Welcome to our daily general. This general is directly related to fraternal generals including: /eyeswideopen/ /humantrafficking/ /antitrafficking/ /adrenochrome/ /MILAB/ Mods delete this and I will find you personally. What is Pedogate General? Pedogate general is a thread dedicated to uncovering the global elites abuse of a world wide network of trafficked children operating as token pieces to slavery and torture/canibalism and worse. What are MILABS? MILABS are reference to either Deep Underground Military Bases or Military Labs operated by the deep state/government. These MILABS are located across the globe and offer nefarious purposes to the deep state including human experimentation and advanced technology experiments. Political how? Stay ITT and you will find out. Some of the discussion can seem /x/-tier so try to keep the discussion mature. MILABS are the direct reason for all the child trafficking in the United States.
What is adrenochrome? Adrenochrome is the substance extracted from victims of this global pedophilia trade. It is oxidized adrenaline and the snuff film making, baby munching pedophiles eat this human resource recreationally.
Lurkers bumps are necessary to raise the awareness here. Please consider helping by contributing or asking any questions you may have.
Jordan Peterson
Isaac Martinez
Hey Canadian guy this is my question, thank you.
Cooper Brown
There was an MK Ultra video linked from deep elsagate material that had a form of enigma coding in 1 clip. It was deleted yesterday. Many of the elsagate videos are interlaced with fast moving clips for about 0.1s that flash ciphers/codes and other imagery picked up by the eye subconsciously.
Jose Perry
And yes I think aside to elsagate material there was a cipher in one of the majestic ape videos. The majestic ape band who played at comet had many music videos with subtle programming. This was 0.1s frame of a majestic ape video IIRC.