What do you guys think of employers demanding payment from potential hires?
Is this the absolute state of the job market in 2017?
What do you guys think of employers demanding payment from potential hires?
Is this the absolute state of the job market in 2017?
Fuck them.
In Poland if we want to visit US we have to pay 160-180$ so they can tell us to fuck off
>Rebekah (owner)
Lol. Is this real life?
You are a dipshit lying Egg. Quit computers and learn how to weld. Don't lie in resumes.
Can't be real
You deserve this if you waste a company's time. Time is money and money is more important than you.
we are full
Not only not real, but illegal.
lol u fuckin wot m8. post the image with the company's logo un-hidden.
This. If it is true, tech is as horrible as they say.
Read the paper that is not an interview issue. I have mixed feelings as he Cleary defrauded the company by lying about his skills and time is money but as a company you gamble and invest time to find people who would work well in your system.
Why censor? Let us see who they are.
Can an employer actually sue you like this?
Is there any agreement signed by the guy being interviewed actually backing his obligation to pay off the interviewers their time spent on that crap?
I'm genuinely curious.
Also, $50 hourly rate for a goddamn HR sounds like a fucking joke, as well as $55 for the head dev — I've seen enough """""head devs""""" coding absolute garbage and doing nothing but a mess.
In fact, this is highly fucking illegal.
>charging you for an interview
Is this a joke? There is no legal basis for this at all. You didn't enter a contract, right?
Link to a story maybe you nig?
because if it blows up and his name is out there his unemployed ass won't get a job dummy
if it was so obvious you lied on your resume why did they interview you for 6 hours? fake and gay
Who gives a shit, his broke ass isn't getting hired anytime soon
I don't see how. Whether the guy lied on his resume or not, you invited him in for an interview when you could have done a simple phone screening and ask some technical questions. If you didn't phone screen him beforehand and just held a two hour interview despite him tanking it, that's your fault for being fucking shitty at your hiring process.
As a hiring manager, you can always cut an interview short.
Not under English law, that's for sure.
The letter is from an Australian.
Don't you know that's where kangaroo courts come from?
lol. probably jewish too.
If it's true not a single Poo would be hired
I'd send a letter back charging them for wasting my time by making me read their stupid letter, for a dollar more than they wanted to charge me.
If his names gets out, it could only be because the company put it out there, which is probably even more illegal and rubs further shit onto their name
1 post by this ID
sage this bullshit
autistic poo > the "hey i'm a nerrrd too" millenial
yes yes, good good. You pay us now to work for us goys
Not a chance. Even if you have weak knowledge on one of the skills needed, you can always be upfront about it and offer to pick it up to suit their needs.
That would be great because it not only highlights the companies dumb hiring practices but it would cause outrage from any sensible human.
op could have at least told us which sad nerdforum he pulled this from
>The absolute state of Astalia
would trade places.
not true, if they're brown the employer gets diversity credits, making them more profitable.
>taking civil action over a matter of "principle and not cost"
>stating that it's not about cost in writing to the guy you're going to take action on
Probably best that you're not working for a retard, OP
You wagecucks will never learn
As a NEET i get payed for not getting a job
I would hang this retarded thing in a frame for the ice breaker and move on.
>Not hiring Poos for shitty jobs
Think user.
Flag makes sense
How's that rubber taste faggot?
OP Here.
Pulled the image from
anyone who thinks there is any chance that this is real is fucking retarded. Why on earth would you pay this if there was no mention of this before....
That isn't real.
And even of it was it's totally unenforceable.
You could simply sue them in small claims court on slander charges for 5k and they would drop it immediately
>Wagecuck for a corporation in 2017
I know Sup Forums is not white, but on the small chance you are, incompetent URMs and women will get promoted above you. Same thing in government.
Probably Jewish or Indian.
Not my image, but it doesn't matter.
I think it may be.
Yep. Pay to work is illegal, but becoming more common. People don't know their rights, or are not willing to report for fear of losing their job. Companies are starting to stop paying 1.5x rate for overtime, and are frequently switching people to salary (at their same pay rate as before) to avoid paying them overtime.
hahaha no fuckin way
I can understand it
>Reddit script kiddies thinking they can code or shit
Lie on their resumee, on interview day, people who really know their shit have to lay down work in order to review some script kiddie that thinks he is bill gates because he modded roblox or some shit
Company looses money, reddit fedora faggots keep sending applications
Company looses money and reddit fags will never learn
All in all, its okay in some job markets, and with some people i think
Fuck off. you don't pay for interviews.
I can not see this holding up in court. And why is this even something they would want to do? It would scare away less confident applicants that may actually have the skills they want. And for someone like me it just shows how they’re incapavle of learning from their own mistakes. Thy should have used this as a learning experience and develops an online test to ensure they don’t waste their time with applicants that shouldn’t be considered. Instead theyre acting like preschool children. Seems like they have bigger problems and you’re going to catch hell for it. Shit rolls down hill. Stay away from them. And do not pay. Let them explain to the judge why they wasted their own time. Make them spend all that money so their betters can tell them what morons they are.
1. Everyone lies a bit on their resume. Everyone. If you claim you don't, you're either lying or you're stupid.
2. I don't see it stated anywhere that the person being interviewed was being called out on lying on a resume. It may just be that the job required knowledge the interviewee did not possess, and the decision was made to apply for position anyway.
3. This is some of the most heinous kikery I have seen recently.
>Don't lie in resumes.
IMO the golden rule is: Anything that can't be checked is automatically true, anything that can be checked had better be true or you're fucked (like in OP's image).
That being said, demanding money like that doesn't even seem legal, let alone moral, even if the interviewer felt it was a waste of time. I'm pretty sure that'd count as some form of extortion.
>throw it in trash
>dont pay
rebecca is a cunt anyways. would be horrible to have to slave away for her. better off being a NEET and playing vidya
>live in Florida
>hand this over to rabid lawyers from Morgan and Morgan who will take cases like this just for publicity
Someone please tell me this isn't real.
>jews jewing jews
>rebecca settles for $100,000 out of court
>lawyers get $97,842, you get the rest
>have to declare it as income and pay taxes for 50% of it
you shouldnt have lied about your qualifications. As someone in IT im sick of it. people like you get put into project manage positions often because you lie through your teeth about your qualifications and expect people to believe you, and you think you will have a job where you dont have to program, only manage.
Your type generally sticks around for 2 to 3 months until it is found out you are woefully underqualified at which point you are fired and you have cost the company even more money
fuck you op
We're not Jewing deep enough.
i didnt read thread before posting I apologize op i will head to Sup Forums
those are the same people who say they cant find a job because they are overqualified
>get the job
>2-3 months later resign
>have experience for next job
>dont even have to lie
stop being a cuck. you can lie too
wtf? lmaffo
They can take it up with my fucking cock and balls while they suck and lick them/it.
I hope that person didn't pay.
>Anything that can't be checked is automatically true
I say that I'm half Jewish when I apply.
VCAT would throw that out in a nanosecond.
>jewish owner opens up his dusty tome
>geneology records for all 6 million goyim
>finds out you lied
>sends the mossad to murder you
Whoops, replied to the wrong person.
Wait, no I didn't.
>need job to earn money and gain experience
>need money and experience to apply for job
This is why I'm a neet. That being said, if you lie on your resume you're wasting everyone's time and even if the best solution would be that you didn't I understand the reaction in the OP.
>paying hundreds for an interview
no wonder wagecucks snap. take the NEET pill.
>.t retard who would rather have Mexicans take the place of a white pole
>There was no "price list" for any of those services that THEY advertised on the employee search.
>You were never informed that you were using a paid service.
>Sue them for trying to take money from you.
>Ruin their reputation.
Best posts ITT
Vcat is a small mini court that doesn’t cost the owners anything to take him to court
>socialized court
>owners use it to fuck over workers
Of course it is a women owner. No man would try to run a business like this.
>implying they actully make 55$ an hour on salary.
You should countersue for fraudulent Billing.
>telling them "yeah, nah, you're a really cool human bean and all, and this has nothing to do with you, just with us. We really really REALLY hope you'll find happiness somewhere else (not here though, lol)" is not humiliating enough already
>fuck that, let's send them a goddamn BILL for our wasted time
ahahaha, what the flying fuck... Just fucking SHOOT the reject already, that would be more humane.
I don't lie....I just gloss up the truth :)
Fake letter, you can't be sued for costs of an employment interview unless it was agreed upon beforehand.
ya, putting down you worked at a company for 2 months before being fired looks pretty sweet on a resume user
Send them a bill for 3 times what they're trying to charge you.
>unless it was agreed upon beforehand.
Ahaha wtf. Why is that even possible?
If it's legal they probably made them sign a 15 page contract he didn't read. But why make that legal in the first place?
Deport all indians and asians.
Why the fuck would he do that?
If this goes to court someone would find this (if it had the logo) and it would be used against him.
fake and gay
You don't say you're going to sage when you sage you dumb fucking cunt.
you're a lying piece of shit, and the cause the interview process is all fucked up nowadays
that said, if those morons think their time is so precious, they should have tested you via code challenge, before bringing you in
it's their fault, fuck em
drop the memeflag u mad cunt
Do you have any idea how many technologies and APIs make up the modern day internet? THOUSANDS.
Nobody knows them all and everyone has embellished on their knowledge of them at one time or another.
just send them a invoice for your time wasted
Counter sue for emotional damages and buy out the company with the settlement
The Nu Male of Wall St. Starring that fucked up looking guy from Workaholics
VCAT is an Australian thing and any competent HR person in the US knows this letter is AR-15 rampage bate.
Looks fake to me. If it was "immediately obvious" that the applicant was unqualified they wouldn't have spent 6 hours interviewing him.
If it was immediately obvious why did they go the full two hours? I don't believe this shit for one second, naming the company would lead to an immediate retraction due to terrible press.
If I was that guy, I'd sent a counter-invoice for wasting my time.
>Abercrombie & Finch Polo and Jeans - One Time - $400
>Time Researching and applying for Company - $20/hr - $180
>Anxiety meds - 3 Doses - $150
>Driving time & Gas / $10hr + $2.35/gal - $14.88
>Subtotal: $744.88
>Deduction for costs incurred: $410
>Total: $334.88
>If the amount due is not repaid by the specified date, the issue will be taken to the internet as a matter of principle rather than cost.