Really makes you think
Really makes you think
Even if it were true, Isn't that a bit late to predict this so far into 2017?
(((Scott Kurtz)))
Every. Fucking. Time.
>how do you do fellow white man?
So if you cannot feel bad about being white, why can you feel good about being white? Self-hating whites and self-loving whites are both moronic stances. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS.
His lastname literally means manlet
I thought it was ok to be white
Self hating white yet he's secretly a goyim
>when white people wake up
I still think it is
weird, i thought it meant "grotesquely fat slug-man"
I think we already know the shit we did. It’s just some of us aren’t feeling guilty anymore for shot we didn’t do because (((someone))) tried to make us feel guilty for what dead people did.
2018 is the year when white people realize we're still better than other races.
And to add to this. Self-loving whites and self-hating whites are how they are for the same reason. To feel more superior.
Self-loving whites make themselves feel superior by taking pride in the accomplishments of other white people.
Self-hating whites make themselves feel superior by punishing themselves for unethical superiority of other white people. You see how it works?
careful leaf, 2018 is the year the white man wakes up and decides to start being terrible.
right wing death squads back for round two
He's not self-hating. He's completely loyal to his tribe.
He's just pretending to be white to avoid charges of bigotry. Common Jew trick.
well that didn't take long
pic didn't post
I feel tempted to make an anti-racism Twitter account that simply changes every word "white" in tweets like that into "black".
"2017 is the year black people wake up to the truth of how fucking terrible black people have always been". To the comments section.
Someone less lazy than me should start running such account.
Well, crap. I kinda liked his comic, even if it has become the internet version of Garfield.
Something I told a black guy at work when he started "whitey holding us down" at me.
"I never owned a slave and you never picked any cotton." Stole it from something I saw here, but it worked.
yes it makes me wonder why white guilt is a thing.....
>"I never owned a slave and you never picked any cotton."
Instead, you're both slaves. The majority of middle class slaves wear suits. What are the components of the average "suit"? A collar - like a slave. A tie connected to the collar, like a slave. Cuffs around your wrists, like a slave. Cuff links attached to the cuffs, like a slave.
You know, I've always seen myself as liberal, loving, caring etc. type person I've always thought about giving peace a chance and not judging people based on a few bad apples. #NotAllMuslims, JeSuisParis, LGBTQ and all that shit. Total fucking fag in your guys eyes. I didn't want to believe the Jew thing. I started coming here for election discussion. But man, every time some undeniably anti white story or hot take is posted by some numale lefty they seem to have a Jewish name. I can't deny many of the business owners and media moguls and top capitalists are also Jewish, despite them being such a small amount of the population. That's just plain observable fact that can be confirmed with a google search. I don't want to believe this Jew conspiracy stuff because I always assumed it was racist crackpot Nazi stuff, but these coincidences are really getting to me.
Help. I live in a very liberal city, all my friends are Bernie lovers, and I need to talk to someone about this and how this presence is influencing pretty much every fucked up problem in our current society today in some way. How the media shapes culture and subliminally influences how people behave, how a lot of the race baiting and postmodern deconstruction of language and cultural values is pushed by jewish intelligentsia, the corrupt "crony capitalists" and lobbyists influencing our politicians. I want to tell them about how "jew privilege" makes more sense than "white privilege" due to being a smaller portion of the population. About all these shifty patterns and journalists claiming they speak for white people (yet identifying themselves as jews when it is convenient) when posting anti white rhetoric blatantly meant to divide. It's not all Jews, but fuck it seems to be the prevalent attitude of those with high up positions. If I ever even dared to ask a few questions, I'd get immediately accused of "FASCIST NAZI".
(((Fellow Whites))) dump commencing
No, 2017 is the year white people wake up to the truth of how fucking terrible (((white people))) have always been.
>(((Fellow Whites))) dump commencing
Scott, stop trying to drum up sympathy. Your strip's been stale for 10 years. You couldn't compete with Penny Arcade, so you joined them. I wonder what it's like, slaving away on a Garfield-tier script and, at beast, getting a head-pat while Chris Straub moved on to Chainsawsuit podcasts and those SPOOKY videos.
This is plainly (you). You fucking hack. Go be fat somewhere else.
call him out. Call him a jew.
* at best, fuck you, Siri.
>Scott (((Kurtz)))
Welcome to it Dude.
why not start a pride movement for jews who are afraid to identify as such?
Why do kikes always have German names?
>Considering howmuch violence we used, to take advantage of our luck-based upper-hand
>luck based-upper hand
The mental gymnastics to equate might and violence with luck is just amazing. Was it luck that allowed Islam to spread across the globe as well? Was it luck that brought the Mongols to the walls of Baghdad and wipe that population from the earth.
Basically what he's saying is white people should have known better and are evil but Islamist's and the Mongols dindu notin.
I got a "black" twitter account if you want it.
Why should white people ever feel bad about slavery? White people ended slavery.
Isn't Jesse Benn the son of Tony Benn? It's a shame to see that. I don't know, or believe Tony was so bigoted.
This behavior seems to based on a coin. One side says "self hating white" and the other says "jew". Then they proceed toss it to see what side it lands on.
>But suppose you throw a coin enough times...suppose one day, it lands on its edge.
When will they learn?
lel... low energy jews.
More like Karen Fleshlight
A YouTuber by the name of HappyDragonite hates White's and he's white himself. One day I trolled him by sending him an anonymous ask on his tumblr telling him that he can't escape the red pill. I told him it was from Sup Forums. Now you can't ask him a question unless you have an account
What makes non-whites any less terrible anyways?
I 2018 is the year white people start killing (((white people))) that constantly try to guilt trip and manipulate them for being white
Let's see it all!
They’re programmed by their Talmudic ideology to hate anything good. They hate whiteness, purity.
Anyone else notice how Jewish people claim to be white when it helps them, but then claim to not be white when it helps them?
Hope you feel superior.
>white people have always been terrible
>literally just have to look at anything around me to see an improvement/innovation/invention made by white people
>every single other civilized culture was civilized by white people
>whites advanced even the the most advanced other cultures at the time of colonization by over 100 years and the least advanced by many thousands of years
>turns vastly improving peoples lives makes you evil to those you helped
I can't wait for space colonization.
thanks, we do. hope you feel inferior.
We are your friends now, and there is no turning back. Remember, you're here forever.
And what have you done for society as a white person?
>I can't wait for space colonization.
Sorry to say that most of what you've been taught about "space" is a load of bullshit.
>Really makes you think
Most of the self hating whites are jews, it's pretty obvious at this point.
Just scroll through their tweets and should say "im proud of being a jew.. blah blah blah" right before or after acting like a white person hating him/herself.
Let me guess, a Jew?
Had to go out and take care of some work stuff. (((Fellow whites))) dump resuming.
Guess that's what I've got. Someone posted a couple I was going to share already... lurking for more (((white when convenient))).
you're doing gods work by dumping (((fellow whites))) pics
I mean you're not wrong I suppose. I do infact take pride in my races accomplishments. I also dislike white people that feel guilty for it because I think it cowardly.
Is this hypocrisy? Absolutely not.
>when you reply to your own bait
bump for jewpills
I know a guy like this. Named Kyle. Could swear I've seen this post verbatim.
It's discomforting to me how the people who virtue signal the strongest come out with this guilt about things they themselves have done. It's one of the things that sparked my distrust of these types.
(((Fellow whites)))
The video of pic related is solid gold. You can "see how he recoils" when he's called out.
Holy fuck he really is a big guy. He is probably 5'6" at most too.
I'm pretty confident that my accomplishments so far speak for themselves, but I do not discuss my work or accomplishments on fucking Sup Forums
>how do you do, fellow white people???
>And what have you done for society as a white person?
We fight the Jews
>Anyone else notice how Jewish people claim to be white when it helps them, but then claim to not be white when it helps them?
anyone have a video of that black lives matter riot/protest, all the black people are doing run by punches towards a white guy and he's screaming "Stop! Wait! Im Jewish!"?
Comically underrated