Turns out winning the presidency wasn't enough

Turns out winning the presidency wasn't enough.
Despite having the necessary majority, some Republicans refuse to follow suit!
How the fuck do we fix this?

Maybe Trump can read this book called "Art of the Deal" so he can learn a few protips on making deals.

A purge.

>How the fuck do we fix this?


It'll fix itself. If any of these republican senators want to get re-elected they'll have to side with Trump more than ever.

>How the fuck do we fix this?


It will fix itself when the house and senate majority are blue in 2018. Trump's bigotry has mobilized the apathetic left and the centrists. Republicans just went too far with the loyalty to stupidity shit.

>Trump's bigotry has mobilized the apathetic left and the centrists
Especially in the West Coast and New England. You can mobilise all of them for all I care, they won't prevent Trump from getting a second term.

These turncoats won't give up their seats willingly. If our guys run against them nonetheless, it could split the vote just enough to get one of dem rats in.
And once they are in, they will gerrymander their constituencies and remain in office forever.

>Republicans need more seats to repeal obamacare
>Republicans will lose seats in 2018 if they don't repeal obamacare.

fucking neocons
oh well, it's america's business

The rate things are going, he won't finish his first term.

Gerrymandering is how quite a few of those repubs got in there in the first place. So don't get on your high horse and talk about it like it's a bad thing.

The House tax bill gets rid of too many deductions. Even FOX was talking shit about it earlier.

By not altering legislation one bit and voting out everyone who disagrees with the president's agenda
Just like how a democracy should function

If ya dont mind the occational trip to plebbit, I reccomend r/the_congress. Bunch of like minded anons over there.

>President Mike Pence
As if you would

>Bunch of like minded anons over there
Great, more retards who can't type flying the Kekistani flag. Sounds ideal for discussion.

>trump won't run for president
>trump won't win the primary
>trump won't win the presidency
>trump won't finish his first term

you guys really don't feel stupid yet?


Trump has run for president before.

And I understand that you would allow Putin to annex Syria and commit treason if it meant Trump would win, so it doesn't surprise me in retrospect. It's impossible he will win a second term, and if Flynn wants to save his ass, he'll spill whatever he has on Trump who has already admitted to obstructing justice - an offense I would say is worse than lying about a blowjob.



Senate Republicans are literal cucks and shills who are actively seeking to impeach their own president.