/LRG/ - Hope For Hoppe


This thread is for discussion of property rights, self-determination, natural order, right-libertarianism and the PHYSICAL REMOVAL of COMMUNIST FAGS from our board of peace. Reminder that this is the Libertarian RIGHT General. Left-Libertarians, Cosmopolitan freaks, Open borders cucks and other assorted libertine degenerates need to fuck off.

Questions are welcome, however many are repeated often. We advise you research the basics before asking.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/7K1EJYb8
>Discord & Book Club: Kd2WD2X

>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary ((((David Friedman)))) - youtube.com/watch?v=jTYkdEU_B4o (Watch this!)
>Anatomy of the State ((((Murray Rothbard))))
>For a New Liberty ((((Murray Rothbard))))
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Reference - See i.imgur.com/wCIpgNA.jpg
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books

>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=LP41IK91_qA
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com/watch?v=HLaqr3QorCw
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com/watch?v=HPKGgo4kGQM

>Bump for Life, Liberty, and Private Death Squads

Other urls found in this thread:




oy vey!

Sage this one /acg/ is betta

>lrg for leftists

Reminder that Murray Rothbard was a historical revisionist.

who here likes Hoppe?



why are you here?

Anarkiddies get the bullet too.

hi socialist


>an ideology that invented privatisation is socialist


you INVENTED privatization?
nazis INVENTED private businesses and property?
gotta back up a claim this big



I support the creation of alternative, non-capitalist (in some cases quasi-socialist) structures and institutions within a capitalist framework through voluntary cooperation and without coercive measures, leading to a reformation of the economy (if possible) through paradigm shifts on an individual level, instead of state violence.
Am I a right- or a left-libertarian? Been struggling with these terms for quite some time, because while my ideal is more that of a left-libertarian society, my more concrete, realistic views are that of a right-libertarian capitalist minarchist state.

Your a miniarchist who is afraid that you will die without a safety net.


>non capitalist, yet capitalist
you gotta explain harder than that


didn't say they invented it, just that they did it
and that in the 1930s they were the only ones at the time
you can't claim inventing it when private property existed since for ever, and i'm more than sure its done before

You are a left wing jew, not a Libertarian.



pretty nice how acg thunder rodded all the trolls


This is the hero of Hoppeans

>hero of pol

All non-libertarians must die. Hail Hoppe! Hail liberty!

this is literally what communists say


Hence why they must be slaughtered in self-defense.

Capitalism is the greatest destroyer of human nobility in the history of the earth. It dissolves traditional religion, culture, social order like acid. The power of concentrated wealth leads to plutocratic government, and the profit interest leads to push globalization, the push for open borders, economic equalization of the First and Third Worlds. In place of belonging and duty to community and nation, a rootless materialistic individualism takes hold. The profit interest leads to cultural propaganda in favor of consumerism, materialism, and the general degeneracy they are a part of. Women are driven into the work place, and healthy society and families collapse. Capitalism and "freedom" (freedom to be degenerate, to shirk duty to God, nation, family, ancestors, progeny) are part of the left, and just as much of the fucking problem, the enemy, as the rest of the left.

consumerism is the destroyer, we were doing fine as an industrialised, and before that a yeoman based society

Capitalism leads to consumerism. Capitalists want consumers, they propagandize endlessly in favor of it, shifting the culture downwards, away from religion and tradition in culture.

>what is the division of labor
>what is planing for the future, saving and investing
Don't criticize what you don't understand, read and economics book.

I would say me but you don't know who I am anyway.

Austrianism was my religion for about 5 years, during college.

What do either of those things have to do with what I wrote?

Sorry to break it to you but Libertarians believe in an open borders system.

the lp does, not us
refer to pic


>"hey wanna work for me in exchange for a wage?"
>"that's not allowed"


So all businesses, looking for cheap labor, can invite the Third World onto their property? You're still just fine with de-facto open borders, so long as property owners are want it. It's alright if ghetto blacks move in next door, so long as your neighbor sells the property to them. This is nonsense. Leaving aside the issues of creating this never before seen libertarian system, the market is not a God provided guarantor of optimal conditions. That is utopian. The world requires more than property rights to function, certainly to function in a healthy, traditional way.


"If you don't work for me you starve on the street, now I'm gonna pay you a few cents which gets eaten up by your food and rent costs"
See freedom, you totally haven't switched the Government oppression to Companiy oppression. No gods no Masters and the capitalist boss is a master

Yes, because forcing others to pay for you to sit on your ass is so much more anarchist.

"if you don't hunt for food and work to build shelter, you will starve to death" -nature

We are all slaves to it, and any system we come up with is just an organizing tool to help us serve our highest master, nature. Capitalism, socialism, feudalism, tribalism, it all goes back to building that shelter and hunting for food. Just because you are still forced to work to survive, doesn't mean you are enslaved to man, you are just a slave to nature, and the only way to free yourself from it is to enslave other men to hunt and build for you.

Wrong, even in ancom if you don't work the commune kicks you out but you instead no longer have a master. A actual anarchist society

Ancap is a king owning a boat in the middle of pacific ocean then saying your free to either jump over the side and drown or live among rats and work 10 hours a days. They then claim this as freedom since you can choose to die or be a slave.

>fired from company, you starve to death
>kicked from commune, you starve to death
>at least you have no master with commune though

it's the same choice. see

There's a difference between doing work to survive and being a slave to someone else.

>The word anarchy comes from the ancient Greek ἀναρχία (anarchia), which combines ἀ (a), "not, without" and ἀρχή (arkhi), "ruler, leader, authority." Thus, the term refers to a person or society "without rulers" or "without leaders"

You guys admit your society forms some neo monarchist society with workers living on the corporations land paying NOT TAXES to them and general serfdom.

>capitalism is leftist

You do realize that freedom of association is a thing, right? If you don’t like your nigger neighbors, move to a homogenous area which doesn’t permit undesirables within its area.

Slaves are given no freedom to change employers and can be traded against their will. They are property.

Employees can quit any time and find another job, or create their own. An employee is not a slave.

And how is a collective not an authority? Lets say you build tools that can make life in your collective easier, and attempt to sell them for extra rations, how does the collective respond by not exerting authority on anyone?

I, many others besides, don't want to run away. We shouldn't have to, and we don't have to if we don't fall for libertarian utopianism. Anyway, we run until the leftists and non-whites voluntarily assemble an army and invade, to make the world safe for love and equality? I'm sorry, but this whole thought exercise is patently stupid. Mises' night-watchman state is one thing, but this free market anarchism stuff is more abstract and pointless a thought exercise than Marx's communist utopia.

>"It's not a absolute monarchy when we say it is"
Anarchy means no rulers
But living on mc corp land farming mc corp crops to go towards mc corp burgers with the ever threatening threat of losing your job which equals death efficiently makes you a slave. Especially since no harm would come to the CEO who can walk around and kick you in the guts since he controls the courts, the police and the newly formed mc government. And in ancom there are no rulers since all production is shared, rather then enslaved.

pic related

Roman slaves were also free to stop working and get crucified. Anyway would a Scientology commune be "free" if you raised people from the moment they were born with propaganda about not leaving the commune and didn't expose them to the outside world you've made yourself slaves but their voluntary slaves since they don't know anything else and thin leaving the commune sentences you to hell

>Roman slaves were also free to stop working and get crucified

Pause here, you still don't get it. How can you be this dense? You even explained it yourself

>There's a difference between doing work to survive and being a slave to someone else.

You already knew the difference between the risk of starvation and the risk of getting killed by thugs, explain how these mental gymnastics work, please!

>Anyway would a Scientology commune be "free" if you raised people from the moment they were born with propaganda about not leaving the commune

Capitalists don't do this, communists do. You are constantly told that this is a free country and if you don't like what you have, change it. The exact opposite of what you just said is happening.

The capitalists shape the culture the masses consume, cradle to grave, and in so doing shape how mass-man thinks, that is the nature of most of humanity. They lack the mental power, or the courage, to think outside of their context. This another libertarian, knee-jerk, "if it's desirable, the market/freedom must provide." It's like the market is literally Divine mechanism, that libertarians, for one reason or another, become emotionally invested in. Part of the appeal is that it simplifies (falsifies) reality. "Property rights are all it requires to achieve optimal everything."

>Pause here, you still don't get it. How can you be this dense? You even explained it yourself
>You already knew the difference between the risk of starvation and the risk of getting killed by thugs, explain how these mental gymnastics work, please!
Well put them into question form so i don't have to decode that
>Capitalists don't do this, communists do. You are constantly told that this is a free country and if you don't like what you have, change it. The exact opposite of what you just said is happening.
Scientology does it now, imagine it they were truly free. USSR was also not the only communist state around and others were far more libertarian ans stateless.

Anyway unions would win control of the labor force in ancap and eventually turn it into mutalism or something alike. Unless you countered that with massive migration in which case your muh white ethno enclaves falls apart real fast

Sir, I used to be a marxist. "Capitalism" and "consumerism" are very seldom said in a positive light. If what you said is true, then 1, i would never have changed the first ideology i subscribed to, and 2, consumerism and capitalism wouldn't be bad words.

> labour theory of value

I strongly recommend suicide

I never said that. If coke makes $2 of every bottle or something and all the costs of production are 1$ and you pay the workers 50c. A parasitic leech has stolen 50c even though he does none of the work.

how did it get to you?


>So all businesses, looking for cheap labor, can invite the Third World onto their property? You're still just fine with de-facto open borders, so long as property owners are want it. It's alright if ghetto blacks move in next door, so long as your neighbor sells the property to them. This is nonsense. Leaving aside the issues of creating this never before seen libertarian system, the market is not a God provided guarantor of optimal conditions. That is utopian. The world requires more than property rights to function, certainly to function in a healthy, traditional way.
no actually, in a covenant founded for white, family based, christians, NOBODY inviting these people in can be tolerated, they'd get the copter too


Though other workers who spoke with the admin department, wrote the the pay checks out, send them in the mail.

>if you raised people from the moment they were born with propaganda
>Capitalists don't do this
I'm not sure what you're saying. All that popular culture garbage, TV, internet, music, websites, magazines, etc., that most people spend their entire lives immersed in, trace back to a relatively small number of people at or near the top of the economic hierarchy, composing a class, with its own common thinking and common interests, which is reflected in their productions.

>trace back to a relatively small number of people at or near the top of the economic hierarchy, composing a class, with its own common thinking and common interests, which is reflected in their productions.
which are all jews, and in order to preserve our libertarian social order they must be removed by ANY ideology

Many, many of them are not Jews, yet they still share the same hive mind. This makes me think it is partly something structural within capitalism, a shared class interest.

the reason they share the hive is more jews, what was it called? oh right, frankfurt school. you should know this

Wrong. The Jooos did not invent capitalism they just mastered it, especially since they have such a in group preference to other Jews. If your also implying capitalism dosn't try to indoctrinate kids with ads on prime time tv and happy meal toy deals with what ever the newest childhood movie to associate them and get them liking the brand at a early age your very wong.

Advertisements are just propaganda with limited reach, with no laws it wouldn't surprise me if you had teachers and schools who got their funding from McDonalds but gave out free McDonalds lunches and deep pshycoligcal fuckery to get people onto these products. What your witnessing with advertisements now is just people getting better at appealing to peoples emotions and wants and needs. Even if it is bad for them

Who owns mcdonalds? a jew
tv? mostly jews
the propaganda you speak of is unironically jew control
we DO NOT have a modern day example of capitalism without jews

That's the most retarded excuse I've seen you twats make. Why not start your own business you fucking loser? Oh wait, you're a talentless moron who thinks people voluntarily choosing to work for a pre-agreed amount is the same as being a slave in the Roman Empire

You do realise that the surplus value might not be surplus at all? You do realise it's not a guarantee that you make a profit right? It's not like you've only ever consumed communist propaganda force fed to you by society's biggest losers or anything

>Who owns mcdonalds? a jew
No a White British man does and before that a Black man.
>tv? mostly jews
Which don't make the ads the corporations create,design, and then put them on the tv. The joos in this case are the middle man just simply going along with capitalism and the corporations
>the propaganda you speak of is unironically jew control
Advertisements are propaganda. "Our stuff is the best, 9.99 discount, better then our competitors, kills 99.9% of germs, safe for kids :), buy quick or miss out, black Friday savings" An advertisement is trying to get people to buy your stuff. The better the ad the more profit you make. What we have now is people really good at convincing people to buy products. Capitalism has created for itself this issue of indoctrination and brand loyalty
>we DO NOT have a modern day example of capitalism without jews
Not all capitalists are Jews, Jews just happen to be capitalists at a higher rate. Capiltism has dug itself this issue, the jews just go along with it.
>"Just start your own business and enslave others", all in a vicious circle of oppression and abuse, everyone can be their own multi-billion dollar business owner.
You sound like Black people who got free of slavery then went and enslaved others. Just get your own slaves lol

Anyway I'm going now. You have some super cognitive dissociative if you think the only reason for super effective ads at getting people to buy things are Jews.

Go back to 1920's America and tell me companies owned by White people wouldn't want more effective ads.

Also #NOT REAL CAPITALISM is on the same tier of #NOT REAL SOCIALISM. Pure ideological thought outside of the actual possiblities of life and the nature of the market

If profit = good then ads which get children buying McDonalds and being brand loyal must = good then?