Russia just totally kicks ass
How come they have not taken over the world yet?
Russia just totally kicks ass
How come they have not taken over the world yet?
because everything else is пиздeц
It's civic nationalism. Putin throws Russian ethno-nationalists in prison.
The only countries that go full ultranationalist are countries that been BTFO in some way.
e.g. post-WW1 Germany, post-Cold War Russia, Integralist Brazil and Turkey
Nationalism is good. Autistic nationalism is bad. Case in point, Russia's chimpout since Georgia in 08 has turned them into a shitty pariah state that would become prosperous years ago if they hadn't gone full Russian Empire 2.0.
You may have heard, we don't like nazies, ethnic nationalists are just nazies masquerading as moderates.
The only other group that has remotely the same amount of boot up their ass in russia is liberals.
And that's mostly because finding a honest liberal in russia would require revival of the NKVD.
This version makes me not only smile, but gives me goosebumbs
It had the wrong effect on me from what it was intended as such
I would murder babies if russia gave me the order
they actually deserve this, most of local "ethnic nationalists" are polish jewish like Maкcим Mapцинкeвич, or chinks like Maтвeй Цзeн, normal russian people support kind of soviet civic nationalism
>The original multi-cultural state
>civic nationalism
That's liberalism you retard, Donald trump is a liberal.
Obama is a socialist just like Nicolas Maduro(Venezuela)
Liberalism (Civic "nationalism") have nothing to do with nationalism or the country flag since it's international and it serves a few people with power. This people love to shit on others just for fun/hate.
That is what they get for irresponsibly conquering anything they can.
They are paid by foreign countries
Russia is a cancer. Slavs aren't humans, and you should kill yourself OP.
Because Putin is a pan-Eurasianist Mongoloid who doesn't believe that a distinct Russian people exist, he believes that Russia is just a settlement zone for Uzbeks and Mongolians.
Why is the flag upside down?
good goy Tyron, continue to be retarded.
totally shit tiered economy faggot.
What's your race btw?
This is absolute Marxist civic-nationalist faggotry. Reminder that the pre-kike nationalist Russian Empire ethnically cleansed Islamics and Mongoloids, and settled their lands with Russians.
Because the Russians are Asiatic Slavs who have been subverted by kikes for a century now. Maybe if they realized that ethnic-individuality is just as of much importance as State run cultural-individuality then they might actually achieve something.
What's wrong with Asiatics? Older, greater empires and civilizations that whites ever had.
>How come they have not taken over the world yet?
Hello vatnikshill!
Your GDP is less than Italy, your oligarchs hide your (well, theirs now!) national wealth overseas in case they have to escape other gangsters, your military is underfunded and can barely manage an air war next fucking door, and because Russians refuse to invest honestly in helping other Russians you don't have the high tech economy your former Communist education system should have produced. You couldn't take over the world with the Soviet Union, and you had to build a wall between the Warsaw Pact and NATO so your people couldn't escape.
You murdered anyone who tried to leave.
Thanks for electing Trump, but remember the law of unintended consequences. Also thanks for supporting Assad. Someone needs to kill Yidsrael. Howabout sending Hamas biowarfare agents they can load in Qassams? If the rocket is hit, the payload disperses anyway.
I never said there's anything wrong with Asiatics.
The Japs are second to my Volk.
The problem with them being half-breeds is that they have no loyalty to either side. Which has shown throughout history since their admiration of big government has been derailed by hook nosed Zionists again and again.
How old are you?
>Thanks for electing Trump,...
Thanks for proving your an incompetent faggot.
But without their Asiatic warriors from the East, The Soviet Union would never have been able to withstand, and then beat back Germany.
The "White Russians" first got their asses kicked by a rable of jews and New York returnee (Jews) then they got wasted in the initial stages of the German invasion of Russia.
>Your GDP is less than Italy
Im not a big fan of Russia even though my home contrymen are but reading lots of salty retards bitching and moaning about Russia here is cringy.
Russia now> 90s Soviet union
Autists trashtalking Ru now= 90s autists trashtalking Ru, same shit different size of pants.
Thing is, you can only fart under Russias window you 90s stuck inbred mongrels.
Nationalism will save France