imprint this image onto your brain, remember this. WE. WILL. REPLACE. YOU.
Imprint this image onto your brain, remember this. WE. WILL. REPLACE. YOU
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I think I know who and where that is. That makes me supremely uncomfortable.
Why does the "proud" Jew have tattoos? Isn't that against their religion or some shit?
it should make you uncomfortable, Alex.
Poor quality Khazar Milkers.
Poor bait.
>jews will replace you
>arabs will replace you
>arabs hate jews
Yeah, okay. Carry on with your well thought out plan.
When the Jews and Arabs spread to every country and openly declare war on each other it will trigger the apocalypse and the 2nd coming of Jesus
I think you're forgetting that Europe is filled with muslims now.
Good luck with that, fem schlomo. The only thing you'll replace are the older sex slaves.
It's not a terrible plan if they add enough false flag terror to the mix and axe democracy.
It is. She is a jew, but not jewish. In other words, the soldier of Satan.
Not even close.
>missing the point
We're saying that Jews are replacing whites with mass turd world immigration. Jews have been and always will be a small little parasite population.
Do leftist Jews actually know what they're doing by helping to spread Islam everywhere or are they just legitimately retarded leftists who think they're doing great things for the world?
it's honestly kind of scary how jewish diaspora tend to just fall in line regardless of where they liveand how they were raised. many profess themselves to be athiest and yet you still see them becoming prominent in the media and shilling for israel, while also demanding open borders for the west. it's like a bunch of little mkultra drones that get activated the day they turn 18. what the fuck causes it?
gross... who the in the hell would fuck that beast?
>The jew cries out in pain as she replaces you
Eternal victims at it again.
What does that mean? You are purging me, and live in my house? Run my business? Eat my food? Shitpost on Sup Forums like I'm doing now? Please clarify.
>Liberal women having children
Good one, Bathsheba.
That's a nice sculpture.
White people are all nazis and shit, my grandmother died in the holocaust. she was thrown into a chamber which had a giant electrical surge and it turned 100 jews to ash in seconds, she escaped by eating aluminum and then pooping it out into her hand and rubbing it on her face to stop the electricity. so terrible that nazis are still around these days.
Yes replace me. I'll take over your bank while you replace my Sup Forums shitposting.
>child bearing hips
t. fatty
Remember that when the metal door slams shut and your lies come true
>backwards knees
Does she have any kids?
It should make you uncomfortable steven
My grandfather survived the holocaust. This blatant anti semitism makes my blood boil. I asked him about it one time because he never talked about it but I wanted to hear because soon his story will be gone with him. He was born in Poland and the Nazis took him and his wife's son and put them in the camp system. He had a tattoo on his arm but it faded over time because the Nazis used a rusty nail and ink from a ball point pen to give it to him. He was in seven death camps because his last name started with a W and the Nazis gassed in alphabetical order and they kept running out of gas. So they'd send him to the other camps by airplane in hope of finding a camp with enough gas and slipping him in the line. Fortunately that day they were all out of gas so they cut his hair and let him go.
Their niche is to be parasites (for a lack of a better word) on human societies. I don't mean that as an anti-Semitic remark, I mean it as something to consider. Every species has its own niche, its "job." Humans love blurring the line between distinct species in regards to themselves, but not for other creatures.
>these two mantids look similar
>well one eats flies, and the other eats beetles
>they are different!
>these two humans look different
>one is white and conquered the world and the other is black and lives in a prehistoric state naturally
>they are the same!
The reason I bring this up is because one needs to take resentment out of the equation and look at Jews for what they really are: a small exclusive group that expels outsiders and lives within host countries. They are a humanoid social parasite.
I could elaborate more, but does that explain it?
Yeah these people have to go
Poor quality photo but that guy could also just be Welsh.
My question too.
bad genetics
Stop stop STOP!!! You really don't give a fuck, do you?
We get it, babydicks. You managed to meme a narcissistic, grossly unqualified, pussy grabbing orange orangutan into the Presidency. Here, let me give you a standing ovation.
Meanwhile, normal Americans are hurting. The system cheated us out of having our President. A rigged electoral system set up by white men delayed the first woman President ! ! !
It's sick. It's sad. And it's heartbreaking.
What's worse, we will ALL have to fucking suffer under President Pussygrabber until Democrats sweep Congress in 2018 and then immediately impeach the orange slug.
This is America, assholes,and you ruined it for at least a goddamn generation. I hope you're still laughing when you see the kids screaming as their Muslim and Mexican parents are loaded in black trucks for deportation. I hope you're still laughing when you find a woman willing to put up with the miserable alt right stumps in your pants, only to find out President Pussygrabber let Pence BAN birth control. I hope you're still laughing your evil, sick asses off when hate crimes spike 10,000%, and black people have to band together just to avoid being hunted by fascist thugs after Drumpf's housing policies gut their communities.
The joke is on all of us. Honestly it hurts like hell waking up every fucking day since Hillary lost, knowing we threw away a good woman for a racist, insane, and sadistic piece of orange dogshit no sane country would ever elect postmaster.
You have DAMNED this country, maybe the entire planet, and I have to come here every fucking day to see you laughing like we aren't all hanging over the edge of a cliff. Literally eat my shit !!!!!
The latter. Reform jews and their tikkun olam bullshit.
They're basically atheists that adopted liberalism as a substitute religion, even if it means erasing their own heritage (more than 70% intermarriage rate).
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
>Poor quality photo but that guy could also just be Welsh.
They have goat legs or its the wide hips. Jonah Hill looks like he has higher than normal estrogen levels.
He will never be forgiven for the disgusting abortion that was Alan Gregory
"Child-bearing hips"
When you can't admit you're a sloppy fatass
i wonder how these people imagine society will change once whitey is gone.
I believe that she will win! I believe that she will win!
Even their Jews are fat!
lol that's fantastic. His voice is so fucking Jewy.
Child-bearing hips are a thing, and they are beautiful. She's a gross Jewess with poor quality milkers whose hips will never bear children tho
This pasta is amazing. Weird I haven't seen it yet. I need to lurk moar.
>Even their Jews are fat!
Not all of them tho.
Did you know? The gates of besieged Constantinople were opened from within. By (((someone))).
wtf is that disgusting thing on her lower backside?
Her bunda.
Yeh but women with actual sweet child bearing hips would never write that on a sign.
Just like no big tit lady has to brag about having big tits, we already know
shes going to the chad aryan breeding camps when ww3 hits
Did she borrow it from a woman twice her size?
You really like the big ass, eh?
>we will replace you
>the birth rate of jewish people in Israel can't stop falling
Really make you think ...
Continuation of () because I want to make my thesis clear.
I call Jews parasites because there I am not aware of a better word that describes their nature, though it is not truly "parasitic" in the sense of a roundworm or tapeworm. Jews are parasites in that they infest a nation in small numbers and live happily, almost unbeknownst to the nation; just like a real parasite. When an animal is first infected, they are asymptomatic, but as time progresses, the get ill. Just like a real nation. As the Jews begin to proliferate and work their way into non-Jewish businesses, they make the country "sick." If Jews work in a business, they work hard to get to the top, or a high-ranking position. This makes the denizens think that Jews are good, hardworking people. But once the Jews reach those positions, they begin hiring their family and other Jews. Thus, they "infect" more "organs" of a nation. First the infection was localized, but it begins to spread.
Eventually, the Jews begin rewiring the nation to suit their needs, just like how some parasites will alter the behavior of an individual. Soon, the nation becomes so "sick" that it starts to collapse. Interestingly, Jews are not "good" parasites. A "good" parasite is one that does not kill its host, but remains inside and reaches a peak population without causing detrimental harm to the host - since this means that the parasite will also die. But Jews become dominant (by "infecting" all the nation's "organs") and effectively "kill" their host nation. That is when they are brought to answer for their crimes and usually exterminated or thrown out. Some nations see this trend and kill the Jews before it is too late, while others (such as the US) refuse to see Jews for what they are, and try to assume that they are like White people.
All races of Mankind are not the same and each race and ethnicity (equivalent to a species and subspecies) is different. If we can apply certain biological terms to animals, then we should be able to do the same to humans. Once we remove the concept of "we are all the same" from out minds, Mankind can really begin to flourish.
Jesus, the things I would do to that body
>Just like no big tit lady has to brag about having big tits, we already know
Nah, thats just squats and oats.
Its becoming more and more common in white girls.
Both tits and asses are good.
Problem is in hueland is very unlikely of you finding girls with big natural tits because of the amerindian blood.
So you learn to like asses from the start.
Her butt us ok but she is so unsexy standing in that awkward pose trying to make it look bigger. Insecurity only appeals to rapists.
That ass isn't as enormous. I'm down with that.
Pick one, from one kike to another.
Lol please make an archive for these pictures.
We deserve a nigger digger slut shaming site so we can warn our families and friends not to go for these busted crusted cunts.
Both of them are huge.
Its just the angle that is not helping.
Christians that get tattos dont go to heaven but they still do ya know?
why do ya'll listen to libshit Jews like this
We can't even replace Buddhists
this post contains every ricky joke from the first 3 seasons of trailer park boys. 4/10.
it is called 'knock knees'
present in the disabled especially the obese. They don't stand up straight, because they cant support their weight. The very obese start to cant their knees inward, to the point where they are touching and locking against each other. This helps them from simply not totally collapsing as it puts the center of gravity off kilter a bit, which they can't do with each individual knee because it's too weak
something with poor genetics and bad lifestyle is just weak anyway. Jews are not exactly known for their athletics or general health
>all this thirst
Just how many of you are actually needy, underage virgins larping as ebil Nazis?
i can see her future already (pic related)
>Be a Jew
>Want to create more Jews
>The current state of non-orthodox Jewesses
oh shit, fat jew replaced me
wat do?
Jews did the mistake of allowing anyone to be Jew. Even I could start larping as one if I cut my foreskin and curled my hair. So small nation can only get mixed.
>jews are not exactly known for their athletics or general health
This is exactly true. Jewish women actually have a higher chance of breast cancer then other women. This is because Jewish women, due to inbreeding, have mutations in certain genes (one of them is BRCA 1) that makes them more susceptible.
The Jews are inbred like the Amish.
the future has a lot more man face.
It should make you uncomfortable, Chris
Oh, yeah... Well I'm a hard right wing Trump supporting Jew. And I converted to Christianity and my children are being raised as conservative Christians. So, take your HPV, tattoos and Jewish communism and shove it.
they had to, roman bulls raped the living hell out of jewish women
>yes, but what alpha is going to fuck you?
Only reformed did, really. If you started larping as an Orthodox Jew you would eventually hit a bottle neck with either
1. Getting married to a Jew
2. Applying for Yeshiva
3. Applying for Aliyah
At which point, the real question is why are you bothering to?
40% of jewish in Israel identify themselves as atheists.
Also, Haredim (the real jewishs) will kicked her of the community for having tatoos.
>For having tattoos
No, they'd kick her out for wearing pants and showing skin. Also, for being an annoying cunt.
Tattoos are a bit more complicated.
She’s not missing the point. She is trying to distort the message so more people dismiss it and don’t wake up.
They can't be very oppressed if they are publicly provoking their 'oppressors'. They probably are not oppressed at all! In fact, they might even be the ones oppressing, since they are so brazenly making fun of the genocide of their opponents.
Good question. Why did (((she))) bother to?
Why couldn't I just keep lying to them about my beliefs and family background? Being Jewish is like being American. Anyone can become one with enough work.
>ever oppressed
I know you guys shit on Haredim all the time, and they may be obnoxious AF, but at least they just want to study the Torah and live a kosher life. Not genocide white Europeans. So I prefer them over kike diaspora. Haredim may shout and spit at me, but he won't think and say pic related. Also no gommunism :DDD:DDD
And then they wonder why so many whites hate them
Would fuck the shit out of her desu
Oven Intensifies
typical tricks!
An ass only Basketball-American would like.
>Oven Jew!
Im not a nazi, Im libertarian who likes fat asses
Then don't be surprised when we fight back you filthy yid