Give me your best argument against Civic Nationalism
>inb4 boohoo I want there to be more whites
Civic Nationalism
Non-whites don't vote for your retarded ancap ideals.
too many different groups all fighting for the same piece of the pie. i mean i could just say look at the racial divide in america right now.
Kek. Conservative attack ad "Just visiting". Loses election moves back to the US. Fuck iggy.
Races are not the same and vote for their own interests. That's why Asians will vote Democrat as well.
this pic is an argument on itself, and its also hilarious.
Civic Nationalism is the belief that a fucking toothless abbo cannibal with an EU passport is as European fucking Shakespeare, Beethoven or Charlemagne. It's literally Cuckoldry: the Weltanshauung.
Because non-whites are genetically incapable of meeting the standards of white society.
>mfw I see the -56% face
Vote Gommunism
FRe moni
Fuk witeee
A hundred times this.
Libertarianism can never win politically because 98% of libertarians are white and the shitskins on gibs who oppose it are never, ever going to agree with lolbergtarianism.
To succeed, libertarians must violate their own NAP.
The foundation of a nation is family; multiple families of the same blood make a nation; a nation is a family
Civic nationalism says you can have foreigners who have the same rights are the legitimate inhabitants; this is how you destroy a nation and a culture; bring in foreigners and give them the same rights as everyone else.
Civic nationalism is masonic garbage.
>inb4 boohoo I want there to be more whites
whites are the only caretakers to civilization as you know it and have grown accustomed to, you stupid fucking nigger. I really hope for your sake that you're a nigger, because if you're not - and you're a WASP, neo-con or cuckservative and you talk like this - let me just tell you that by the end of the year it's open season on you rat cocksuckers. You are going to become very intimate with the concepts of loss and pain. Not even being edgy, you have no idea what's coming for you.
Just wanted to see this flag
>Give me your best argument against Civic Nationalism
>White Nationalism is the belief that a fucking toothless alabama redneck with an EU passport is as European fucking Shakespeare, Beethoven or Charlemagne. It's literally Cuckoldry: the Weltanshauung
it goes both ways nigel
Without race based nationalism there is no nationalism. The country doesn't make the people, the people make the country.
I don't get why so many Republicans™ believe that "based non-whites" will come to see things our way, when they have NEVER seen things our way. They have always, and will continue to vote for anti-white laws and more welfare, Asians haven't been as bad, but they have started going into overdrive on all the SJW shit the last 10 years.
Why do I have to choose between letting hordes of foreigners into my country or a paranoid isolationist ethnostate? Is it really that black and white? What about human dignity and not acting like jews because someone isnt racially pure
Okay dokay
>tfw your state is so redpilled even the mexicans and asians voted for trump
feels good to be the best state in the union
Isn't true, race is not the ultimate determining force you led yourself to believe it is. There are many paths western civilization could have taken under different circumstances
Yet they didn't...
Your conception of ideology is flawed too. No matter what limits you set for a citizen it will end up favoring one race.
> I want Christians who love Guns
Predominantly white people
> High work ethics and intelligence
Asians and white people.
No matter what limits you set, those who will fit the bill will be predominately be one or two races.
Yup, fucking nu-WASPs, you're all dead.
>a mutt defending muttism
imagin moi shawk