Post AnCap memes to trigger NatSocs and remind them that this was an AnCap board before all the NEETs showed up because they wanted someone to blame for their unemployment!
Discord: ysHXtn9
Post AnCap memes to trigger NatSocs and remind them that this was an AnCap board before all the NEETs showed up because they wanted someone to blame for their unemployment!
Discord: ysHXtn9
/lrg/ is cooler.
lmao tru
Oh boy, I love bootleg /lrg/
off brands are cheaper. the free market at work folks
I don't know much about ancaps but damn the memes are spicy.
/lrg/ faggot. Do you really think you're the first person on Sup Forums to try to make a community of everyone who's scared of roads?
>This sperg again
Fascism will win
it literally already lost kek
It's never won before.
Much like Communism, it has a pretty spectacular record of failure.
hello bootleg lrg, how are you today?
>>Fascism already lost
Oh that's funny, so what is it exactly you and your antifa fuckbuddies are always protesting over? Neck yourself nigger.
active at least
been looking for that thanks
ROFLMAO these cucks actually think they're winning by being cucks
you must of missed the last lrg, it was like few minutes ago
Ancap is retarded and only edgy memelords support it.
Minarchism is the way to go.
Ah yes, I love paying 25ยข per mile to have my steel contraption travel over the top of asphalt that somebody else claims is theirs just because they put it there. Might have to violate the NAP on that one.
As opposed to realistic strawmen, amiright? Trash meme, get it out.
> AnCap
> Not right-leaning post political cryptofascist
You utter fool.
>Ancap is retarded and only edgy memelords support it.
Maybe you should look at the ideology for once, rather than using these strawmen memeballs for gathering an understanding of what this ideology even is.
The NAP, referrers to not going out and attacking people to achieve what you want, so long as they do not attack you. It is basically a Hippocratic Oath to all interactions in life.
If not using violence to achieve what you want is cuckoldry, then you must be some sort of sick psychopath.
Or maybe I'm just not a little bitch in denial about how the real world works. Keep larping nigger lmfao
Daily reminder
I have looked at the ideology and I don't like it. It will almost certainly devolve into city-states or warlord feudalism, and the "private defense agencies" will either create a pseudo-state (that might be worse than the state replaced by ancap) or simply gang war 24/7.
Humans are selfish and no major authority will be there to enforce the NAP, unless you're rich and powerful.
An ancap society will be hell. A small minarchist government is necessary.
Hi lefty pol
I'm noticing a disturbing lack of CLERICAL FASCISM supporters in this thread. Do you want to get to heaven or not you fools? You're here for like 50 more years maximum most of you and you're worried about anything besides converting people and saving people? What's wrong with you makes?
ancaps existing without white people top kek
It's more effective if you also post example strawmen with the meme. Like, nobody ever profits enough from a road to fund the construction of one, so obviously ancapistan would have to go completely without roads.
There is no larping here. If you are just going to deliberately ignore any kind of information related to Ancap/Right-Libertarianism/Objectivism and just use strawmen made by your stormfront butt buddies, then why are you even here.
Since when where Ancaps antifa? They hate us even more than the people they are calling nazis. And besides antifa hates capitalism, private property, and individualism.
never heard of toll roads?
Oh well if it is not the "everything bad about every ideology other than my own hodgepodge is a spook".
I'm here to deliver the right tune for /acg/
Humans don't make decisions in a vacuum, we're causally influenced by many things, and unless you really don't care for the well being of race, culture and civilisation, don't be sad when all economic power stratifies to a corporate elite with almost totalitarian power over the masses. Meritocracy is a meme and the common person is very retarded, ultimately, you're going to be exploited by your boss and you'll have no power over the situation.
yeah buddies
You gotta pay the road toll to get into that road's hole
If your skillset is so useless to anyone that you can be exploited so easily, you deserve what you get.
Why do you need the state to enforce conservatism?
If people naturally self segregate them selves based upon race and culture, and appropriate the best qualities from other cultures. Then why is this a bad thing?
Eastern and Western Civilizations have proven themselves to be the most successful and compatible with free market ideals, an outsider looking in, even a dumb one will be able to see that something is working related to said society.
>Meritocracy is a meme
Its not just about working hard, its about being able to find and utilize an opportunity. If you can't find any opportunities or are too afraid to take the risk, then you likely wont do very well in the long run.
>that this was an AnCap board before
Anyone that was actually here 5+ years ago knows that was never the case.
>Post AnCap memes to trigger NatSocs
Post your ideology then.
Rand would argue that it's in your self-interest to respect property rights as mutual respect for property rights among individuals is ultimately beneficial for any given individual.
TLDR; The red buttons are not mutually exclusive, whoever made this is retarded.
This is now a Hitler appreciation thread
Statists are not welcome here. And that jew couldn't draw people.
This meme is retarded. Cantwell is right, free speech is not ancap you mong.
hitler was a a painter, architect, and a solider, but not an economist, decent, but could not fucked up like he did
The free helicopter rides were done by fascists, you don't get to have them
Also, you need to ((( ))) yourself as well, because lolbertarianism came from Jews
Anarcucks should just kill themselves desu
Thats where you're wrong kiddo.
>Libertarianism is a tool of Zionism, Invented by jews, ect ect.
NONE of this helps Zionist control. We challenge power more than any National Socialists think they do.
Locke, Smith and Bastiat, the founders of capitalism as an economic system based off private property norms, were all Gentiles. Acquisition of resources is a vital part of human action and has brought us such wonders like ancient architecture, art, and technology far beyond what we could have imagined a hundred years ago. Jews are interested because it deals with acquisition of resources, like any other serious economic system.
>"The Jewish Question" by Life Love and ANARCHY
>Documenting Anti-Semitism Within the Libertarian Movement:
Even our favored jews are blasted for being token jews, anti-semites and racists by jews in high places.
You can point out Rothbard (pbuh) was a jew, but you can find no link to zionism or bolshevism. I dare you to call the libertarian philosophy a tool of zionism. bring your evidence fag.
to be fair, Hoppe himself explained in a perfect Libertarian order there is absolute no tolerance towards democrates, socialists and communists.
nigger stfu Sup Forums was always a nat soc board even /new/ was our board never ancap never will newfaggotry and autism flow in you
and that we libertarians don't give a shit about an abstract "freedom of speech" communists don't have a right to speak on somones private property, and given that they want to abolish property and not own any, they dont have a right to speak EVER.
The vast vast majority of production in an economy is dependent on low skill work that is easily replaced, so you think a majority of people deserve to be exploited? You are basically arguing for the expansion and consolidation of the power of these extremely wealthy corporate elites that then can dictate literally the operations of an entire civilisation regardless of culture, race or ethics.
At the end of the day, nothing will change, the power of society still remains in the hands of a few. The state transition to oligarchical corporatism.
>Why do you need the state to enforce conservatism?
without a state, power derives from economic standard and the means of which you can exploit others for your own personal gain. Once power stratifies and is consolidated, no values, ethics or culture is intrinsic, and these individuals rule, and the entire social fabric can be influenced.
>If people naturally self segregate them selves based upon race and culture
because they don't naturally do so just on racial or cultural grounds, they also do so on economic grounds. If surviving means all people migrate into the cities and sell their labour, they will do so, survival is key.
>even a dumb one will be able to see that something is working related to said society.
There is literally no example of a pure free market society anywhere in the west or east, they are either state capitalist or socially democratic. Our western societies literally only exist because the labour standard is so low and cheap in China, they are exploited for our luxury and profit, robbing their own individual and national identity to mass produce products. This is at the expense of our own low skilled peoples, who are forced to live off welfare as labour continues to be outsourced.
>acquire nuke
>force people to pay a Not Nuke You tax
>We challenge power more than any National Socialists think they do.
Your ideology is so toothless it has never been seriously attempted by any number of people.
And don't "muh colonial America" me, they limited citizenship to whites and had protective tariffs
He should have remained a painter. I would ironically buy his paintings. If he stayed out of politics and focused on his painting career, I think he would have been world famous for his artwork, but he decided to become a paleo-socialist and now he is most well known for creating a crappy authoritarian welfare state.
>The Jews
Oh no, a few people who come from an ethnic group who have an extremely high average IQ promoted a political philosophy, it must be wrong!
t. statist
Literally everything that flows out of Jews is poison to white people, but I'm sure lolbertarianism is the exception
And I have high enough IQ to assess ideas for myself, thanks. I don't suck Jew intellectual cock because of IQ studies on urban samplings of nonrandom djoos
P.S. If Jews are so smart, name 10 major inventions from Jews that changed the world. No cheating, you have to do it from memory. Good luck.
I remember him as the man who stopped Jewish Russian communism from taking over Europe. Reminder: We let them have Poland.
Literally not an argument. Are you some sort of NatSoc larper?
>Once power stratifies and is consolidated, no values, ethics or culture is intrinsic, and these individuals rule, and the entire social fabric can be influenced.
So these values are all magically lost once power is gone?
> If surviving means all people migrate into the cities and sell their labour, they will do so, survival is key.
And yet you still see communities in the inner city that are self segregated, have distinct cultures.
>There is literally no example of a pure free market society anywhere in the west or east,
While this is true, there are states that have more free markets and less free markets. Generally the more free market societies are more compatible with western and eastern societies.
>Our western societies literally only exist because the labour standard is so low and cheap in China
How did the west survive before China opened its markets in the late 70s?
>This is at the expense of our own low skilled peoples, who are forced to live off welfare as labour continues to be outsourced.
Do you really think that these people are worth more than the 50 cents an hour they are being paid? They have no marketable skills beyond that. In fact shortly after china implemented a minimum wage in some of its regions, people actually have began trying to leave China for Vietnam where they can get paid 25/50 cents an hour because nobody else is willing to hire them.
I'm not larping, honey. I pushed out a baby on oxytocin with no pain relief because I want to push out more and I wantto avoid a C section.
Have a nice day!
Well clearly his attempte to stop the red menace in europe has failed, epsecially since he sold out half of eastern Europe and implemented socialist and socialist-like policies him self.
Frankly it was the influence of NATO and the former allied powers in Europe that slowed the spread of socialism during the cold war, not Germany.
If he is trying to pass using "JOOOS" as a valid argument, then he is a NatSoc larper.
Why would you deny NatSoc? Don't you like clean roads?
>Well clearly his attempte to stop the red menace in europe has failed
Partially true, but it took the US, UK, Canada, Russia ganging up on him to do so. Compare that to your absolute 0 track record of lolbertarianism
>cold war
Why the fuck are you mentioning the cold war? Totally irrelevant, NAZI germany was not in existence
I'm not the one who posted a meme with ((( ))) you fucking retard. I'm just throwing it back in your faces. That's how fucking irrelevant lolbertarianism is, you can't even meme without thieving
I dont like roads period. now get out of here road-socialist!
I dream of a society free from the asphault jew.
I'll just leave this here
>Rand would argue that it's in your self-interest to respect property rights as mutual respect for property rights among individuals is ultimately beneficial for any given individual.
She also said the natives didn't have any property rights because nothing (like a government) could grant them property rights. Her so-called philosophy is a confused mess.
There's no evidence or reason to think the NAP is a stable mutually beneficial outcome. That's not how history has unfolded. History is all about "might is right" and conquering territory (ie property) with bigger tribes/armies.
Imo, libertarianism is the sort of ideology that can only fester in a culture that's sufficiently free from external threats. By it's nature it's a very divisive ideology and it tends (though I admit there are exceptions) to promote degeneracy and selfishness.
>no hoppe
isn't cherry picking fun?
>Why the fuck are you mentioning the cold war? Totally irrelevant, NAZI germany was not in existence
It is relevant because the cold war was the period after WW2. Germany was divided and you had a coalition of powers that favored anything that is not Fascism or Socialism. And it was during the cold war that we a massive economic boom in the united states,east asia, and western europe. This combined with the rigorous laws that prevented any kind of communist resurgence (until very recently) is what kept half of Europe free of communism.
Hitler did very little to stop the spread of socialism, especially when he sells out a large chunk of Europe to Stalin, and frankly he didn't have that portion under his country anyway.
Only Rothbard and Von Mises are any good, Watler block isn't even an influential guy, and milton friedman and any rand aren't even libertarians.
> hoppe
> not the main founders of lolspegism
Lolbiterianism is a kike ideology created for stupid goyim
You mean the cuckold who thinks insurance companies can protect borders better than a military?
you niggers, libertarianism was created by goyim. libertarianism is white man values.
if you want the main founders of libertarianism you'll have to go back farther than mises or friedman
Lolbiterianism was fucking created by filthy kikes.
the amount of cognitive dissonance is outstanding
Fuck you civicuck lolspergs and your meme ideology .
no hoppe?
chopper for you, jew
Are you 80 IQ? None of this is relevant to NAZIism
>So these values are all magically lost once power is gone?
Yes, look at China. A small corporate elite, with not a care for the well being of the masses or their civilisation, do not care. An aspect of the exploitation process is the de-individualisation of the common worker, so they are utterly subservient to working to survive. Historically speaking, it happens 100% of the time.
>And yet you still see communities in the inner city that are self segregated, have distinct cultures.
I guess it's fine to import millions of muslims then to my civilisation, because multiculturalism now works. But historically speaking, the best example I personally can find is the movement of the Irish into the UK during the potato famine. These people didn't stay Irish for long did they?
>Generally the more free market societies are more compatible with western and eastern societies.
The reason why a nation may be more "compatible" with a free market economic system is because these socially democratic, advanced westernised nations have strong workers rights, union representation and a state to ensure there is no vicious behaviour. In your system, you are denying the people this greater body of power to defend them, and allowing power to consolidate in the hands of a corporate elite.tem.
>How did the west survive before China opened its markets in the late 70s?
The west had it's own industries and production, we produced our own goods. We have experienced extreme exploitation and the horrors of a deregulated market during the industrial revolution, not before the state intervened where necessary and progress was made because of union representation.
>Do you really think that these people are worth more than the 50 cents an hour they are being paid?
That is the sad fact of reality, that vast majority of production is cheap and labour is cheap. Most people will suffer. The whole cycle is brutal, and does not take into account anything beyond economic materialism.
And it you want to see how far NatSoc goes back then look at Ancient Sparta.
NatSoc is a natural European ideology because it has been with us since the beginning.
You stupid lolspergs were created by fucking kikes.
That right there should make anyone DROP lolspergism.
You see, the only type of people who are lolspergs are either t_d plebbit fags who are on their final step through the red-pill journey.
The very last step is NatSoc.
How many lolspergs have eventually embraced NatSoc?
almost every single one of them.
And the other lolspergs are fucking nonwhite themselves or halfbreed mongrels.
>thinks arguments are won with the word cuck
>thinks militaries are useful at fighting anything but other militaries
>thinks fighting against 5 or more private militaries at the same time would be a good idea
>thinks those companies would assassinate the opposing head of state and on the ground command structure before even engaging