are you Brits ready for The Troubles 2.0 once the hard border between Northern Ireland & the Republic returns?
Are you Brits ready for The Troubles 2.0 once the hard border between Northern Ireland & the Republic returns?
Tbh mate as someone who's worked over there the troubles are finished. Dissidents on either side couldn't organise a pissup in a brewery and get lifted regularly. Also 1/4 of them are touts lol.
bloody sunday was banter
top banter. I hope the paras get away with it forever. lel.
This is probably the most British thing I've ever read.
what gun is that?
It's a strong possibility when transborder IRA operations are halted (arms smuggling, diesel laundering, etc.)
For once you are actually right George
Sorry guys, you went from literally bombing the Eternal Anglo to sucking brown dick.
Your "nationalists" are cucks.
It's sad that that Irish wouldn't cuck to the Brits, who look nearly identical, but then rolled right over for Muddy Migrants.
It's a damn shame.
Why don't you want a fuckoff massive border between yourselves and the UK? Have you seen the state of our cities?
>implying anyone actually supports Sinn Fein
everyone knows they're fucking retards
Pic related 10/10 would bang. There is no turn on like a patriotic chick with a firearm. Where did all the loyal Irish women like this go?
I thought they were the political wing of the IRA?
I'm down for it lad
Well, there's always the Irish National party, but SF got what, 13-14% last election?
Is it Paddy boomers or alcohol induced damages speaking?
A few of the Continuity guys are mouth breathers. I'm friends with a couple on fb. However if the hard guys in Belfast and Derry get itchy it could return. The Provos however are still scary. They murdered a Provie who went rouge a couple years ago. If they wanted it could restart. They are involved big time in smuggling diesel and petrol and mete out the odd hiding/shooting to drug dealers and boy racers.
>Where did all the loyal Irish women like this go?
as you can see here , the only defining characteristic of the "Irish Nationalist" is treachery. When they aren't British citizens betraying the UK, they revert to betraying each other. It's like the parable of the scorpion and the frog, if the scorpion was a raging drunk who bashed the frog over the head with a bottle of Guinness when they were halfway across.
The story in general, right? A generation raised on cultural marxism and white guilt.
odd history with that
The IRA back in the day became highly indoctrinated by Marxism... so they split into two factions because people thought they weren't doing enough to help in the north. So in the 60's the PIRA was set up and they were the ones that were actually doing the bombings.
They've been on ceasfire since 97, so splinter groups set up like CIRA and RIRA. Very silly altogether.
Profiteers profited and then made peace with the British to cement their power. Your revolutionaries betrayed you. Northern Ireland could have been won any who accepted such a half measure is an enemy.
AMA anything I know a few guys involved with the "struggle"
>The fucking Bogdanoffs
Someone! Answer! Take that call!
As Americans, "we" were once Brits who betrayed the UK, and on top of that, the Irish even have their own language (An Ghaeilge), so I don't understand the salt.
Does anybody really want the hassle of Northern Ireland anymore? Any Brits I talk to are tired of the burden they bring. I don't want to take that on either.
Fucking porridge wog mongrels should just be an independent country.
>Potato niggers killing other potato niggers
Why should I care again?
Typical yank. Died in the wool IRA members from the 40's gave Adams and McGuiness blessing for the GFA. Adams would have been murdered 20 years ago if they thought he was a tout. The hardliners saw what was coming they aren't stupid. They beat the Brits and brought them to the negotiating table. The Orange Statelet was broken the minute the GFA was signed.
The welcome party in Dublin are waiting!
if you guys would stop shooting us maybe we could all deal with the marxists
It will be your border. You will have to man it, pay for it, and piss off the people who have to cross it.
Aren't they saying it won't happen?
I'm not sure why they would sacrifice their identity so willingly, after fighting so hard to protect it.
The mind virus of Marxism is a powerful weapon.
But to be honest we're all victims of it, to varying degrees.
FAL, probably stolen from British Army.
I want to believe in a cutie Irish chick running and gunning with a .308, but I kind of doubt it, especially with how the stock length is kind of messing her up.
She drank herself to death.
>100 years
who picked that number? There were lots of Irish nationalists over a 100 years ago.
The only reason the government here want a hard border is because they are pissed off that people go up north for the lower taxes on shopping.
Typically Irish, the Jewiest race after the Jews.
Part of the problem is that many people don't realize how good they have it. Would be interesting to read Sup Forums posts from the last days of Rome if it had been available back then...
>British to American: ?????
This picture is sexy as fuck.
When will the uprising for a nativist revolution happen? I want to fight side by side along based redpilled patriotic qts
Your literally fucked Brit. Always listening to Tory snakes. We hold a veto over the deal and the Germans would rather see you crash and burn that make a success of it. The border won't change. NI will get special status and you will just have to suck it up. You will also pay at least 70 billion of a leave bill. All you boomers will rant and rage on the Daily Mail and the Telegraph. They fucked a generation over the spoilt cunts.
no fuck u
Look at the hands.
more qt nationalist RA girls
Londonderry falls first.
You're right. 100% manlet in a wig.
Every time I think my respect for the Provos cannot drop further, they prove me wrong.
I never get thick cunts like you.
>be Irish nationalist and against the union with Britain
>but love the EU and willingly give up sovereignty to Brussels and Berlin.
u aint gon do shieet
Literally why brits need harder border lol
But seriously if you want to damage Irish potato, leave the EU and promote you have "soft border" with Ireland.
Africans will travel to ireland to attempt to get into uk.
> Refugee camp in ireland when
The British government has already said they won't put one up. The EU wants one, it's the EU's problem. That and the Irish governments. It's not as if the British are worried about immigrants from Ireland, that bits staying the same.
Actually the exact opposite is the reason why we have so many Muslims in Ireland now. They get into the UK via family reunion programs and then move to Ireland because the gibs are better here.
Hard Brexit, no problem, bring it on.
We will win this time
If the uk and ireland has to deal with this bullshit whilst dealing with corbyn and isis and antifa. Gas the lot of you.
>tfw so bored I hope to join some roving warband in the hills of Ireland fighting whoever pays me less
Cause our language and culture were nearly exterminated? Extermination is not a light word. Do you know how little Irish culture has actually survived? Dozens of dialects of Irish extinct. The legends we have are laughable translations passed down by monks who regarded the stories are pagan trash.
I like British people I like there culture. I'm a liverpool fan and I enjoy socialising with them when I meet them on holidays. I root for English teams in the Champions league. But I don't want to be ruled by them? Whats so hard to get?
Talking to my father we had donkeys and carts in the 70's now we have roads and Google/Microsoft and a high standard of living thanks to the EU.
Oh and btw your veto's going m8, part of the unification of Europe. That and your tax control, and neutrality, European army, baby.
lol - its your land that has already been overrun - don't think the English remanent doesn't remember - if you come back to us it will be on your knees
what you don't get is that we protected you for centuries plus you are invaders that stole Ireland from us - something you were proud of until we took it back - in addition before we arrived both Muslims and vikings were enslaving you - we stopped that
>Kingdom of Ireland
>Island Kingdom
I like the name. We'll democratically change the flag back to the UJ and it'll be just like old times.
So what you're saying is that you have nothing? You are a person without roots or culture to fight for, so you make the mammon your God, with the EU as its prophet?
im just here fot the AR-18's
Suck my balls. EU leaders actually care a ton about the GFA. Its Britain thats fucked Ireland over. Again. Why should we care? Mind you, Britain was on a great path. Cameron made the reforms, your countries manufacturing is doing brilliant. London demolished NY as financial capital of the world. Tony Blair is to blame for the levels of migration you've received not the EU.
read I. Claudius
basically a /pol post on the beginning of the imperial period
Ever since the internet I've found out the proddies are all utter bastards and the catholics are ok
during the troubles i had 2 offices blown up by the IRA. im not fans of them but at least they arent a bunch of dicks on the internet
Start fighting the foreign hordes instead of each other.
>muslim clapping
Say's the non-Country. I'm no fans of the corporations but I'd rather take a cool life with a meaningful job that being tied to the UK's apron with the only exports being cattle and nurses I'll tell you that.
>during the troubles i had 2 offices blown up by the IRA
Did they call them in first?
>Fucking porridge wog mongrels should just be an independent country.
I've thought the same thing for years.
She looks like she successfully escaped hunger.
Potato famine 2.0 when.
ahhhh so selfish how hard it must be to have the English - the only people to preserve peoples that tried to annihilate them thousands of years before - as your overlords
Thanks, I just read a summary. How much shit would you have to see before you don't bat an eye when your wife is executed. Understanding history is easier when you realize how much more brutal the world was back then.
What are you doing in my country? Get out.
>tfw no Irish qt3.14 who can shoot palestinian surplus rifles
Why live?
tfw no alpha celtic irish warrior gf to fight the anglo-iberian scum with
>that pic
brb digging out my Union Jack T-shirt and heading over to Ireland
I didn't realize how much Northern Ireland had polarized in only 20 years. I guess it's just a popularity contest now. Who has the most kids, who gets the most converts, who sends the most immigrants.
>I guess it's just a popularity contest now. Who has the most kids, who gets the most converts, who sends the most immigrants.
user, that's how it is for the entire world.
Thinking you're above nature is a psyop.
Jesus wept, you can't see what the future's of the EU is, well that's your problem. Those girls in the pictures posted earlier would be grannies now, if they weren't dead. The world's moved on.
The EU has been sucking the life out of us, for years now.
North east standing by..
Not to be all la de da but if you want to read something private correspondence from ceasers time 'Letters to Atticus' by Cicero is good.
He is panicked when the civil war breaks out and celebrates a lot when Ceaser is murdered.
>They beat the Brits and brought them to the negotiating table.
The IRA had no place left to run, so they conceded to the negotiating table. The Brits won. Umm, try again sweetie.
I yearn for another Cromwell.
The US should too.
Thanks for recommending it. Neat to see such educated anons on Sup Forums.
All these people wanting N.I to be forced back into I.R and here I am on my lonesome wanting Northern England to become its own sovereign nation.
Anti-London English pride when? I'd say us Northerners have more reason to ask for secession than some Irish cunts that think they have just cause to drag their unwilling cousins back into a union with them.
So your sovereignty is for sale then? That's fucking disgusting. It's a boomer tier mentality. You might do alright but your kids will be fucked in a country with zero identity, EU army conscription to fight in more Jewish wars and very little national control.
What people like you can't accept is that the English were colossally unsuccessful at killing off the Irish language and culture. Any attempts they made to do so only strengthened the desire to keep those facets of Irish identity. Irish language died out almost because English was the language of business, the union and the empire. Our culture assimilated with English, Scottish and Welsh to become British culture.
There was no successful great effort to destroy it. However membership of the EU has seen our nation lose centuries of culture and heritage, and most importantly our genetic identity is at risk now.
Go on lads, try it.
Once the Brits no longer need to suck the German cock, it'll take a week to march down to Dublin and replace the Globalist Occupation Government of Southern Ireland with something less inclined to give aid and comfort to the murderers of Protestant children and stand in the way of bringing globalists and paedophile priests to justice.
And that will be the end both of the IRA and the meme movement that is Irish republicanism, which should have been chucked into the dustbin of history with the Kaiser's other pet project, the Soviet Union.
Your poo fag Teeshock and the shambles that passes for the army of the Free State could hardly organize a battle against a bad windstorm. What fucking chance do you reckon you have against a real army?
Fuck the Pope.
Fuck the globalists.
Fuck the IRA.
God save the Queen.
God save Ulster.
Why would you yearn for the person who arguably has brought about the end of Anglo supremacy with his decision to overturn the exile of the Jews from England and all her territories?
>thanks to the EU
Ireland: always the slave, never the Master.
You mean "day of the blight", right?