How long until Mitt 'magical underwear' gets accused sexual misconduct.
Do you think anyone will defend him, since he burned his bridges.
How long until Mitt 'magical underwear' gets accused sexual misconduct.
Do you think anyone will defend him, since he burned his bridges.
leftards unironically will defend him, just like they defend bush, mccain, paul ryan, etc
Well naturally. The RINOs are their guys.
Judging how quick Romney turns on the right and won't call the left out on their shit, I'd say they are definitely in bed together.
Romney used to having 'strange' bed fellows. *wink
Watching turn so quickly on Roy Moore makes me wonder what secrets he's hiding.
It's usually the men that virtue signal that have the darkest skeletons.
I think it would be really awful is someone accused Romney of diddling them as children. Really, really awful. It would be really terrible to see this man, who has backstabbed every good conservative for the past 5 years straight, be accused of child molestation. I really hope that doesn’t happen.
It would be terrible. Kinda like how Bush Sr. got accused of sexual harassment right after Bush Jr. talked shit about trump. Especially after being silent for 8 years under Obama.
It would simply be awful
Pretty disgusting this piece of garbage literally said "Innocent before proven guilty is not true in politics".
Someone want to go and accuse Mitt Romney of molesting them 20 years ago?
How is he going to sexually harass someone when Dan Senor convinces him to go work on his garage all october instead trying to get elected?
I was molested by Mitt Romney in the 90s. I liked it though...
He is on the a Soros payroll. No one will accuse him of anything
It'd be a shame if something from his past come back to haunt him.
Assholes can’t even catch Dan Schneider. How’re they gonna bag Romney?
Mitt's too insecure about himself to make advances on a woman
It could happen at any moment. the rumours are definitely "out" there....
Mitt is such a doofus that nobody would believe it.
If you'd ask me 3 months ago if anything like that would come out about a member of the Bush family, I wouldn't think so either.
I sure something that involves his sexual deviant church is out there.
"Fits Like A Glove" Mitt?
He was gone the second he started his Jester Shriner Smirkus
10 yrs ago they couldn't wait to piss on Shrub's grave.
The deep state told him he was beating the poor black President and to lay off and follow the plan.
If Romney wants some young cunny he just has to find a harem of teenage Mormon waifus in some Mormon colony somewhere in South America.
A lot of rich mormons have second or third wives in places down there.
It is how they fund those colonies, basically selling fertile teenage wombs to old rich Mormons.
Pretty hot desu.
my gauge of pedo-detection is how much politicians/celebrities opposed Trump
I'm tired of these dipshits. They use a church as a shield against criticism that's flung at them, and they never do anything in return for their supposed brothers and sisters.