How do I embrace my true form, Sup Forums
>Be me, 20 years old, attractive, brown hair, blue eyes.
>Growing increasingly right wing.
>Have to blatantly lie about opinions in virtually every social setting.
>Want to kick shit out of antifa
>Want badly to post IOTBW posters around my university campus
>Fucking terrified of being outed as alt-right, and my social life being over.
How can we non-autistic Sup Forums-tards ever hope to contribute.
How do I embrace my true form, Sup Forums
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One day you'll stop giving a fuck and you will look back on your trepidation and slap yourself for being so spineless as to be unable to express your own political views. Anyone that would cut you off for your politics isn't worth giving two shits about. I'm pretty far right wing and one of my best friends is a full on Corbynista lefty cuck champagne socialist.
This. My naive mates watch that twat Russel Howard and soak up all his leftist propaganda mixed in with the "comedy". Obviously don't go full autese and randomly spout redpills that normies can't swallow, just don't be afraid to voice your opinion if it comes up in conversation,
I told all my friends what I am and what I stand for. Some left some stayed. Those who stayed have become much better friends with stronger bonds. Enjoy being a cuck for the kikes, user.
user youre a pussy, off yourself.
You become successful and fight it from within.
I'm not a pussy, I just have a lot to lose. Unlike 90% of the waifu loving, ugly, virgins on here. Social suicide is easy for them, because they hd committed it upon coming out of the womb.
Get swole
Have sex with hot left wing chicks chad
And check out zyzz on youtube
You sound like a beta bitch hiding who you are. You can stand be your beliefs with out sounding like a retared faggot if you wanted.
can confirm
Zyzz needs to go back
I feel you deep in enemy territory. Girls want to fuck me, I have friends and decent career prospects. I also fucking hate current society and the trajectory mass culture + politics are going in.
Volunteer with your local republican political campaigns to meet people with a similar mindset to your own. Also, make some friends at the gym, as physical fitness correlates with a more conservative world view.
This gets tiring. They give it up too easily.
Who cares, if your married one day you'll wish you'd smashed hundreds more.
kys leftie
don't reveal your power level and work for the cause in the shadows. the world doesn't need another skinhead idiot jerking off to hitler. what it needs are powerful people who believe the right thing.
>Want badly to post IOTBW posters around my university campus
Go fucking do it, then. It's really not that big of a deal. For fuck's sake - Harvard Law students were doing it. If they can, then you can, too.
If you're anything under 6 feet, your just have low sexual market value.
I'm 6'4, and it's pretty easy to hide my power level
user if you always worry about what cucks think about you, that makes you a beta cuck. Even lower than a cuck. Stop giving a fuck and disassociate from the shitty games people play. You're your own person with thoughts and beliefs that shouldn't be silenced for ANY reason.
Just be calm, respectful, and LEARN about what you believe and why. Turn to Christ, read the bible and go to a scriptural church. You WILL find people who love you for who you are. A beta cuck.
Realize you are not alone but it is never easy to stand up for what you believe in. So stop being a pussy and put up an IOTBW poster or engage in a class discussion saying your true thoughts and feelings. You may get attacked but you’ll also be thanked and admired by people for standing up for something.
You are 20 years old, you have literally nothing to lose. If you indeed are confident and handsome, then be confident in your beliefs. Don't force them on people not interested in a conversation, but don't pussyfoot around what you believe for social gratification.
Women will gravitate towards you.
Men will, too.
Don't be a bitch. Grow up and change the world already.
You had me at "turn to Christ"
Be the alpha and change the beta mind. Do it pussy
Amen. I'd be of more use if the right people think I'm leftist; I can undermine their cause from within.
OP here. 6'2''.
you must be yourself. be honest. people will listen if you are reasonable and they will be persuaded if you speak the truth in a way that they understand. you face the death of your identity if you don't.
So what's the problem? I sometimes jokingly promulgate my right wing politics with company, and then slowly double down on them. It's a way to hide your power level.
OP Here.
I'm gonna do it anons. IOTBW posters coming soon, I'm sick of feeling bad for who I am, I'm sick of secretly waiting for the day of the rope. It's okay to be white, and fuck anyone who disagrees.
> help me, losers
good one
Frogposters are stupid!
>he fell for the meme
You've fucked up already user. Some things have to start over.
tfw all of my friends are right-wing Bolsonaro voters and we're in college just to make fun of the left wing teachers.
Good luck OP may God be with you.
I believe in you OP
what's wonrg with champagne you britbong fuckface?
>MUH social life
>not being Chad sperg, whose very few close pals would not care about you putting up WN posters
sick of newfags needing these...
1) never discuss pol issues with women, even closely related ones.
2) never reveal your power level unless you are safe (after a tragedy).
3) if you are a white male in an interracial relationship do not have sons.
If you are unable to coherently and logically support your own views, then perhaps it is because your views are retarded.
>>Be me, 20 years old, attractive, brown hair, blue eyes.
>How do I embrace my true form, Sup Forums
lower your %
kill as many lefties as you can
>falling for the "behavior determines social standing" meme
Roasties will generally go for men no matter what as long as they're alpha and attractive. No joke, we've done tests on Tinder using child molestors, rapists, extreme misogynists, Nazis... no matter what, as long as the male is attractive/alpha, roasties will love him. And as roasties control the informal social hierarchy nowadays, you'll be fine pretty much no matter what.
Champagne is lovely. Champagne socialist is a term used here in Britain to describe a wealthy person that ascribes to socialist liberal cuck ideologies for the purpose of virtue signalling i.e. if you have the money to frequently be buying champagne and holding dinner parties in your 2 million bongs London flat, you shouldn't be seeking the overthrow of capitalism and seizing the means of production for the proletariat.
needing peasants approval why are you cucked by others into not expressing yourself
Quit being a pussy
try to become successful and financially independent
Champagne socialism is a derogatory term for the idiots who, usually in London, live decadent lives, are well off, work in corporations etc and yet espouse socialist ideas and philosophy.
Cunts basically.
whats with all the r9k shit in pol recently?
>Jews are the one hating on the biggest jewish slave country
american intellectuals
I find myself in a similar situation at work too often.
>my social life
>amerigoblin caring about being right-wing and hating on antifa
why? you're all mutts anyway
Work hard and get rich
Not hanging around faggots that can't accept your political views. Just get new friends ffs, its not hard. Society puts way too much emphasis on the importance of friends. Only Family really matters
This. Honestly, if you embrace your political views and don't act like your typical American thinking everything in life is a political debate, people won't give a shit. Everybody around me knows what I'm about, as I enjoy discussing politics (note the word discussing, not debating) and they honestly don't give a shit, even though they're mostly left-wing socialists. Because at the end of the day, I don't spam their facebook feed with Alex Jones videos. Basically, they'll treat you the way you treat them. I respect their opinions, even though I don't agree with everything and I am willing to admit when they're right about something, and they do the same with me. That's what healthy relationships are about. Go kill yourself if you haven't figured that out yet, yet still call us autistic.
We all know that feel, user.
Käften svennecuck!
Grow stronger faggot
Red pill the people
Post the flyers
Take a wife and make babies
same but on youtube
>be me
>think i can contribute to the alt-right, think ive interesting perspective
>want to make videos
>too scared that pol will bully me like they bully lauren
>dont want to be bullied by moarpheus on a daily basis on twitter
>dont want to have long head memes of me
>dont want to be called an ''eceleb''
Just tell people the truth my dude , all my friends are left wing socialists and they all know I'm practically a Nazi. We argue about our beliefs from time to time but at the end of the day they're my friends and I love them, no one cares because it's politics and we're not autistic.
tldr; stop being a spaz and if they're your actual friends they wont care
Godspeed, user
good luck and bost broof
Have to blatantly lie about opinions in virtually every social setting.
>Want to kick shit out of antifa
if you have to lie in social settings you are a
weak fuck and will get
the shit stomped out of you by antifa
don't be a bitch
speak the truth
I am 5'9 and the women that go after me are ugly whores. The ones I go after, just reject me or hypergamy to the nearest chad. FML
Stop being a little bitch who's afraid of everything. Man up and tell people what you think. What's the point of even having opinions if you're too afraid to voice them?
Good luck user.
retarded ass nigger wtf learn wtf you even are talking about
NAZI= national socialist worker party "
GET IT? fuck me.
>How can we non-autistic Sup Forums-tards ever hope to contribute.
Stop being such a shithead and focus on your own life instead of focusing on all the stuff outside of it that you think is holding you back.