These days sex is far too dangerous to have outside of marriage

These days sex is far too dangerous to have outside of marriage.

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True. You can only have sex on camera now. It's the only way. A true 1984 society.

This nigga won't admit he believes in space Daddy in a literal sense, when he clearly does.

So much for "truth"

I think you could make a decent argument for that just by considering the rise in disease transmission.

Pretty much. Nature gives aids for sleeping around. You have to circumvent it with artifical inventions where your penis never physically touches the vagina anyways. That's fake sex.

>not BANANAd
and you australians are supposed to be known for your bantz

>sex is too dangerous to have

I've been thinking about this for a while desu, it's pretty disgusting how many diseases have been spread to no end...

Christian wackjob. Should stick to tony robbins feel good pap instead of politics. Brainwashing millions of young children.


you can thank niggers and faggots for spreading all these STD's


Yea got stop having sex or you'll die

>sex is too dangerous to have
I knew there was a plus to not having sex

dave chappelle had it figured out.

we need to force them to sign the roastie contract.


I think we need a 2 hour long discussion on what you mean by " truth".

will never happen as long as theyre content sharing sex with the hottest guy around with 10 other girls. girls dont "need" to fuck as often, and chad isnt too particular. you either take them yourself, or fap to porn.

>western women
At this point you basically deserve a rape accusation if you date a western woman.
Eastern Europe and Asia are the only way.


shoo Goldstein

We will be fucking holograms and robots soon enough

any interaction with a roastie will require them to sign a roastie contract.

>fucking holograms
but how tho


Then get a polish or czech woman if you're so bothered about muh white race.

Where there's a will there's a way

Maybe you'd understand his point if sex was something possibly for your future.

Is that fucking JBP in drag?

Found the incel.

Found another

Jesus, they're coming out of the cracks like cockroaches

Show boipucci

>Faggot flag
You, on the other hand, need to wear a diaper because of your dilated asshole.

Harvey Weinstein was married when he raped and tried to rape all those women. Louis CK was married when he showed his dick to some of the women.

checked. I agree, one time I hooked up with a girl from Tinder and long story short, she was infected with bad shit a friend who fucked her told me about,. Don't fuck thots or mess with them.

This is correct, though of course certain extremely mentally ill elements of society will consider it sexual abuse to refuse sex with a given woman and spurn advances...then there's the women who lie and make things up just to fuck someone over or get out of trouble. There are men who have served prison terms and been registered as sex offenders just on the word of women who later admitted they made the whole thing up because they were afraid of getting in trouble with their parents over having sex.


>These days sex is far too dangerous to have outside of marriage.

These days the leftist kike media will still shit on you for that.

>These days sex is far too dangerous to have outside of marriage.

People get sexually assaulted in marriage as well.

and marriage is even more dangerous

Typical nigger logic. Don't you have some other fags to poz?

So many kikes popped up quick on this. You must have hit the nail on the head.

>hah I know I'll simplify his entire argument and perspective into "muh sky daddy," that'll show him!!!

>raped and tried to rape

No proof of that.

Actually the discussion he had about his own faith leaned more towards agnostic, but thanks for trying.

>These days sex is far too dangerous to have outside of marriage.
Just like it was before birth control was invented.

>Degeneracy is dangerous
golly gee!

before every kiss, you have to ask for consent again.
remember folks, previous consent does not carry over, and silence is not consent!
a new authorization contract needs to be signed every 10 seconds! this doesnt protect the man from allegations, though, it only protects agains the lesser-included charge of malfeasance of paperwork. she can still accuse you of rape if she changes her mind at any time before you die (once you're dead, she is only allowed civil damages from your estate).

wow. how fucking preservative Peterson god damn you people are stupid

Cognitive Dissonance of Jordan Peterson (& of Individualist in General)