How can you white supremacists even sleep after this CARNAGE???
Seriously though this is pathetic
How can you white supremacists even sleep after this CARNAGE???
Seriously though this is pathetic
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All you pol virgins would never call this man a non-Englishman to his face
Although I might ask him if he feels he should pay reparations for what his fellow Englishmen did to Africans.
Nig got owned.
Ran out of race cards to play and ran away.
The nigger got savaged by Spencer, I don't even like Spencer but he actually pulled through on this one.
"Africans have benefited from White supremacy", honestly, good shit.
Yes I would, I'll say whatever I want
Why would he pay reperations if his race didn't commit the crime of enslaving blacks? Whites must pay reperations for the crimes you've committed against all other races, or face some type of punishment for what you've done.
that gibbon is not british and never will be
The dindu is very stupid though, declaring his ancestors built Britain and blacks built the USA! Then he gets triggered by being told he isn't English and runs off. Actually runs away!
Spencer really is not our best voice and says some pointless thigns - which is why the (((media))) give him some platform - but the dindu here really is stupid.
>good haircut, well dressed, looks /fit/, smart, tall
>small, looks like dirt, pubic hair on head, can't argue, fat, similar to an ape
Ladies and gentleman: one human race!
Why has Spencer started pronouncing huwhite like Jared Taylor?
>Yes I would, I'll say whatever I want
Then pic related would happen
He's... kinda handsome..
Foreigners never consider themselves English here, they only choose British.
Too much family guy?
>Blacks sell Blacks, organized by arab traders and it's only the Clients fault? Interesting.
The Anglos would've put a fucking axe through his thick nigger skull if they ever saw him in their lands kek
Fucking niggers will get purged from Europe and I would gladly fucking join in and rid these parasites from my motherland.
The audacity of these subhumans is fucking outstanding holy fuck .
Enjoy my knife in your belly if you ever dare to accuse my children of a debt for something they didn't do.
I've seen so many shopped pics of Spencer now with the giant forehead that ewheneve rI see a normal pic of him i think the same (no homo)
Yes pic related would happen indeed
>proving niggers are unironically unneeded nor wanted.
There is absolutely no need for them.
The spencer faggot brigade has arrived.
>Whites must pay reperations for the crimes you've committed against all other races, or face some type of punishment for what you've done.
People aren't responsible for crimes they didn't personally commit
lmao they even larp as victims
>africans built america
>lmao but the financiers who shipped them over were inconsequential
It's like giving praise to cattle for working its job
Yes I agree the black Englishman is handsome.
>what is supply and demand
Keep LARPing you bitch.
Even with all the cutting and post-production they still cannot hide the fact that smug negro got his ass handed to him
>that's absolutely ridicilous!! I can't comprehend what your sayin nahmean yknow bix nood mofugga muh dik
Hahaha, shieeeeeeet.
(((Spencer))) lmao
Keep doing nothing, shitskin. Leafs are pathetic.
You're right, I'd just say "SMOKE TREES, FOUR MINUS THREE IS ONE QUICK MATHS" and run away giggling like a preteen schoolgirl.
Larp cucksquad out in full force
He beat the dogshit out of that monkey
I don't even think the nigger believes he is actually British deep down. Don't most niggers from the UK refer to themselves as "afro British" anyway? He's not fooling anyone.
they are such fuckiing pussies
He has British citizenship you FUCKING IDIOT he is British by every measurable standard.
Antique farm equipment
Simple. That's unironically an CIA agent (Spencer) being ((interviewed)) by an MI5 agent (Younge).
Look it up.
As a non racist white dude I agree with some points that he makes, but I must say I'm split on the idea of letting racist white folk making a state that would ultimately start wars in the future due to false flagging and the fallacy of forced encroachment on their "clay". Or one dictator might decide he just hates everyone and thinks they can win a war against the world like Hitler, causing millions of innocents to parish. Either which way, if this was under different circumstances I would allow such a thing, but I don't see why anybody would while the species is the way it is currently. Maybe in five hundred years under new found ideologies or indignation.
English*, not British.
I'm a British Pakistani.
>has british citizenship, was born in Britain, and speaks with a british accent
>non British
Pick one you dipshit
He's not "British" British, if you catch my drift.
spence is very feminine
There are different definitions of British.
A white British person has no social/political/law leverage over a non-white one.
Gave me a good chuckle.
Summed up the entire interview pretty well.
Is this post going to occur every day now?
>He has British citizenship you FUCKING IDIOT he is British by every measurable standard.
No you stupid fucking cunt leaf bastard. He is at best COMMONWEALTH, that's IF he came from a commonwealth country. Being British is being English, Irish, Scotish, or Welsh, those are tribes, blood. You can't just wash up, be born here, and say 'IMA ENGLISH MUH FREND'
If he is British, then being a British citizen is no different then having a Costco membership
>I think homogeneous states are also necessarily murderous and insane
The education system was pretty good at collapsing all forms of nationalism into Hitler. There's no logical connection between a homogeneous nation and unrestrained aggression, but the association was made often enough that now it's just reflexive.
You can call yourself whatever you like you're our enemy none the less.
muhammad loves the big pig cock m8
I'm so glad Blacked is interracial. Because honestly, if they were all white people, the quality of the videos and the women would be too much to resist breaking no porn for
>you're our enemy none the less
So I'm guessing every non-white is your enemy?
How exactly do you plan to remove us when there's nearly 5 times as us as there are white people?
You'll only continue to get brown, lmao.
British are white Europeans. He's not British sorry.
>Richard Spencer
Not White himself. He still would be a cuck, was he White, for his wife is Georgian
>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%
shilling for mongrelisation. Nothing to see
Kill yourself you disgusting degenerate.
I’m not even a fan of Spencer, but he fucking raped him.
If they wanted to make Spencer look bad, why in the fuck would they send that retarded intellectual strawweight who can’t argue for shit? I’ve seen better debate on facebook
>over thirteen hundred likes
He is British.
He's a British African male, one who has a British passport, British citizenship and a British accent.
Stop replying to indians and chinks shitposting
Maybe we lose, it's immaterial. I just want the distinctions to be clear, and the underlying hostility of it all to come to the surface.
>it's only Donkey Kong going "Really?" to everything Richard says until eventually storming off
Except Richard Spencer did exactly that
Are we completely sure Richard isn't controlled opposition and wasn't just a dumbass at first?
>tfw inbred genetically inferior subhuman
>An arab leaf is gay for a Londonigger
Like pottery.
Not British. He's a Non European invader and so are you.
> a mouse born in a horse stable is a horse
> leaf
day of the almighty leaf blower when ?
Not english though, which is what spencer said
>You'll never be an englishman
He didn't say
>You'll never be british
English is an ethnicity. The nigger isn't english or an englishman.
is this one less degenerate?
Please do.
Tell everybody you know.
I'm itching for this so called "war" right now.
What your implying is that the majority of the citizens of this state wouldn't agree with Hitler, when that itself is a fallacy. Like I said maybe in the future when things cool down and people become better at critical thinking and more colour blind. Because then people can segregate without the lust of hatred. I like white women, doesn't mean I want to repopulate the world full of white people to concur everybody else. But then you get into the paradox of eventual colour blindness, which would mean why would people want to segregate, but like I said maybe in a couple hundred years under new ideologies and indignation's.
settle down slovakia
kek, dumb nigger got wrecked
I enjoy watching your "people" struggle in the winter.
>He's a Non European invader
He was born in Britain.
>and so are you
I was born in Britain.
He destroyed that black skin person
I don't, thanks to The North Face of course.
things won't cool down white people are in a struggle for our very existence against hoardes of subhuman invaders you naive idiot
I love how they had to cut Spencer off in the middle of his arguments and removed his arguments to make him look like a stuttering retard.
You're not British you are Pakistani you admit yourself
Leaf women were made for BBC
I'm a British Pakistani.
Nope. Not British he's an African invader sorry.
So Sup Forums I have a question; since we have freedom of speech in America, could we say nigger in front of a bunch of black people and then shoot them with our leagally registered firearms when they try to assault us?
>Seriously though this is pathetic
You mean the same ((( British ))) dude that stormed off half way though an interview?
No you're just Pakistani
Spencer is controlled opposition and you would have to be a brainlet to think he's smart.
Lol don't you realize you are pushing us to civil race war?
You subhumans will get slaughtered in the near future.
Shut up chink and you're not Canadian either
Being "legally british" is not what they are talking about Pudoo.