Step 1: Name a place where large groups of Republicans like to congregate.
Step 2: Screencap the best responses
Step 3: Profit?
I'll start.
A gym
Step 1: Name a place where large groups of Republicans like to congregate.
Step 2: Screencap the best responses
Step 3: Profit?
I'll start.
A gym
A Union meeting
These current false flags aren't even making a dent. Americans just aren't shocked by such low scores anymore.
If the deep state wants to get any traction on gun-control it's going to take at least a few thousand kills.
I mean, look at Vegas. They obviously lied to us. Then Carrie Underwood sang a song at the CMA awards and it was all good. Time to move on.
For what DS wants to accomplish, it's gonna need Disney World.
This, they need some sort of massive shock that will make 9/11 look tame. Coordinated ISIS gunmen in every major city at once maybe.
The next Tom Petty concert will be a bloodbath.
The next one is going to be another school.
>These current false flags aren't even making a dent. Americans just aren't shocked by such low scores anymore.
>If the deep state wants to get any traction on gun-control it's going to take at least a few thousand kills.
RWDS / militia false flag incoming
The day of the rope is coming for all those involved in deep state global corruption. Hillary swings first. Check em!
Some southern university with a big football program where all the students in the stand are mostly Christian and conservative and white. Alabama, Auburn, Georgia Tech, something like that.
Either a bomb or some Muhammad on janitor or vendor crew gets a gun in, or could even be some crazy blm or commie nigger.
>Coordinated ISIS gunmen in every major city at once maybe.
Terrorists use illegal weapons to gundonw Americans, dozens of terrorists killed by law abiding armed Americans. Reciprocity passed, travel moratorium passed, Trump becomes the first pres. ever to be forced into a third term due to popular demand.
Sorry to break the news to you.... Tom Petty died a while back now.
Sorry to break it to you, but you need to lurk moar.
Kind of spooked, looked at Bobby dodd(Georgia tech) stadium in atlanta
, tall buildings look even closer than Mandalay bay to concert.
fbi pls
I don't think they give up that easy
All they have to do is target an event/place that will make gun-loving Republicans fear for their lives if they were to ever be at a similar event.
I would say a gun store or shooting range would be perfect for that.
>9 dead, 19 wounded
>December 12
>Known as the 'Christmas Massacre,' used as leverage by Trudeau to introduce sweeping legislation against media reporting of tragedy
Seconding. A big college game attacked by mudslimes (ISIS or al-Qaeda) leaving 300+ dead
I'd also like to predict that the Norks will down a passenger airliner before the 2018 Seoul Olympics like they did before the 1988 Seoul Olympics
December 3 mortar attack on college football game.
mfw realize deep state is trolling Sup Forums for false flag ideas that they can then screencap, implement, and distribute the screencap .jpg to shills including possibly my division and then come back here and post them after the drill goes live and retroactively claim to have prophesied the op thru the good graces of kek, but Sup Forums doesn't realize that kek is an asset and trump is a patsy so we successfully co-opt your conspiracy investigation and datamine the fuck out of it to plan our next big psyop
It's going to be this, somebody will shoot up a skyscraper with thousands of employees inside and no way out. The company will be some well known one like Target or Chic-fil-A. Multiple executives will die and they'll be replaced by gay chinese or transgender women.
Exactly why I posted