The Libtard's Mind

I have just figured out what the main difference is between the left and the right.
> Right: Worried and scared of loosing what he holds dear; freedom, wealth, safety, a future for his kids.
> Left/Center/Normie: Brainwashed into thinking everything will be fine. Trusts everyone. Head in the sand mode.
>tl;dr normies ignore all the threats to their and their children's future
It's time to put the majority of whites into the fear mode. It is necessary for out survival and therefore natural.

Yeah I hate all those black Chinese and black hispanics

You're stupid but you do actually touch on some of the truth.
The left will manipulate its voters by making globalism appear ideal. It's not hard to minimize the negative effects of immigration when most people on the left don't have to deal with the repercussions.
>It's time to put the majority of whites into the fear mode.
That is how they have gotten you to vote republican for years. More fear would lead to further distancing from the facts; already most of you think that most illegal immigrants commit crimes or are awful people.

Plenty of us know illegal immigration a problems stem from being used as a tool for cheap labor to saturate the market and lower wages, and a political tool by creating ethnic, cultural division. It is something that benefits the obscenely wealthy and the poor immigrants and hurts literally everyone else.

And if they are willin to commit serious crimes such as misrepresenting themselves and sneaking into another country, what reason is there to believe they don't have similar attitudes to other aspects of the law. We all know damn well how many of the drugs are coming from south of the border, who the fuck do you think is bringing this shit in? It's not guidos.

Fear mongering backfires and never works.

It's not fearmongering, it's making the sheep aware of the approaching wolf. Fear is a natural instinct.

>You're stupid
Kys clown

Libs hold onto socialist agenda, and fear losing their agenda in much the same way.

So, what exactly is your point, here, to somehow garner a superior footing?


Fear-based post looks frightened.


The Western world as whole has a problem with "perpetual optimism." (((Peter Thiel))) talks about this alot.

Cos all these minorities really love each other and really want to do business together

White people are the glue that hold the world together

Conservatives want to conserve.

It's not hard.

I've come to realize that white people are genetically naive. It's in our blood. It's even written in the Koran describing the Viking traders.

Lib's issues aren't issues. Socialism and big gvmt are damaging, third world immigration kills our kid's future.

Your granddads generation was redpilled and not cucked like ours. Migration from Africa was impossible. Communist Russia was the enemy. Government was small.
This can't be genetical.

Inb4 kikes and globalist got control of our media and politicians

Really, you're just not smart enough to have this discussion.
Please stop shitting up Sup Forums.

You are fucking stupid and he is exactly on point. Immigrant children are not nice to our children and once they are the majority will casually genocide us out of our homes. We are cordially inviting mass rapists and murderers to come live in our homes with us.

>kvetches internally

You can already see the damage being done in cities where shitskins have a strong foothold. Our national politics have shifted to the left as well. Leftists know they can always count on shitskin votes, so they're free to abandon appeals to white working class voters. This is why Trump, who is essentially Bill Clinton 2.0, is considered a Nazi now. Hart-Cellar fucked us in 1965 and the first Bush sped the process up with NAFTA and the doubling of legal immigration.

>he is exactly on point
In that fear is effective in controlling you and people like you, sure. But I prefer to use logic and information to form my decisions; not to give into emotion.
have fun talking about your fee fees though.

> starts with an insult
> continues with incoherent babbling
> insults again
Again: kys clown

The information isn't on your side though. In fact, anyone who points out facts about the situation is called a racist. The shifting demographics of this country is a serious problem. We see the results of this even the recent Virginia election. In 2008, 78% of the Virginia electorate was white. In 2016 it is only 64%. Had we still had 78% of the electorate, Gillespie would have won. Now we're stuck with a leftist and his gang of tranny comrades.

Being in fear of a real threat is a good emotion to have. If you were standing on a rail track as a train was speeding your way, is it better to be fearful and take the appropriate action by stepping off to the side, or is it better to ignore the problem and pretend like the train isn't there?

You know who has a problem with their fees fees? It's leftists. They can't stand being called racists. It's so bad for them. It would literally make them cry. They can't understand that racism is a good thing. Races are not the same. Blacks and whites ARE different. Racism is the healthy recognition of these facts. Leftists can't deal with reality. They would rather pretend that reality isn't reality. Go back to the train metaphor. They would rather pretend the train isn't there rather than deal with it.

If different races can't live together than we ought to deal with it. It takes a little bit of emotional bravery getting over the "racist" name-calling.

So our mission is to convince the normies that there is something worth CONSERVing about our way of life.
Usually when I talk to normies, they're not aware of the HUGE problems that are approaching us. Unfunded liabilities, open borders and mass 3rd world migration ever-increasing government spending and regulations etc etc.
Noone in their right mind can look at the facts and say that this is no biggie

It has to be propaganda driving this madness. Even my most hard-core liberal friends express their hesitation to live among these people. They know what kind of people these shitskins are, yet the problem isn't in their neighborhood so they turn a blind eye to it. A family friend got onto me about going to a Trump rally because he's "racist", yet a few months later he told me that he couldn't kick his daughter out of his home because he was terrified she would end up with a black man.

I was actually expecting more from Switzerland.
Its simpler really:
>Right: less corporate tax, more regular tax
>Left: more corporate tax, less regular tax

These are the moderate ones. As far as extremists go, both far left and far right, nothing is sacred to them and whatever enemy they come up with or values they hold dear are all means to an end which is the raw acquisition of personal power.

>people talking a lot about the redpill but cant really see it when its in front of them

Explain to me how this possibly makes sense with environmentalism.

Less "green" regulations mean less expenditure for industry.
Whats so hard to understand? Its cheaper to dump your shit in the river than it is to properly process waste.

It doesn't make sense with the labor movement either. Flooding the country with cheap, unskilled immigrants is terrible for the American worker. They pretend to bemoan low wages while they're flooding the country with our cheaper replacements.

If republicans are scared then why do they dismiss clinate change as in EVERYTHING IS FINE GUYS DONT WORRY while liberals are doing the oppsoute despite their supposed everything is fine mindset

Where is Argentina?

I know a lot of liberal retards like this. Deep down they know the problems are real, and when they are forced to confront it, their true colors show, but in every other situation, they pretend like they are above it all and call others racists (and obviously when the problems don't effect them at all).

I stopped talking to a few "friends" over this. Cannot stand this two-faced bullshit anymore. I hope white people get over the whole "racist" thing. This word is so paralyzing and crippling to them, JUST GET OVER IT LIBSHITS.

They are not scared and they dont give a shit about climate change. They are lobbied in the opposite direction by industrialists in order for them to cut costs.
The left draws votes from people who might suffer from it. Pretty much anyone in the vicinity of the factory and, in some cases, the workers themselves.

Its all about either money or sheer votes (although I bet the left gets lobbied nicely as well).

>Liberals doing something about climate change
>Just giving tax payer money to Jews solves anything.
>Carbon tax
>Oxygen tax
>baby tax
>Oh vey goyim, you are hurting the environment with your existence. You have to pay us some more shekels so we can fix it.