Have you taken the true redpill, Sup Forums?
Have you taken the true redpill, Sup Forums?
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Every single ideology is a man made system to try and explain something far greater than can be contained in books. Scientology is a repellent to the Hollywood Jew though and everything makes sense now why there's so many attacks on it. I give them a pass. They aren't hurting anyone and people seem happy to be a part of it.
It figures LA would be the epicenter of the new pedo religion.
Wow, actual Scientology shills in Sup Forums –never thought I'd live to see the day.
I love pissing you dumbfucks off when I walk by your free stress tests with a good old "Hail Xenu!" –never fails to make you turn beet red.
I've never looked into this. What is it about?
whats the youngest i can marry in this church?
Dude im not a shill. Why do you think Jews made so much assasination content for scientology?
>Repellent of Hollywood Jews
>Filled with Hollywood Jews
Jews are the pedos you fucking kike.
t. xenu
please do not slander our religion
you sir, are not funny. Do not spread hate among us
It is about finding the meaning of life, friend
It is never too early or late to join
>why do Jews hate Scientology
Consider that Tom Cruise is the only gentile actor to retain his stardom for decades. Jews nearly killed his career for jumping on a couch, they have so little dirt on him. Scientology is based. You create a Jew-proof shield around your life, property and communications, and call it a religion.
Tfw Scientology is an alien condom to protect against Shekel-Transmitted-Diseases. Cruise is based. Kubrick redpilled him further.
>finding the meaning of life
Oh like every single religion ever. How cool.
The only thing I have a problem with is the money. You guys are tax exempt yet charge a fuck load to essentially progress in your spiritual beliefs.
yes, but how many religions out there get as much hate as we do? There must be something about us they don't want you to know
Scientology is about letting go of earthly possessions such as money in order to discover your true purpose
a scam for feeble minds. Note: there are a lot of feeble minds
But you can find all the information of the true nature of our reality on the internet these days. The information that transcends religion. I just think it's pretty dumb desu.
Charging for it is dumb*
Lol islam is the most hated religion ever. Period. Nobody even knows who you are.
chill or even worse, fool.
> Dude I'm not shill, i'm totally a young hip go-getter like you. Plz believe me now?
all religion needs to be abolished. it serves no purpose. a new mindset is required to achieve our future goals, a mindset that does not include fairy tales imposed on the gullible individuals of the past.
>Wow, actual Scientology shills in Sup Forums –never thought I'd live to see the day.
Sup Forumstards are mainly christian conservative cucks, so if you want a retarded audience for your dumb rerligion shit it makes sense to go here
I literally fucking called out that they charge thousands for leveling up in scientology. I'm not even a scientologist moron.
>Xenu, also called Xemu was according to the Scientology founder, the faggot L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who 75 million years ago brought billions[4][5] of his people to Earth (then known as "Teegeeack") in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm.
Hail Zenu, that's actually pretty good kek
12.520368, -70.042889
Scientology was a created by a SciFi writer, it's a meme cult, if anything.
At least South Park's take on scientology was entertaining.
you got a better theory?
yea, veganism
their members are fuckin psycho about it though.
as a matter of fact i have, after careful consideration i have reached the conclusion that you're a fag and your parents were probably closely related
not true everything they do is their own choice members are free to leave at any time
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oh great more slander from bitter squirrels who decided to give up rather than suck it up and become better people
I dunno, after the first dead woman from lack of medication I'm pretty sure they aren't harmless.
>Have you taken the true redpill, Sup Forums?
Google Lisa McPherson!
>In an interview on ABC News Nightline, October 23, 2009,[63] Davis walked off the set when Martin Bashir asked him about Xenu. He told Bashir, "Martin, I am not going to discuss the disgusting perversions of Scientology beliefs that can be found now commonly on the internet and be put in the position of talking about things, talking about things that are so fundamentally offensive to Scientologists to discuss. ... It is in violation of my religious beliefs to talk about them." When Bashir repeated a question about Xenu, Davis pulled off his microphone and left the set.
what a pussy cult
why don't you get tom cruise to use his special powers to make the sp's go away?
some people just arent ready to hear the truth they wouldnt be able to handle it. arslycus, thetans all of it, its too much for some people.
They pop out whenever they see a Scientology thread. I wonder if they are just employed for Sup Forums or if they work on plebbit too.
>Scientology is about letting go of earthly possessions such as money in order to discover your true purpose
Yes, yes, (((hand rubbing))) “money is evil”! SEND me your money! RID yourself from this pestilence!
>Arslycus was an ancient civilization located in space, rather than on a planet, as this was at a time when "nobody had invented planets yet."
>at a time when "nobody had invented planets yet."
>nobody had invented planets yet
holy fucking shit, my sides, get someone to hold my sides please
plus they have to pay for audits to reach OTIII before they are "ready"
and then they face the unwritten consequences.
>scientology is redpilled
>Consider that Tom Cruise is the only gentile actor
His mother’s last name is Pfeiffer for fucks sake.
What are your crimes? Why do you want to be suppressive?