I really want to live in america, europe feels so dull and lifeless, tell me about america lads...
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america is actually pretty fun. It's actually not as hard to avoid blacks as it looks from the outside. I grew up hardly ever dealing with blacks
keep in mind we have states the size or bigger than your country that are very very white
America is comfy and owning a gun is comfy
Come join the party, bud.
>best fishing
>most conservative western country on earth
>most white people of any country on earth
>one of the largest countries
>thousands and thousands of untamed wilderness
>actually respects religion
>rifles are easy to buy everywhere but handguns are harder depending on state
>delicious food everywhere and different regional food in each state
>good economy
>good housing prices if you state out of the stupid liberal meme states (and why wouldn't you?)
>better pizza than Italy
>can make fun of minorities all you want without getting arrested
>beautiful architecture on the east coast
>Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on earth by far
>texas bbq
best country on earth there's nothing close
Also, if you wanna live here, you gotta be social.
Americans are loud, and they like to talk.
It sucks
Depends where you are I the Union.
>Midwest (except Chicago) is pretty good
>rich Chicago, pretty good for a short 5 minute visit.
> South outside the black belt is beautiful beyond belief
> Tfw the rest of the Union is full of libtards.
It's great as long as you live in one of the light-colored counties on this map.
What about "le 56%" and all that? Fuck off Eurotrash scum.
mmm northeast texas
Your country sucks!>>meme flag
>America is comfy and owning a gun is comfy
it does seem comfy, but also dynamic. many parts of europe are also extremly comfy (Swiss Alps for instance) but they seem to be living in the past.
Euros in general are more pessimistic that Americans.
>Come join the party, bud.
immigrating to USA legally is extremly complex, I tought about ti
>Also, if you wanna live here, you gotta be social.
You are more extroverted that euros. Im talkative, but not ultrasocial. Depends on the fit. Not an autist doe.
Also, tell me about Colorado? Are there plenty of yuppie liberals there?
You come to South Florida and be surrounded by Puerto Ricans and niggers. Fucking sucks.. Thinking about dragging the family to Poland
America is not like what you see in the movies. I met up with a group of friends from serbia and they had just traveled around both coasts of the US and told me that its way less "white" than they thought from movies and TV. They want to move to Boston though, they liked it the best of all the cities they saw on both coasts, I WONDER WHY
ffs I type all that shit and not a single (you)
should have posted some hot girls tits as well
I was thinking of moving near Boston
America is a fucking shithole. Seriously. Even post-communist areas like Croatia are much, much nicer to live in than America. Feel free to visit if you want to appreciate your place of birth more than ever before.
How much would this house cost in yurope?
>4 beds 4 baths 4,074 sqft
kys traitor
go move to Europe and become a Muslim
This. Keep in mind the US is huge, so you can't characterize all of it well.
It's a special place and full of mostly good people. A lot of Americans have been waking up recently.
We are either going to re-enter a golden age or implode.
The neoliberal are slowly pushing males to a breaking point, especially millenial white males (those that aren't soy boys)
Yet you'll continue to live here.
>>most conservative western country on earth
>>most white people of any country on earth
>>thousands and thousands of untamed wilderness
>>actually respects religion
>>rifles are easy to buy everywhere but handguns are harder depending on state
10/10 and belive it
>>delicious food everywhere and different regional food in each state
no offense but I doubt this.
>>good housing prices if you state out of the stupid liberal meme states (and why wouldn't you?)
Here a basic apartment in capital costs around 150k usd while the average pay is 1000usd/month. horrible.
oh man, that state is horrible, looks very non-america from here.
I dont know how it was before Cuban mafia and coke moved but even before wasnt it full of old people?
>ffs I type all that shit and not a single (you)
>How much would this house cost in yurope?
similar, it depends on the location but our income is way lower
Well actually they only spent a little bit of time in boston itself but they went all around Mass and liked it, probably because its one of the whiter US states that actually has a decent economy and infustructure
They also liked san fransisco, and I agree, SF is nice if you stay within city lines, but everything directly outside of SF is niggers, gooks and spics.
each state is different, its alot like how the EU works except not really. Each region has a distinct culture, for example those Le'monjello Al-Detroiti faggots are nothing like Bradly and Rebecca Vermont.
You can move here but only if you promise to fuck my sister
Only way to survive, at this point, is to get a job with the government.
>oh man, that state is horrible, looks very non-america from here.
>I dont know how it was before Cuban mafia and coke moved but even before wasnt it full of old people?
Yeah the old people wouldn't break into your house for crack money and they had some insane shuffle board tournaments.
thank you for proving my point.
>just move to another country bro
it doesn't work like that you fucking dumbass.
In Croatia? Much less of course, it's a 2nd world country.
Naples, fl, is white af. Again, us is huge. You just need to know where to look.
The women have no souls. People are pretty welcoming. You can never really be "poor" unless you're a complete nutcase or on hard drugs. Stay away from niggers, white trash and mexicans and you'll be ok.
kek, of course it doesn't. Life is too good for you here to leave. Won't stop you from bitching though.
Heres a day in american soil:
>wake up
>get shot
Nonwhites being patriotic makes me cringe.
You're uninvited
If you can ignore the politics and shit, youll like it
That's the kind of house you buy to retire in. I can't imagine living somewhere like that, I'd die of boredom.
City houses might be smaller and more expensive, but everything you need is within a 5-minute drive and you don't feel like you've left civilisation.
Am*rica is a shithole don't come here
The mongrel meme isn't a lie, we are all subhuman shit demons
Pic related is the average classroom (not lying)
not happening.
nonwhites? how fucking stupid are ya?
again, you can't just leave. living in other countries requires knowledge of the language, culture, and going through all the necessary paperwork, and either a vast amount of money or a way to gain employment in the target country. it's a decades-long process. I'm assuming you've never left America once, like most Americans, so you don't have any idea.
He's white, just a little swarthy like Italians.
>most white people of any country on earth
If you care at all about "whiteness" this is the wrong country for you. Don't believe the TV/Movies, most of this country is not even close to white. Not to mention our universities, media and governments are pushing anti-white agenda at full speed.
Come to America if you want to earn a high income, save your money up and go back home.
Or the only other option, come to america if you want to live in the middle of nowhere next to some mountains.
Outside of the liberal cuck cities that want to be like europe, you will see why we are so patriotic. Everything is so much bigger and better that rven the memes about us don't show it properly.
Let me tell you, Croatiabro.
>Be my great grandfather.
>Be 17 years old.
>Be drafted into shitty Austrian Navy to fight WWI.
>3 years fighting Italians, war ends.
>Jump onto American ship, nobody notices bez engleskog
>Mfw when illegal immigrant
>Mfw immediately marry Polish immigrant hunny right away
>Mfw 100 years later my great grandson is sitting in comfort, telling his long lost kin to come on over.
It's pretty cool, every states got it's own flavor. The food will kill you, but it's amazing. You have to drive everywhere, public transport is for hyperpoorfags ,homeless people, and poor homeless niggers.
Most people are pretty nice to you and love foreigners not from our hemisphere and white. Especially if you don't act like a fag.
Also the car scene here is pretty fun if you live in a state with no emissions checks.
Spend some extended time in most of our cities and you'll wish you've left civilization. They're where virtually all of our shitskins and leftists congregate.
Yank who just returned from about half a year in central Europe. Don't come here. It is insanely boring and people are stupid. Perhaps an upgrade on former yugo, but definitely a downgrade on even the dying 'cucked' central euro countries.
He's a spic/t*rkroach
Fuck outta here with that shit.
If yer brown get outta town
so if you like the sea, there pretty much only is Maine, which isn't even a stand your ground state
whoop dee doo...
>20th century immigrants
At least you managed to learn English though, I guess that's something.
hmmm. I should move to Massachusetts
> Chink here (STEM student)
> Nice people (white)
> Strong economy
> Advanced Tech (The reason why I am here)
> Best gradate education system in the world
> Low population density; Small towns
> Great gap between the rich and the poor
If you really want to live here.
> Get good education in an American top university or find a job with L1 sponsor in your own country
> Find a high paid job with H1B sponsor (very difficult because American first)
> Apply for your eb2/eb3 green card
> eb1 is best
> get your green card
> (5 years later) America citizenship !
> Pay heavy tax and get shot
Generally speaking you have to be a high educated/ high paid tax payer.
This is the whole **legal** immigration process
56% meme is real I see
>Even post-communist areas like Croatia are much, much nicer to live in than America.
that is correct, but America is a romantic place, its still new, Europe is a beautiful MUSEUM.
>In Croatia? Much less of course, it's a 2nd world country.
nope, probably even more but location is all.
>Nonwhites being patriotic makes me cringe.
sorry white person.
>City houses might be smaller and more expensive, but everything you need is within a 5-minute drive and you don't feel like you've left civilisation.
*5 min walk if its a city apartment
that is an issue, american urbanism is horrid.
>Don't believe the TV/Movies, most of this country is not even close to white. Not to mention our universities, media and governments are pushing anti-white agenda at full speed.
I know, but you are pushing strongly against it. Pushback came from USA, not Europe.
your gramp was pimp af, my great great grampa actualy worked on Golden gate, he came back, his brother married a Mexican girl there and stayed there.
>Living in an american city
Unless you're making 200k or more American cities are shit, non-white majority, crime, ugly fat people everywhere, every bar is full of niggers and spics to the brink, every resteraunt is full of shitskins with crying babies, etc. If you have a job in the city where youre making 200k or more that gives you some money to travel, thats where life gets fun.
If youre not making 200k, a house in the middle of nowhere is the best case american life. Multiculturalism wrecked this nation
I live in London, I know exactly what it's like. I'm still not ready to run away with my tail between my legs yet, though. White people built those cities, they are ours. We shouldn't abandon them.
Dont listen to him, central FL and north east make it the legit best state in the world
>Europe is one person
You stupid fuck.
It's insanely expensive, if you cannot find a 200k+ a year job dont bother living in any US city at this point.
Get on in here new friend, I hope one day I can call you a fellow citizen!
America's full of angry violent people munching on burgers, shooting guns, and is on the verge of an all out civil war that would likely engulf all of Earth. God, I love this country.
Yep. Unfortunately, our coasts are mostly filled with the worst sorts of people. Looking at this map, Florida is a huge swing state that happened to go red this time around, and North Carolina won't be long before it flips to blue from all of the Liberal locusts who have been moving there after ruining their home cities with their retarded policies. Maine is still a fantastic place to live, though.
Learn to freedom faggot
I've worked in the US for a few years.
you don't
Where'd you work?
>America's full of angry violent people munching on burgers, shooting guns, and is on the verge of an all out civil war that would likely engulf all of Earth. God, I love this country.
I would fit right in. I need what you are selling.
If your life feels dull and well, lifeless, you don't need a change of location as much as you need a change of mindset. American lives can be as dull and pointless as any other.
>*5 min walk
Nope, drive. American cities are nothing like croatian ones, ive been to croatia (my dad is from there)
You have to drive for everything here, and american cities are complete shit. Full of crnce i meksikance , you wont like them I promise. like gypsies.
You dont want to "walk" in america. And I love walking too, but still.
>I know, but you are pushing strongly against it. Pushback came from USA, not Europe.
We are pushing against it because we started it and push it the hardest still
I'd say Alaska is like what you'd picture the first planet humans colonize to look like (not in a bad way at all). Utah stands out as the most absolute beautiful place I've ever been.
It does work like that if you have any value to add to society. Kys poorfag
Florida. Niggers and spics galore, but the whites are nice and relatable, since I'm a gun toting ruralfag as well.
Bacon wrapped gator tail is the shit, though
gas the kikes race war now
Yeah Florida is pretty awful. Okay place to visit, but I would never want to actually live there.
Do you like owning guns and land and not paying absurd taxes to EU to shit migrants all over you?
Keep in mind Florida spics are the best spics by far.
The RAISE Act will make it far more easier for Europeans to move here. Personally I recommend moving to the whitest states such as Montana and Idaho, The Midwest, Pennsylvania and Upper New England. Those areas are the whitest and most safest in all of America. Most of our European immigrants tend to go to those states as well. If the bill in the link gets passed, it will be extremely likely for you to immigrate here.
Here's the link to the bill, if you're interested.
North Florida/ panhandle is comfy deep south tier
you're probably spic, lol.
No wonder your life is so shit, you have absolutely zero initiative and would rather spend all your time whining like a big old soggy vagina instead of starting the process of fixing your problems.
Everyone but the Ricans, their human garbage
they're nice people but lazy as dirt.
and this is coming from a guy who comes from a country from whence the stereotypical lazy fisherman originates.
Meme flag lul
yeah, well
if I'm to come pursue freedom and sheeeit (which I'm indeed considering, at least down the road), I don't only wanna own a gun (already the case, here), but would also like to be able to use it to defend my own life
basically, I'd like
- stand your ground laws
- possibility to buy 350-500 acres to set up private hunting ground
- access to sea fishing
- not warm as fuck
- eventually medicinal weed (constant neuropathic pain, so couldn't hurt)
any recommendation for a place?
>*5 min walk
But in Croatia its literally 5 min walk/tram ride in the capital for everything you need.
>We are pushing against it because we started it and push it the hardest still
true, but initial spark for cuckoldry started from Weimar Germany and revolutionary France, cuck fire started in USA doe.
USA has far more perspective than Europe.
Well, you lived in Florida, so that's what you get. Try Ohio: even our drug addicts are nice.
not an argument.
not an argument.
not an argument.
America is 52% white and all American cities are filled with shitskins. the few white Americans are circumcised and extremely violent and always angry for no reason. The American government fields an extensive police state and Americans have far fewer civil liberties than people from any western European country. American police are liable to send you to jail for decades or kill you over minor things.
Most of the big cities are liberal cesspools but most other places are great
Don't go to Colorado. Califuckers are moving there en masse because they hate the socialist laws and DUDE WEED BRO. Problem is the morons still vote for socialist laws that they ran from.
I'm so proud to be from Maine. Greatest state in the nation
Keep in mind that these were the "hard-working people who just want to do the jobs nobody else wants to do" that we have shoved down our throats during the Obama administration.
yeah, figured out as much
čale mi je srb iz hrvatske, znam ja hrvate.
Florida spics shitty, but they are the least anti-white. Try going to the south west, you will have spics looking at you like you're the nigger or something.
stay out of the coastal cities and any major city and learn how to drive if you dont know how. this country is fucking huge. on the plus side to that chances are high you can find a niche for your self somewhere. every state is different with their own little charms and customs.
Subhumans, that is all.
It depends entirely on where you are.
It blows my mind when Euros talk about vising America like this, the American equivalent would be going to London and then saying "all European cities suck".