Richard Spencer is a shill
People who support Richard Spencer are retarded
Richard Spencer is a shill
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It's so obvious it hurts. But people have to learn for themselves, I guess.
What did you do for white people in the last year?
Educational reminder that the only good thing that Richard "muh ethnostate" Spencer has done is pic related.
Hes also a closet faggot.
Anyone saying Richard Spencer is a shill is a shill
I wonder if he fucked Theryn Meyer yet.
>What did you do for white people in the last year?
>1 post by this ID
FUck off Morpheus
Worse than blindly following him, is fucking making these threads 24/7. I swear Spencer does it himself to remain relevant.
I like Spencer.
He has the right enemies.
Shillfags everywhere
Even if Spencer is beyond a shadow of a doubt not a shill he has still damaged ethnic-nationalism far more than he has helped it.
Dubs, keked and checked.
But I know that you're a shill too. Otherwise you would have at least posted more than once and at least put some evidence. You're just a faggot running ops so newfags admire Dicky "Pedo" Spencer out of ignorance.
we always knew, its all newfags
spencer is a kike, and a bush establishment cia shill
Notice how these shills never provide evidence.
i started by not being a kike, then not being a cia shill
Prove it retard or stop posting forever.
It was just an inquiry.
& if you're truly curious; I've gotten in shape, gotten a promotion, & I drop redpills wherever possible. I'm clearly no Spencer or Peterson, but it's a start.
Spencer did nothing wrong, and anybody that is viciously against him is either illiterate or D&C shill.
Reminder that they will use:
-Muh CIA shill Cernovich narrative
-Muh Jew Moarpheus' narrative
-Muh too extreme cuckservative narrative
-Muh too faggy narrative
in the same breath.
Don't fall for their tricks. Even if you catch these faggots lying, they will go on another "issue" and use the same lies you called them out on in response to others.
He's either a shill or really dumb
never liked him or cared
>what is publicity
If trump can say ''grab them by the pussy'' and win the election, there's no such thing as bad publicity.
Shut up faggot.
Where's the proof retard? That picture can't possible be the proof, right?
I agree he doesn't watch his wording enough. Doesn't make him a shill though,
Nice Marx quote, my fellow right-winger.
I heard he was a nazi and he got punched! Yay punch nazis Harry Potter is my favorite book about Rick and Morty.
There's a difference between locker room talk between a few guys and saying the things Richard Spencer is saying in that video in front of a crowd of people
>speaking in German multiple times, clearly in reference to nazi Germany
Who else but someone deliberately trying to make right wingers look like nazis would do this?
It's possible, but what if he's not and they just say he is to smear him.
I really can't tell. Him Heiling Trump seemed like it was meant to hurt Trump but what if Spencer did it to get attention.
You glow in the dark CIAnigger.
Heilgate forced faggots to stop associating with the movement.
After that:
Completely stopped associating with the Alt-Right and muddying the pro-white message.
user, please be serious here.
Why hasn't Spencer called out the JQ?
>Yes he's mentioned the Bolsheviks
But nothing about kikes.
Why is the first example he always gives of an ethno-state, Israel?
>Who else but someone deliberately trying to make right wingers look like nazis would do this?
Matthew Heimbach is the retard trying to make far right people look like nazis. Spencer is explicitly against Nazi imagery/slogans at his event.
>Spencer did nothing wrong
Spencer may as well be a liberal.
Have you listened to him on TDS or his own Alt Right podcast? He calls out Jews and Israel influence all the time when the subject comes up.
The Order of Thelema/Temple of the Orient/Temple of Agape emplaces homosexuals and marxists in positions of power within all nationalist movements. These people syphon off the leadership and destroy nationalist movements from within. When the time is right they reveal themselves to be homosexual or crash the entire group.
link related
Also research Jorg Haider, and remember Richard Spencer was studying in Austria when Jorg Haiders party was in charge. Remember Orban, who kicked out Soros, would not allow Spencer to convene in his country. There is a reason he was not allowed to.
Stephan Petzner
>On 1 October 2013, Petzner was expelled from the BZÖ for "party damaging behaviour" after demanding Josef Buchers step down and criticizing the campaign after losing major voting shares in the 2013 Austrian legislative election to the Freedom Party
MIchael Spindelegger
>In August 2014 he unexpectedly resigned from all political positions. Since 2016, he has been serving as Secretary General of the Vienna-based International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) think tank.
These people are no longer in the OVP, but they were the part of the leadership of the OVP around the time Spencer was studying in Austria.
>Many on white nationalist forums have questioned Kesslers background as he was involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement and previously supported President Barack Obama. People who know Kessler have confirmed that he previously voted for Democrats and was involved with the Occupy movement in Charlottesville.[11]
>Kessler was one of the organizers of the Unite the Right rally on August 12, 2017.
>Spencer is explicitly against Nazi imagery/slogans at his event.
Thank you for proofing my point that he's controlled opposition.
Also, he explicitly said "Blood and Soil" at Charlotteville, retard.
>Why is the first example he always gives of an ethno-state, Israel?
Why does Sup Forums, for years now?
he is literally a cia plant
TDS are kikes, TRS are kikes, kys fag
Good post.
totally right fellow based pede. We wont let anyone divide us, or stop our greatest ally.
This is the level of intelligence these far right people who actually go out there and try to build something are dealing with. Jesus christ. I don't envy them.
No he's not you conspiratard subhuman.
>this guy's ideology is (slightly) different from mine
>i won't argue though and get something productive done I'll just call him a fed.
dont worry finnbro, at least we know the truth
He mentions Israel because no jew would support open borders for Israel - instawin every argument with a jew.
oldie but goodie
All of you misinformed fags, shills and CIAniggers are going to hang.
Is Moarpheus financed by Cernovich?
If you look closely at the video, all Spencer did was hold up his goddamn glass.
I can confirm Moarpheus is receiving funds from the feds and cernovich and /leftypol/ and JIDF. All you shills, fags and CIAniggers who can't see it are going to hang,
Nope, by Schlomo.
But Cernovich is Jewish.
Moarpheus confirmed Cernovich's lackey.
You won't mooch my shekels, Cernovich. Cernovich Media = Trash
>there are people on this website who are so fucking dumb that they look at this picture and are convinced that the people at the bottom are CIA shills
That is terrifying.
daily reminder that pic related is made by gateway pundit (alt-lite) claiming that dickie is a CIA nigger because he worked with a guy that has relations with CIA.
Guess fucking what shills and kekistanis? Trump's new book "Time to get tough" was published by the same guy that alt-lite claims is CIA.
So Trump is CIA plant too? The absolute state of alt-liters and shill on Sup Forums that's why I don't come here anymore, nigger infested board.
I will hunt down you ShareBlue faggots if it's the last thing I do.
Not getting paranoid and act like a bitch.
Does Cernovich pay you in bonobo mindset copies?
have a you
No. Do you get paid in foreskins?
Well, I hope Cerno is giving you decent cash if that's the case. He must be going big.
If you're skillful you might be able to cash in those books for more.
No shill no shill, youre the shill.
Oh wow he met Laura Bush once at a party. He must be a CIA shill even though he's done more for our movement than anyone in this thread...
Richard Spencer is a libertarian conspiracy.
Genuine question.
Why are you acting like a smug self-righteous cocksucker?
You literally haven't proven or disproven anything in this entire thread.
You're either a low level CIA nigger or just some /leftypol/ faggot who can't help being genuinely autistic.
Why are you shilling for Cernovch, and not getting a genuine job? Manual labor makes some people fulfilled. Others, not so much.
Spencer has been in conservative political circles for ~20 years. I would be surprised if he has not met nearly all influential Republican politicians at some point. The fact that people use that pic as """proof""" of anything is so idiotic it is beyond comprehension.
Meh. I followed Spencer when he first came out during the 2016 elections. He turned out to I don't even know what. A Communist? A Bolshevik? A Zionist? All of the above? Not sure. But there is something off with the guy and he does not speak for me.
Notice how he never answers any questions. Ok not asks? Then when you give an answer he'll ask a similar question but get very specific?
So true...
>When he first came out in 2016
You must be a real retard if you think he's done anything for white people. Also, assuming you're white, and not a mudslime, do you really think we see you as equals? Propagating a "European Empire" with disregard for nationality or culture, all the while memetically trying to project himself as a leader and falsely taking credit - what do you think his motives are? I know your people are slow but try to use your head here a bit.
>He turned out to I don't even know what. A Communist? A Bolshevik? A Zionist? All of the above? Not sure.
Read a good book written by my compatriot, it's the best critique of liberal capitalism and a key to well understanding his position.
Richard is good friends with Sunić.
You gotta use their own tactics against them desu, everything else is a waste of time.
I was implying having any dialogue at all is a waste of time. The only thing he deserves is feet first through a wood chipper.
>Why are you shilling for Cernovich?
I'm not you incompetent faggot. You haven't even proven I'm covering for Cernovich.
>,and not getting a genuine job?
Why are you immediately switching topics and projecting onto me?
Why are you shilling for Spencer when all he's done is give the Left the straw man they've been looking for?
>Cernovich: "Richard Spencer is a CIA plant"
>You (after he originated it): "Richard Spencer is a CIA plant"
I know he's paying you, you're so transparent. And no, I won't buy his book.
You're probably right, but it's fun.
Kyle Hunt was right again. Renegade >>>>>>>>>>>> TRS
>The Jew will only admit a truth if it is to cover up a bigger lie. - Adolf Hitler.
I don't care whether you're a shill or not, you are a genuine retard and I can't wait to burn you alive in a pile of Cernovich's unsold books.
>I know he's paying you, you're so transparent. And no, I won't buy his book.
Fuck his book and fuck you.
And you forget to check my Trips faggot.
you have to be unironically brain dead to like renegade
Well be honest would you accept national globalism if we get to keep Europe, USA , Canada etc white . What I mean is basically be under control to our Jewish overlords and banks controlled by them
>I'm totes not shilling for Cernovich guise
You're not convincing anyone. GTFO cernoshill
>B-but he quoted Hitler.
You're not fooling anyone you glow in the dark nigger.
Jesus dude, just stop doing Cernovich's bidding and you'll be better off.
weev is a paranoid weirdo right now.