Welcome to RPG General, our team is here to recruit Sup Forumsacks that are interested in making indie games to redpill the masses.
In other words RedPilledGames is a Sup Forums Sup Forums game development think tank that will spin out indie game production companies. We have used this model before to start some initiatives out from Sup Forums in other types of industries like media and causes and we have enough people on the team at this point to start side projects. The goal is to fight the globalist narrative and we think one of the ways to do so is with video games to capitalize on the recent dissatisfaction with excessive political shoehorning in our vidyah. We all know half of Sup Forums originally came here due to GamerGate, so this issue hits home.
Recent examples, but there are many more:
>crazy old Hitler: youtube.com
>Saving Private Ryanberg: youtube.com
>Deus Ex: youtube.com
As projects come together we will connect you with people, normies and Sup Forumsacks alike, that have the skills and know how to get your projects off the ground and out into the public eye. This is not for larpers and lurkers this is for people that want to work and make some great games. We do not want to dox you but we do want to put dedicated people together to work on projects that are bigger than what Sup Forums has done before. One example being that visual novel that was put out some years ago. We can be a lot more ambitious.
Eventually you should trust the teams that form out of these channels so that when the time comes the resources will be in place to get your games onto market. The more people we reach out to with our message, the more opportunities arise for other beneficial connections, as well as making some money on the side and gaining experience for some of you more prospective game developers.
Discord e3Qrp7c