shitskin as well.
SOON. And it will be glorious when it happens
Wir arbeiten daran
The change in support of FPO (our guys) in the different states from 1999 to 2017. This election they got 26%, just shy of their previous record of 26.9% in 1999. They polled better, but the newly elected Conservative leader adopted some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric and managed to win big some voters. FPO and the Conservatives are in talks to form the new government.
The new Hitler is post
Schön wärs.
another epic ass pounding is definitely on it's way nazi faggot.
wife material
never. hitler was mankind's last hope against the jew. only a meteor like one that wiped out the dinosaurs can undermine their rule now, and even then they'll have a huge advantage over the survivors
>declares war on Germany
>somehow this is America's fault
If things don't change soon, you will need to revolt without mercy within the next year, 4 months, 8 days and 8 hours. If you don't change the swing of the pendulum, it will be over for those of you lacking impurities within your species. Heed my warning. Heed it fags! Don't let civilization fall on my watch.
Germany has drawn up plans and actively planning for 2040 collapse of the EU and war with battlelines in the eastern bloc and between immigrants and native population. You should probably expect the war then.