I'm white

If I can't find a job, it's an economic disaster.
If a police officer shoots me, it's police brutality.
If I fail a class, the school gets reformed.
If I shoot up a school, the media defends me.

That's what's called white privilege. That's what we white people possess even if we don't acknowledge it.

Hello, fellow white.

You're right. That's why we need to kill all white men today. We deserve it.

>I'm a nigger
>if I can't find a job, it's probably because I've never looked for one
>if a police officer shoots me, half a neighborhood gets destroyed
>if I fail a class, I go to college for free
>if I shoot up a school, the media quietly ignores me

>I'm Black
>If I can't find a job, it's whiteys fault.
>If a police officer shoots me, I dindu nuffin and it's whiteys fault.
>If I fail a class, the school is rayciss and it's whiteys fault.
>If I shoot up an entire American Metropolitan area, no one says a thing. If they did, it would probably be whiteys fault somehow.

I am white, and I've got everything I need. No one clutches their purses when they're in a room alone with me. I can drive through any neighborhood I please, at any hour, and the police don't do a thing.

>im white
>whenever im criticized i deflect to blacks

Criticism can go both ways, friendo. You shouldn't expect to be exempt from it because you have a special skin color or made up gender to justify why you like dicks in your ass.

Whats so bad about being privileged? You are given an advantage in reproduction. Use it. Fuck the rest. Fuck the world. Spread YOUR genes.

Being white is awsome. One time i ran out of gas in the city and instead if towing my car the cop said hold on, walked to the gas station with his own mini canaster and filled up my car and said their ya go. White people are just nice to eachother its not privlage, we are just raised with good manners and are nice to other whites with good manners. White people are always told they are assholes by minorities but are never thanked for letting you guys in and giving you benefits. You mever compliment the infurstructure of our countries. You cry like pussys about being treated unfair, and givin the chance will assault a white person in groups. Maybe if blacks for example did not “roast” or humiliate eachother every time they get over the pettiest things like shoes, and took care of your communitys instead of letting asians and arabs set up buisness and serv you shit food and u healthy products, you would have a similar lifestyle of whites. But no, most of you piss money on jordans use ebt most whites pay for in taxes for blunts at shitty arab spots that sell you poision all day.

Good god your white privilege clearly didn't carry over into spelling.

Thats why whites have privlage amognst eachother. For the most part in public we use manners. We dont try to act hard and stare each other down when passing on the sidewalk. The thing is blacks see having manners is a white thing, and they don want to be called a oreo, etc. so they think its the black thing to do to act like stupid chimps because thats all the jew hiphop labels ever taught you.

I know. Fuckin mobil phones i dont give a shit

> White people are always told they are assholes by minorities but are never thanked for letting you guys in and giving you benefits.
>takes indian land and 98% of them die in the process
>gives them a fucking casino
>imports black people to do slave work and doesnt give them a vote until a fucking war is fought
>wtf man why are they so ungrateful to be here
how retarded are you gen z americans

Please stop posting. You are embarrassing the 56%.

Perfect fucking post. You cant fight with the fact we have manners so you bring up the past.

How am i not correct?

>completely misses the point of the post

You're racist and I'm Hispanic, I don't need privilege to see that. FYI I am privileged, I grew up with both my parents. ;)

The point is that only the luckiest african slaves were bought by whites and brought to america.

You would literally be a slave today if we had not done that, you nigger.

first thing, not black
second thing, slavery was a mostly north african thing and was only so rampant when the african slave drivers saw a huge trade network being made to europe and america
third thing not all of Africa is Libya and Somalia

The point is that my white ancestors gave their blood to free your black ass, You ungrateful nigger.

How much is your freedom worth? That's how much you owe me.


>causes a slave market in south africa to expand
>captures blacks
>"frees them" even though their natural state was free and left alone in africa
>you owe me for liberating you from my own people

Doesn't matter though.

It wasn't the whites who enslaved them. The whites bought them and saved their descendants from slavery.

>>causes a slave market in south africa to expand

>Blacks don't have agency. Everything black people do is because of whites.

Blacks caused their own expanding slave market.

making someone your property isnt saving or freeing them.
>we didnt make you slaves silly nigger, we just bought you and made you work on our property with 100% taxation and 3/5s of a vote, we freed you

the slave market wouldnt have expanded to america if the white people werent seeking slaves


>the slave market wouldnt have expanded to america if the white people werent seeking slaves

Blacks caused whites to seek them by selling them.

>making someone your property isnt saving or freeing them.
Buying them from their owners and then freeing them is freeing them though.

Blacks turned blacks into property
Whites took the property and turned it into people.

Holy shit dude just go back to Africa if you're this assmad about ur ancestors getting sold out 200 years ago

If your concept of white privilege is based off what the (((media))) portrays to you then you are one of us. You just don't know it yet.

i cant find a job, have been arrested and failed out of school

no one gave a fuck

it was pretty redpilling and now i take personally responsibility for my actions and improve my own life instead of voting (D), acting like a nigger and expecting freebies

>If I fail a class, the school gets reformed.
i want to go to your school

and white people have no agency and its black peoples fault that whites bought slaves

buying them from whites to put on your plantation isnt freeing slaves. people didnt buy slaves to free them, this isnt your fantasy world. whites bought slaves because they were profitable.

we built this country so we can at least enjoy some privileges. niggers can go back to africa if they don't want to live in a white country.

> If a police officer shoots me, it's police brutality.
Black people only.
> If I fail a class, the school gets reformed.
Black people only.
> If I shoot up a school, the media defends me.
Black people only.
> That's what's called white privilege.
Black people only.

>hurr muh generalizations

Stupid nigger, if it weren't for WHIPIPO you would still be living in a fucking mud hut in Africa. If it weren't for white people, Indians would still be slaughtering each other while living in tents. You should be thankful we came. We improved your life and gave you all a chance to compete and yet you all STILL complain, while also failing to put out. Fuck off.

All those statements are incorrect. Shill harder Jew.

Blacks enslaved their kin to turn a profit. They sold them and never freed them.

Whites bought the slaves and then freed them.

These are the historical fact.
You need to thank whites for being morally superior to the rest of the planet. Say thank you or fuck off.

you completely missed the point of the post. good job.

I'm white and I have job offers thrown at me left and right, and niggers have the audacity to whine and complain "FIGHT FO FIFTEEN MUHFUGGA" "I NEED A JAHB TO FEED MUH FIVE CHILLEN"

>If I fail a class, the school gets reformed.
Only niggas do this. Also i have none of the privilages you mention and trust me am white

Calm down Nasif

> White people are always told they are assholes by minorities but are never thanked for letting you guys in and giving you benefits.
Yep. That's about damn right. People in Africa don't get benefits you know.
>takes indian land and 98% of them die in the process
Actually 90% of so of them died just before we got here. It allowed us to take the land. Manifest destiny is strange stuff.
>gives them a fucking casino
No they did that on their own I'm afraid. We did not " give " them casinos. You think there was a government " casino " fund?
>imports black people to do slave work and doesnt give them a vote until a fucking war is fought
That white people fought. To free them. Woops mother fucker. If our grandfathers died bleeding in a field, that'll do for reparations.
>wtf man why are they so ungrateful to be here
I'm not even ungrateful to be here. Looking at my native land, still, it wouldn't be so bad. For blacks? Looking at their native land? Yes they should be fucking grateful to be here. Lucky as fuck.
> how retarded are you gen z americans
They're not retarded. It's you.

This. If you hate white people so much, get out of their lands, go somewhere far away from them, and if they try to colonize again feel free to try killing them. But you won't do all that.. why? Inb4 deflecting with go back to Europe.

T. A nigger.

>If I can't find a job, it's not my fault.
>If a police officer shoots me, it's no fault of mine.
>If I fail a class, There's something wrong with the system.
>If I shoot up a school, Some people will make excuses for me.

That's what's called Victimism. It's not a race thing, it's a mindset thing.
There exists a class of people whose only purpose in life is to support these 'victims' regardlessly , these people feel themselves to be better than others.

That's what sensible people call 'Virtue signalling'

>white people bought the slaves and freed them
i think you are missing the part about the civil war that had to take place for this to happen because the racist southerners didnt want to consider blacks people instead of property. not to mention also the 72 years before anything was done about slavery in america

>have to tell multiple people that they "missed the point"

Maybe it's because you suck at making a fucking point, dumbass.

the point was how stupid the line in the post i was replying to was and why it continues the stereotype that burgers are uneducated.

America was the first nation on earth to abolish slavery. You know it still goes on right? Quite a bit?
Blacks are still selling each other too.
So I guess our war didn't do a lot of good did it.
Because the problem is Africa. Not us.

anyways it was fun btfo you retard rednecks who think blacks should go back to licking the white mans boots for enslaving them but im tired of your terrible excuses for slavery
britain has you beat by about 50 years. go read a history book burger

You don’t have a point. Niggers still have the institution of slavery in Africa, and empirircally have made every place they show up in worse.
This is unarguable, and yet for “you”s you will continue to do so.
KYS, nigger.

This means you are running because youve been made to cry.
All niggers try and get a “last word” in. It is somehow preserving of their fragile little egos

Except multiple people just told you why the first line is right in the first place.

You dumb down everything we have done with a simple "THEY GAVE US CASINOS!" and "THEY DIDN'T GIVE US FREEDOMS UNTIL THEY GAVE US FREEDOMS!"

Meanwhile, look where you would be WITHOUT white people. Blacks will still be in huts, starving to death (They still are in areas where white interference is minor) and Indians would continue to sit on land that is RICH in resources while doing jack shit and killing each other.

We brought them into the modern age and kept them in it, but now they are just sitting back and acting like dead weight. Look at African countries for fucks sake. They are killing their farmers off because they are white, and now they are starving, because GUESS WHO WAS FARMING THE FOOD THEY WOULD EAT?!

Deport all niggers to another dimension a black hole

>If I can't find a job
That's because you're not looking hard enough, and the economy has been cucked by boomers

>If a police officer shoots me
Don't do anything stupid, and you won't get shot, black, white, green, yellow, blue etc...

>If I fail a class
Just work harder, and if the school gets reformed, I'm pretty sure that's 'cause Tyrone and DeAndre are too busy smoking weed or getting shot than actually learning stuff



Not sure if bait or not, still a pretty entertaining thread

>i think you are missing the part about the civil war that had to take place

Yea, Now you have to thank us twice, because we literally fought a war, bled and died, to free property we paid for fair and square.

The real slavers are the blacks. They enslaved their own brothers to make a buck. That's how black people are.

>I'm white
If I act in the self interest of my people, that's a hate crime.

You literally just described a nigger.

>If I can't find a job, it's because affirmative action and white hating HR staff predominantly filled with man hating black women cockblocking me
>If a police officer shoots me, it barely makes the news because my life doesn’t matter as much as blacks.
>If I fail a class, it totally has nothing to do with me standing up to my communist professor trying to make me hate myself because of the color of my skin.
>If I shoot up a school, the media blames all white men.
went agead and fixed that for you, nigger

None of those things are true nigger


Africa in the 1920's was a modern romantic masterpiece. The Dutch, French, German, British, etc. brought great technology, and they were admired around the world for building the greatest rail system world had ever seen. Then the whites left now Africa is using worn out 1920's junk, and it is the shit hole of the world!

Europe in the 2000's was a modern romantic masterpiece. The Dutch, French, German, British, etc. had great technology, and they were admired around the world for building the greatest rail system world had ever seen. Then the whites left now Europe is using worn out 2000's junk, and it is the shit hole of the world!

America in the...