Why do Americans hate public transportation?

Why do Americans hate public transportation?

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Niggers OP

Bloody dumb shills. You do realize Rockefeller built that graveyard. One of your s#ht demon masters

Because only niggers use transportation in USA. As soon as a neighborhood gets a bus stop niggers start moving in like locusts and destroy everything.

Nice flag. Why Do you post this weekly
Does your boss review your shit posts ? If he does and continues to pay u 2 shekels a post he is as dumb as you. Saged bc u post this weekly

Plus in USA we actually have room to spread out unlike eurocucks and australiafags who live on pathetically small continents


Is there anything more cucked than relying on the govt for a ride to work?

Spics, niggers, and just overall unsanitary

>Why do Americans hate public transportation?
Americans don't but crony capitalism did

>The General Motors streetcar conspiracy refers to convictions of General Motors (GM) and other companies for monopolizing the sale of buses and supplies to National City Lines (NCL) and its subsidiaries, and to allegations that this was part of a deliberate plot to purchase and dismantle streetcar systems in many cities in the United States as an attempt to monopolize surface transportation.
>Between 1938 and 1950, National City Lines and its subsidiaries, American City Lines and Pacific City Lines—with investment from GM, Firestone Tire, Standard Oil of California through a subsidiary, Federal Engineering, Phillips Petroleum, and Mack Trucks—gained control of additional transit systems in about 25 cities.[3] Systems included St. Louis, Baltimore, Los Angeles, and Oakland. NCL often converted streetcars to bus operations in that period, although electric traction was preserved or expanded in some locations. Other systems, such as San Diego's, were converted by outgrowths of the City Lines. Most companies involved were convicted in 1949 of conspiracy to monopolize interstate commerce in the sale of buses, fuel, and supplies to NCL subsidiaries, but were acquitted of conspiring to monopolize the transit industry.

>Friend is a bus driver
>Calls the bus the "loser cruiser"
>His route is through niggertown
>Even nigs call the route "Fort Apache" because it's so sketchy
>He's been robbed several times, shot at but not hit because nigs can't into aiming
Now you know

Public transportation is most needed and makes most sense in really big cities. Most really big cities have a high nigger population. Most of these niggers are very poor and need to use public transport. People like to relax. Around niggers you can't relax.


The U.S. is run by corporations

I've taken my cities public transportation once and I never will again. It was full of degenerates, niggers, and homeless.

Because you have to deal with the fucking public

We've always viewed personal vehicles as a sign of freedom.

Let /ourguy/ John Rocker tell you.

>travel in comfy climate controlled vehicle that you control yourself
>sitting on a greasy seat in a graffiti filled train surrounded by spics and niggers
gee I wonder why

the american prefers the cuck-mobile. it's literally a safe space on wheels. a cuck shed that you can drive, basically.

I drive over a hundred miles a day. A bike is impractical.

>a bike is impractical
You can haul a loaded semi. You just need the gear ratios.

who in their right mind gets a job hundreds of miles from home? this is your own fault and now you're spending thousands of dollars supporting islamists and jews.

Welcome to America. Our urban planning is dogshit and our cities are infested with niggers so people live way outside them in suburbs.

come here and find out

America really is a dumpster fire.

>the geographical knowledge of a product of the ameripoor education system

>I'm too poor to afford thing so i hate everyone who can the post

get a job closer to home, or even better, get a job that allows you to work from home.

His team owner was also based

i like the look of American suburbs in the 50s though

We never said we weren't full

Americans have fecal incontinence and shit themselves on a bus ride longer than five minutes

>Loan with local credit union

>Buy American made gasoline

>I mute radio commercials and listen to music on my phone.

>I work on my car myself and pay a local specialist to help me do things at his garage that I cant do at home.

Do you live in a small town? I live in a big city and mass transit is the most convenient and cost effective way to travel. I think small to medium sized city's this is less so.

>not wasting your money on a status symbol/laziness means you can't afford it

give me a valid argument for why i should get a car. it is literally a waste.

I actually am in the process of looking for a home closer to work.
Still though. The reality is America is vast spread out country and it's very hard to get around having to drive to places.

Europoors can't comprehend the magnitude of the United States. It's not like you can jump on the Bahn and go to Paris for a fucking day trip. Most places outside of the coasts are so sparsely populated, that it takes literally 5 hours to go from one mid-major city to another. Beyond that, gas isn't fucking $7.00 a gallon like it is there, but can get as low as $2.00 depending where you are. That means that I can drive up to 300 miles for like $15; all without the inconvenience of scheduling around a train/bus time.

God that looks horrible, especially how there is literally nowhere to walk and you are trapped into driving everywhere.

It seems so odd there's no decent infrastructure for public transport there. Being able to get on a well run, well maintained train and get to work without all the hassle of rush hour and parking is something I clearly take for granted.

>going this far to defend your goy behavior
oh my

>implying I don't ride a supermoto

road cycles are gay

No, Americans definitely hate public transportation. Whether it's bus, BRT, train, or streetcar, public transportation is horrible in all its permutations. "Crony capitalism," aka "capitalism," saved most of us from this menace.

Public transportation is nuisance with white people. Just imagine how it is in land of 54%.

try staying in your local area. it's not that hard, why do you want to travel so far anyway?

We all did.

>UK flag
The irony is lost on you.

>status symbol
It's freedom on wheels. Want to go somewhere? Hop in your car and away you go. No need to rely on the government to decide which routes you can travel.

>Europoors can't comprehend the magnitude of the United States

Why do you autistic fuck always think people don't understand basic, child tier geography? Everyone knows the US is a large continent. Never, ever mention this again.

Our older neighborhoods were designed much better. They put a divide between the road and sidewalks.
Now land develops just try to make tract homes and cram as many of them in any given area as they can get away with.

Honestly this.

Biking is god-tier.

>land develops

Because you have to.

>biking in -20F on snow and ice covered roads

you're in a small box made by jews. you depend on jewish owned oil companies. you get stuck in traffic, you are limited to roads built by the government.

weak arguments desu

We have similar new, cheap high density suburbs in Australia, but they still have footpaths and you can still walk to local shops and train stations.

>Not being a NEET

>having to take out a loan for your car
pic related

Unless you're one of the few people who knows how to into positive equity with 30 month loans and cyclically trades their car up for a more expensive one while keeping your down payment and monthly payments the same.
God it feels great having parents that let you live with them when you make $140k a year.

so you have been cucked into driving a car. thanks for proving my point.

>It's freedom on wheels.
It's more than just freedom. It's time, and time is the one resource that, once spent, you can never get back. Want to go to the grocery store a few miles away? Leave home, walk fifteen minutes, wait another five minutes for the bus (which is late), 45 minute bus ride, buy only what you can carry, repeat in reverse. A quick 20-30 minute jaunt in a car takes several hours on a bus.

Public transportation? Like the kind Hitler gave to the Jews?

To fucking do something, moron. If I live in Nebraska, and want to do literally anything besides get drunk and look at corn, my only choice for any culture whatsoever is to go to Chicago 500 miles away. That's over twice the size of your irrelevant, cucked, country.
I can either take an Amtrak, which is slower than a car, out of my control, and full of niggers or Amish people; or I can take a car, which I have complete control over, is cheaper, and allows for significant more freedom.

The answer hasn't changed since the last time one of you posted it. Public transport is for niggers. That's the reason.

Send niggers to death camps

-53% of homicide
-8000% of other crimes

Americans hate anything with the word "public" in it.

Very true

>Why do you autistic fuck always think people don't understand basic, child tier geography? Everyone knows the US is a large continent.
The US isn't a continent. Go back to your child tier geography class.

>implying the standard road bike with super skinny tires and rigid frame is rideable anywhere but paved roads

I wonder....


No, but it's essentially as large as one.

>living in the middle nowhere
>complaining about the distance to everything

is this the power of being corn fed?

At what point did you think we were having an argument?
I like driving, that's why I want less people on the road. I'm okay with public transport because it takes the plebs off the road.

>God it feels great having parents that let you live with them when you make $140k a year.

This is assisted suicide levels of pathetic.

>small box made by jews

>depend on jewish owned oil companies

>you are limited to roads built by the government

Even if all those things were absolutely true, it gives you more freedom than public transit. Someone with a yuropoor slave mentality wouldn't understand.

1 post by OP
>Sage shill threads boys were about to get 148888888 soon.....Who will be the lucky GoY?
Hillary dies, and obama flees America

because niggers

Why haven't you taken the walk pill?

I lived half a mile from work, in Hawaii, all my coworkers thought I was a fucking freak for walking/biking to work.

If you don't drive a car literally everywhere, for everything you do, american culture will see you as a weirdo.
Unless you live in Commiefornia.

you can go by foot too, which isn't too much of a hassle since the lives of bike bulls don't depend on the cuck-mobile.

I might add that you can in the US you can take your car/truck/etc off-road pretty much anywhere. In places like Sweden that is literally illegal.

>Want to go to the grocery store a few miles away?

We do tend to forget your town planning is designed to trap you in suburbia with no shopping centres.

>Leave home, walk fifteen minutes

Sounds like you'd be exhausted after that

Again. You live in a tiny country with a much higher population density than we do.
The driving experience in Europe is constantly dodging pedestrians. The driving experience in the US is 80 mph highways.

I agree on some points, cagers are indeed cucks. But to a motorcyclist you look like an even bigger cuck. Especially Dual-sport/supermoto master race riders that can literally take one bike everywhere.

>you get stuck in traffic
So buses don't get stuck in traffic?

I don't mind the people too much, but it's SLOW AS FUCK. Self driving cars are the future.

Literally a conspiracy to make us all want to use cars. Not even joking.

Im a freak.
Im almost 30 and ive never drove, I dont even know how to drive.
I live in a medium size town outside a major city.
I dont mind taking the bus, they are always clean, and I usually have a nice chat with the driver.
Grew up dirt poor in a big city, and could never even conceive of affording a car.
Fast forward, now I own my own home. I actually own a car, my girlfriend just drives it, and Im a parent. I live a pretty normal decent life, I just never learned how to drive.
I guess what im saying is, theres always exceptions to the norm.

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North America is a continent, is it not? The point still stands. Pull your head out of your ass, you pedantic retard.

>in suburbia
Most of America is rural, which is vastly superior to suburbia and ultimately urbia.
Cars are cheap in America. If you can't buy a functional, reliable car in America, you're probably a Mexican working under the table for 20$ per day.

It's not like there aren't advantages to living in rural areas.
>Better work
>Lower property taxes
>Lower prices
>No niggers
>No mudslimes
At least we can get away from it, Dutchbro; your only defense from hourly ISIS beheadings is fucking Geert Wilders.

>Public transportation

A fine option if you live in a city. I mean a major city too. A lot of people do. Something like half of the US population live in just nine states with major cities that have such services.

The rest do not and public transportation isn't even offered in places outside of bigger cities.

Then you have travel to work, a fair portion of the population has to travel almost an hour to their job every day.

The people who comment on 'why doesn't the USA just use bikes or public transport' really don't have any idea what it is like living in a massive ass country without living in a city.

Hell, I think I remember reading somewhere that almost 90% of the US population is living on less than 7% of the land space in the country. It is a fucking massive, massive country and I really don't think anyone from most European countries can appreciate that until they have lived here and driven coast to coast.

Cities on the coasts, the fucking nothing in between basically. Major interstates getting off onto dirty roads. The plains are flat so you can see for 8 miles in all direction until the natural curvature of the earth kicks in and you stop being able to see. You know what you see in those 8 miles? Fucking nothing. Just grassland. Maybe a tree or two.

It goes on like that for fucking hours while you are driving over 75 MPH down roads knowing that if you broke down or something you are absolutely fucked.

As opposed to the Euro system, where you have to stop at the local butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker every day because you have no car to carry lots of groceries, and pay inflated prices because of poor economies of scale compared to major grocery stores. And all that on top of having to live in Europe. No thanks.

>Almost exclusively a white activity

You know how I know you haven't been to the USA?

Cause when we do something nice bunch of niggers, faggots, Sup Forumslocks, SJW and others trash it up and end up costing us more money than intended in the long run. So we said fuck it and just abandon it all together

Why? They have a house with enough space to accommodate me and I stay out of their way and pay for all the shit I want, including food.

Oh yeah, I hate bus drivers. They're assholes and try to run everyone off the road while they take 2-3 people in their huge bus.

i asked you why you want to travel so far anyway to which you responded that you have to. you have been cucked into using a car.

>public transport
i don't use that. i like to stay in my local area. the logic behind bringing up public transport is interesting, it really shows how the mind of an american works
>well you have to travel far right? obviously. how are you gonna do it? by car? by public transport? bike takes too long!
consider doing everything close to home

driving can be fun user
you should try it

>Going this far to be self-reliant and supportive of local business rather than banks and corporate-jews

I'm calling foul, that man is obviously hiding two more baseballs in his pants.

>hur dur why does a vast rural country hate buses and subways

I lived in a city before and niggers infested them and it was so uncomfortable. Now I live out in the country and it's a 30 min drive everywhere. Public services can eat my asshole.

It stinks.