>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!
TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Pres Trump meet&greet w/vietnam vets 11/10/17
>Pres Trump speech @APEC in Vietnam 11/10/17
>Pres Trump arrives in Vietnam 11/10/17
>FLotUS Melania @The Great Wall 11/10/17
>FLotUS Melania visits Pandas&hands out Bald Eagles 11/9/17
>Pres Trump Departs China Next Stop is Vietnam (it aint me starts playing) 11/9/17
>VP Pence Tax Reform speech in IN 11/9/17
>VP Pence meets w/Indiana Biz Leaders 11/9/17
>VP Pence arriving in IN 11/9/17
>Welcome to Bejing, Pres Trump 11/9/17
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @NATO HQ 11/9/17
>Gen Dunford USMC BDay Message 11/9/17
>IntDept Saluting Vets 11/9/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Chinese State Dinner 11/9/17
>Pres Trump meets w/China Premier Li Keqiang 11/9/17
>SoS T-Rex presser in China 11/9/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Press Conference 11/8/17
>Pres Trump/Pres Xi Biz Presser $253Bil Deals 11/8/17
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How can West Virginia be booming it’s been pretty much on a decline since 9/11.
how was the Moore interview on hannity?
The symmetry is so kino
Trump waved his magic wand
Clinton cartel strikes again:
>Moore said he believes the Democrats and Republican Establishment are behind all of this on the Sean Hannity radio interview he did today.
Yeah, I heard that. But the people screaming the loudest sure seem to be over-represented with Mormons is my point. They also all aligned against Trump.
Coal and call centers.
Simple, you stop the federal government from fucking with the state's leading industry.
Awoo what are we winning next?
So so, he was uncomfortable as fuck, people are reporting it on Faux News from time to time.
Foxconn is moving back to the USA and Broadcomm too
if Broadcomm buys Quallcom which is likely then wew baby you will see GDP skyrocket
not to mention the 90billion dollar investment from China in West Virginias energy that was made on the asia trip
Call centers?
Anons from blue states and counties report! What's the atmosphere where you live?
>Mexico remains extremely vulnerable to the Russian interference that occurred in the 2016 U.S. election. Facebook, Twitter and Google are important sources of information for many Mexicans. And local papers and TV stations have long run flattering or condemnatory stories in exchange for ad buys or money.
Watch out mexico, those russians are gonna interfere with facebook ads.. Why haven't we banned russians from the internet yet?
Yeah, call centers. WV has quite a few of them.
in a year they went from 1.9% to 3% GDP growth, unemployment fell from 6% to 4.6%, coal production is up 30% and coal hiring/jobs went up 10%
lol dumb bitch
>So so, he was uncomfortable as fuck
You'd expect that though. If an innocent person is falsely accused of shit like this, they are moving between rage and absolute horror.
>So so, he was uncomfortable as fuck,
that doesn't sound very good
Philly reporting in. Still a shithole.
Mormons are cryptozog
behind every CIAnigger there is a pair of magic underpants
hi sean
Hollywood still feels like buttmad bernnout central. Every now and then, they put up a billboard with that commie on it to endorse something
>And local papers and TV stations have long run flattering or condemnatory stories in exchange for ad buys or money.
So it's like every other election ever?
Hookers, user. Hookers.
The country is literally ran by cartels who play ball with CIA and other deep state niggers and they fear the fucking Russians?
What is /ptg/'s favorite Gundam series? What's your favorite mobile suit?
the two emperors
Sean will lose his mind when he finds that thing under his Christmas tree. Trump really knows how to give gifts!
>What's the atmosphere where you live?
Remember the Two-Minutes' Hate in 1984? Kinda like that.
with all of this happening, and if congress can get off their asses and get taxes and obamacare taken out of the picture, 5% GDP is absolutely feasible for 2018. Hold onto your butts, because that's where things get fun.
i-its beautiful ;_;
Mein got!
MODS are part of the satanic world order. The didn't let us answer the call.
>we won't get a chance at this kind of GET again for 5 years
Should be there by Christmas, takes some time to ship overseas.
>own nice house and a couple acres of land
>just got home from work
>on the way home from work I ordered a pizza to be delivered
>Got home and didn't have a chance to change out of my office clothes
>pizza shows up
>It's some guy I knew in high school
>He was a douchey preppy kid
>lol a pizza delivery boy haha
>Pretend I don't recognize him though
>Sign the receipt
>give him a 50% tip
>"Now when I write a tip on the receipt, You get it directly right?"
>"y-yeah" he says
>"Okay cool. Just want to make sure. Every little bit helps, you know?"
>"Ah, wow thanks man. The college kids around here don't tip at all"
>"Yep, no problem. It's not like I'm gonna miss it"
>mfw I close the door after he leaves
Wow, they are right.
Living a good life really is the best revenge.
It's a good guy, jews are so fucking low.
Mormons seem to want open borders. I think they're more motivated by converting the world to their comedy religion than by the national interest of their own country. That whole proxy baptism goes back 7 generations or whatever.
I doubt Russian hacking can ruin what's already ruined.
>congress can get off their asses
well that is not gonna happen
even without congress, Trump still manages 3% growth which is impressive
Puchiposter, no. You're gonna get got.
Gotta wait and see, Stepanovich.
What is a call center???
Mods are retarded, what else is new?
a center for calls
I only watched the Mobile Suit: Gundam Wing on CN in '99, toss-up between Wing Zero and Epyon.
My brother was a fan of another Gundam series where there were used purely in spectator sports, like that Real Steel movie.
Am I the only one who doesn't like these tumblr art anthros?
should i watch season 2, or pretend it doesn't exist?
Don't ask, sit back and enjoy the ride
when you get a call from a random indian asking you to buy car insurance
>What is a call center???
You ever call customer service for some big company? You were talking to a call center.
leftists & dems are now reduced to using "guilt" as "white demo outreach"
muh marxism
I'm loving Origin. And you can't go wrong with a Jegan.
>worked out chest on Monday
>legs on Tuesday
>back on Wednesday
>chest again on Thursday
>taking a break now
this is me right now, no exaggeration
I need it
Take away big pharma addiction and people go to work.
>This is considered an on topic political post in year 2017 of our lord on Sup Forums the person posting it won't be banned
>My brother was a fan of another Gundam series where there were used purely in spectator sports, like that Real Steel movie.
G Gundam
>"white demo outreach"
Telemarketing, tech support, general inquiries, complaints, phone sex, scams, collectors, etc. It's a building dedicated to making and receiving phone calls.
>this vote will affect the nation’s path for years if not decades to come. It will determine whether Mexico remains pragmatic, open to trade and investment, supportive of regional integration and friendly to the U.S. -- or whether it turns inward, matching a U.S. turn toward protectionism and hostility and foregoing integration in favor of a more independent foreign policy and deeper relationships with other nations. For both Mexico and the U.S., such high stakes make the prospect of any potential Russian meddling all the more consequential.
whatever will we do
Just you.
Draw more then
Trump carried "Other" Males, in:
Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, NE-03, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.
He came within 5% in South Carolina, Louisiana, and Idaho
Trump carried "Other" Females in:
(reminder that he carried "Other" overall in West Virginia and Oklahoma)
>What is a call center???
>In the Middle East, and particularly in Iran, Genghis Khan is almost universally condemned as a destructive and genocidal warlord who caused enormous destruction to the population of these areas.[65] Steven R. Ward wrote that "Overall, the Mongol violence and depredations killed up to three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau, possibly 10 to 15 million people. Some historians have estimated that Iran's population did not again reach its pre-Mongol levels until the mid-20th century."[66]
>Among the Iranian peoples, Genghis Khan, along with Hulagu and Timur are among the most despised conquerors in the region
This kills the Iran.
We will be of winning all comrade!
What about the literal fucking drug cartels killing politicians, judges and civilians lmao
white demographic outreach. He's saying the only tool the left has....left when trying to whip up white support is guilt.
Guilting white democrats to vote against their own interests to make up for past crimes against POC. Like injuns and blacks.
Thunderbolt season 2? It's not bad. I think a compilation movie is coming out soon. They just released a compilation movie for season 1.
>Telemarketing, tech support, general inquiries, complaints, phone sex, scams, collectors, etc. It's a building dedicated to making and receiving phone calls.
I used to work for a Fortune 500 company and we had multiple regional call centers.
Business was seasonal, so we laid off like 2/3 of them every summer, then hired new ones when the season started to heat back up.
>G Gundam
Thank you.
That deal that Trump made with Xi will make West Virginia red forever
basically a 90billion dollar investment over 20 years into WV's energy market, i.e. coal and natural gas
he really did mean that he would put coal miners back to work, since last year coal production in WV is up 30% and coal hiring and jobs are up 10%
>Mormons seem to want open borders.
They do. The church has a don't ask don't tell policy towards illegal immigration, and civic, not ethnic, nationalism fits pretty easily into the religion and teachings of its leaders. Technically, they've encouraged people to remain in their homelands rather than immigrate to the US, in order to build up the church there, but they couldn't be softer on borders.
Whoa i'm suddently so sleepy
Victory Gundam is the best
No way in hell that's Ivanka.
dude russians though
they're everywhere, come to destroy the world..
you're a cunt and this isn't your blog
Underage b&
He kept his word and he will be rewarded. Him, not the GOP, they let them down as well as Dimms.
When will McCain step down? :*)
What kind of people is this effective against?
People who being perceived as compassionate is really important to them?
Compassionate isn't a very attractive trait for a man. Kinda faggy.
The coolest guys are guys that don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
They're essentially Jews that pretend to be Christians and have an extra super-wacky book.