Post some examples of good leftist memes of which there are not many.
We post good leftist memes
Hitler did not shot himself
one more proof left can't meme
if Hitler hated refugees, why did he make so many of them?
good god
So where are the good ones
This thread hurts every one of my senses and my brain. Fucking awful.
But hitler allowed jews to take refuge in his luxury camps.
>that first pic on the right with family from USSR
Reminds me of my grandmothrs apartment (she lived in USSR) yes at start it was praty modern but as economy wasnt keeping up with west it started to look realy old she still has all those style of shit after 50 years and it looks disqusting.
>that thumbnail
You done good this time Moot.
Do you realize that the DPRK is a fascist state? Literally fuckall to do with communism except for the aesthetics.
"Facist" whats that? Is it a new term for people who discriminate against faces??
Only Nazbol and Stalinist memes are good from the left
Jesus, the 'left can't meme' meme is real...
"It's not communism if it doesn't work"
ancap memes are always great but not really an exclusively leftist thing
Just having
>follow your leader
Would have been fine but these faggots can't seem to appreciate that brevity is the soul of wit
>follow your leader
But I don't have enough money to move to South America user
oh I am laffin
Prime example
"It's not communism if it doens't describe itself as communist, removed the word Marxist-Leninist from its constitution in the 1970s, does not allow for the teaching or access to the works of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels and Vladimir Lenin and its economy is largely a mix of private and state enterprise, and has been for two decades."
I love the DPRK, it's a blood and soil fascist state. Most of the negative propaganda about the country is hysterical nonsensical mass media bullshit, most journalists either deceive willfully about the country or don't know any better and just parrot the bullshit they hear from other journalists.
DPRK hasn’t claimed to be communist or even mentioned Marxism-Leninism for decades. It’s an ethno-nationalist state, which is the direct opposite of communism.
>hater of refugees
>leftist education
We seriously ought to try to force the Democratic party to.change it's name to something more minority-ish. That way it encourages confusion, self reflection, and optimistically, abandonment of the party.
Oh and sage
Keep calling people fucking idiots, that'll get them on your side.
Well yeah, I'm down to follow Hitler, who's moving to South America while being protected by the CIA with me ?
Ya.. That meme want even good when we still thought that Hitler did off himself, now that we know he didn't, it's just really bad now. You guys really cannot be worse at meme. So sad.
WTF I hate capitalism now