Posting them here to share. Take em.
>Or don't I don't really care.
Donald Thump and deplorable rabbit(s) image dump
Other urls found in this thread:
>If someone could find this in better quality I would appreciate it.
Sha-zham my nigga.
Deplorable rabbit bait pic
I hate having my posts timed
That's so fucking cute
I think we need different depictions of the deplorable rabbits as well.
>From the basket pic
>Cause they are fucking cute.
me on the left
rule 34 when
>Ask your local fur-fag they'd know.
Could someone post the resized version of
Building it up- babey
This is how politics should be reported on. It's perfect.
It's the best in'it?
It beats the sketches I was doing at work where I depicted the year as a Blasto comic with Trump as the space hero and Soros was Bosc.
Just for anyone wondering this is the artist.
Dude. Are you Lim?
Look at my flag. Of course not.
Well user, thx for the Thump pics anyway.
You're welcome. Here's another!~
gas the... uh.... pipes?
>Hey that's an oldie.
I lost my daughter a little over a year back, she was 10. We had a bunny as a pet and we were totally into MAGA. It was our thing at the time.
We would talk shit about Obama lol. She even did art projects in school about how stupid he was. When Trump started primaries it was like a whole new America was possible. We both were so fucking psyched about it.
She never got to see him elected. It breaks my fucking heart and I've never told anyone about most of this. That rabbit died shortly after her and I almost killed myself that night. But I wanted to see If Trump won. I shit you not.
This Thump thing fucks with me on levels no one can comprehend but, I love it. Seeing these pictures brings me a bittersweet happiness after feeling nothing but pain for so long. Thx MAGA bunnymen. This stuff means the world to me.
we're here for you user
Aw thats really sad. I'll post even more on you behalf then!
>fuggin shiba abe
Thx anons. Sorry for blogpost
It's fine. No apologies needed.
I fucking love this.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Me too that's why I collect them. You find any fan made ones could you post them here so I could add them to my collection?
>I guess you could say my collection well by the end of this...
will be yuge
Very unfortunately, I have none.
I don't fucking get this meme
>It's ok user.
We still love you.
It's combining two of the most awesome things on earth. Trump and bunnies. What's not to get?
>This re-captcha is making this 5 times harder
You're the best user. I'm saving them all. I would very much like to get a Thump stuffed animal for *cough* a friend
I want one too! I won't judge friendo!
>Also I'm not the best I'm just your average day user on the interwebs.
Omg I just realized somthing.
>The creator of this was a watershipdown fan.
>Watershipdown is what made rabbits my favorite animal as a kid cause I loved the movie. (I was a very mature child at 7)
The twitter files had a picture of watership down in it. (That's how I got all these.)
Also I somehow got a file of every twitter post the account ever had on my desktop but I don't know how. I was downloading them straight off of twitter at first. Then randomly a file was on my desktop...
I should say every picture post.
>It even has the standard emojis on it. I legit don't know how I did this.
Haven't seen Watership Down in 30 years. It came out when I was a baby but I remember it. I will definitely check out the Twitter. As a grizzled and reclusive man, the only soft spot I have in my heart is for bunnies.
>This guy makes star wars references too! What is this guy my long lost Asian sibling or something!
>all americans
not surprised
Muh cute Trump
>lets draw drump as an animal that literally eats its own shit
>Just ignore them anons
Good feels here only.
He's got the formula for a winning brand. Honestly believe Thump to be extremely marketable. Alot of those MAGA voters have kids and they will be buying this. My nieces and nephews are definitely getting it for Christmas.
gay as fuck lol