January 2016

>January 2016
>YESS Trump won, GOP majority
>Holy shit we're going to turn back the clock on so much shit

>November 2017
>no immigration reform
>no infrastructure
>no wall
>no healthcare
>no total and complete shutdown of muslims
>tax reform on the rocks and under fire from powerful lobbies
>GOP either about to lose a Senate seat or have a child fucker among their ranks
>Trump approval 30%
>2018 will be a disaster
>indictments looming

Where did it all go so wrong?

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Calm down buddy, we still got 7 more years

Blue wave coming

No sorry, you got your blue wave with Obama. Well have another, just not soon

Trump was sworn in on 21st of January 2017, the hebrew year 5777.

That same day Trump became 70 years 7 months and 7 days old as Obama became 666 months (55.5 - 13 times Feb 29 deducted as hebrew calender doesn't have it) old.

Get ready my goys.

>7 years

Kek. Oh man I cant wait to rub you guys with the "7 more years!" meme when the next Dem destroys Trump in 2020. You will not live it down.

>January 2016

Nuh-uh, dumb kike, it's 2017, who are you trying to deceive?

>Implying that 98 of the current child raping senators will resign

But lots of great tweets, more coal (not really), more pollution, more jobs, more immigrants.

Where did it all go so wrong?
it depends on what part of the spectrum you are looking from, where did it all go so right?

At a White House press conference on February 16, three days after Flynn had been fired for lying about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, and only weeks after Flynn and Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner had met with Kislyak in his own transition office, Trump was asked if anyone in his campaign had been in contact with any Russians.

“You can talk all you want about Russia, which was all, you know, fake news, a fabricated deal, to try and make up for the loss of the Democrats and the press plays right into it. In fact, I saw a couple of the people that were supposedly involved with all of this — that they know nothing about it; they weren't in Russia; they never made a phone call to Russia; they never received a phone call. It's all fake news. It's all fake news.”

Asked by another reporter whether anyone on his campaign had contacts with Russians, Trump said: “No. Nobody that I know of. Nobody.”

The reporter persisted: “Can you just say yes or no?”

“Russia is a ruse,” Trump answered. “I have nothing to do with Russia. To the best of my knowledge no person that I deal with does.”

- Trump won’t stop lying about Russia
Trump’s first impulse is to lie, then when he’s caught he just lies a little more. His people do the same
Lucian K. Truscott IV