what do you think of my country
Whats your opinion on Russia?
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Russia. The land of asymmetrical faces.
There are three Nations not owned by Israel:
>North Korea
If you do not live in one of the above your leader is kiked and you should resist.
A bunch of serfs who got the idea they can all be cosmonauts.
That said, I'm impressed by how easily you've disrupted the narrative inside America. Just had to slip in a little hint of distrust and suspicion, and we're all at each other's throats. So gg on that.
Great history, sadly destroyed by communism, now slowly rebuilding. Generally good people, rotten elites, but very politically-wise effective estabilishment and best diplomacy on this planet right now.
I want to work in one of your troll farms. Where do I apply?
A weird land of amalgamated savages. Vikings. Khazars. Turks. Khazaks. Cossaks. Jews. Timurs. Mongols...its also one of the reasons why you guys don't look pure white. Maybe in skin tone and eye colour but alot of you have oddly shapedheads and strange shaped eyes. Definitely not western.
Poor ethnic russians are kept hostage by their elites. In eastern part of russia gov don't even have money to pay workers so they pay them with vodka and toilet paper...
Don't worry Russian Bros!!
In not that distant future we will liberate you and you will be free once again!
Puppet state we wuz grand Tatary n sheit
If russian literature is any clue, russian commoners aren't supposed to be free. They need another hundred years of gradual enlightenment/counter enlightenment philosophy and debate before they can avoid slipping back into Kulak terrorism.
By then we'll all be living in a corporate feudal society anyway though, and there won't be much difference between us.
Also great literature, in my opinion only one comparable to Polish.
Bulhakov, Yesienin, Tolstoy, Pushkin.
it's better than most countries on earth. but that's not really saying much.
>only one comparable to Polish
what is polish literature? mizkevitch and that dude who naturalized in UK are the only ones i know
I believe Russian people and American people are natural allies against China.
I think Slavs are white enough, and if you are inferior, I don't care, because you keep to yourselves and don't want to be bothered.
Americans are the same. We want to be left alone. Our government is run by Jews, though, so they also run our education and media, so they have an easy time brainwashing the low-hanging fruit.
Your propagandists are cancer and infecting my countrymen with bullshit about how your land is white Christian paradise free of degeneracy even though everybody knows its not
Rambo Cartoon is great
As you said Mickiewicz probably most popular (for a good reason), but also Słowacki, Sienkiewicz, Asnyk, Staff, Miłosz, Szymborska, Baczyński (my personal favourite), Przerwa-Tetmajer, Herbert, Rej, Morsztyn, Wysocki, Kochanowski, just to name a few from top of my head.
Russia had its chance to become a decent nation, but they blew it.
Blame the germans. They financed the commie demagogues who subverted the naturally retarded peasants into hating their own history, culture and elite. A short time victory that brought long time losses to literally everyone on the continent.
really badass history
from ivan the terrible to the suki wars
Russia is my favorite country to play in video games.
Also you China and the USA should form the super alliance for world peace.
The problem with modern Germans is instead of 70 years of de-socialization, they had 70 years of de-nationalization.
They're fucking not only militarily, but also culturally uncapable of agression by now. Sad irony of history.
great landscapes. absolutely subhuman tier people. needs a good fire cleanse. then recolonization with proper humans.
Saviours of Europe
Pls nuke America.
Btw God save the Tsar.
Stop DDOSing us
Interesting history, cuisine, literature but they made a big fucking mistake when they let the Bolsheviks come to power.
Indeed. Spain was saved by Franco, Chile by Pinochet, Russia was unlucky enough at the times.
I love Russia, I believe your women are amazing, beautiful and wish I could live there in Russia with a beautiful woman. I think Putin is an amazing leader, he is very intelligent, strong willed and loves his people. God bless Russia.
Got Jewed harder then any country every
I wish we were allies.
Seems like a nice country with a interesting history.
We let Nicholas and his family down and should've saved them.
Decent country with a absolute shit ton of history to it
Also make very nice folk music
I have never been to Russia, but my opinion is, some of the most architecture and poetry in the world, but sad past 100 years of history (literally 100) and lots of Putin-bots even here on Sup Forums.
damn that's a nice church
You're forgetting about the USA
mired by slavic genetics and alcoholism. can't believe anything good ever comes out that tundra.
Endless potential not achieved.
Russian architecture in general for sure, thankfully the communists left some of it standing...
Czars should still be ruling.
Here here!
Okay but the enlightenment was garbage and freedom is a meme. People need to realize this: The societies which resist the enlightenment the longest will be those that survive.
Drunks, drug addicts, degenerates, child predators, HIV, and Muslims.
Jews hated the Tzarist regime, so they told us it bad.
Russia sadly still puts out more negative propaganda about the Tzar than the Soviets.
They have a new movie titled "Matilda" which is about how Nicholas II was having a secret affair and basically just slanders him...again. As if he hasn't been slandered enough.
The Jewish influence has not been completely removed from Russia even today. But at least they arent as controlled as us.
One of the best descriptions of US of A I've seen in a while
Government wise, you deserve better. And its fucking long due.
Кpacивaя cтpaнa и oтличнaя иcтopия.
>what do you think of my country
Good country that had it's future robbed by anglos, much like Germany.
Fucking cool af
> The Third Rome
> Eastern Orthodox
> Defeated the Tatar Yoke
> Biggest Empire in one Land Mass
> Biggest Country on Earth
> Fedor Emilianenko
> Beautiful Busty Russian qts
> Racist
> White Nationalist
> Proud of being White
> Have Turkic people living in your country but they are white by now
> Have Busty Tatar Qts in your country
> Literally the only nation that came close to defeating the Ottoman Empire
Niggers, literally sucked communism's dick and liked it, proceeding to force it on half of Europe for no reason. Also, it's your fault that the west doesn't have all the based Jim Crow laws it used to, all of these nigger rights people were russian agents.
Good country filled with good people. Thanks for defeating the Nazis, by the way.
Russia is literally #1 in all of those things and you can also throw in #1 in suicides. Russia has more HIV cases than all of Europe combined. Russia is Africa.
checked n kek'ed
Y'all are very lucky to have President Putin. He's very dignified and strong man. And he seems strong in his faith.
There are some beautiful places. I wish it wasn't so cold. It's great news about the positive effect the stupid sanctions have had on y'all's economy.
I've always wanted to visit. You are resilient fuckers, and I've always found Russian engineering solutions fascinating. It is form following function to a degree that the West never could do. You always punch above your weight.
I do believe that you have an insane political culture, and you suffered feudalism longer than the rest of Europe. I don't consider the average Russian to be any better or worse than any of my own.
It's a shame you've launched cyberwafare against American servers and psyops wars against American citizens. We could have been friends if you hadn't continually attacked us for the past 40 years with your Kremlin disinformation campaigns to demoralize and destabilize. Yuri warned us about you.
Russia is the only country openly forging a white national identity; however marxism is retarted
Tough folks. My wife is from Russia, and can take care of herself better than any American bitch.
It's beautiful. Been there several times, can speak the language. Play video games with a bunch of Russians
Cool country and cool people (and a beautiful culture). Honestly what shocked me more than anything was just how normal it is over there. Also you guys have the бaня - getting naked and beating yourself with sticks in an oven sounded strange at first but it's pretty cool.
It's just sauna, in it's primitive shape. Best one at that.
Richard, is that you?
Never been, would like to go there.
Most of the Russians I've met have been pretty cool. Crazy motherfuckers though.
I like the brand of nationalism they are projecting as well.
>russian mail order bride
Does her Russian boyfriend let you hold her hand?
Based white country but jeezus fuck you need to get some democracy and stop trying to block us fucking up your neighbors. We will leave you alone, I promise :^)