How come sub saharan africans are the only people who never did anything worthwhile?

How come sub saharan africans are the only people who never did anything worthwhile?

>whites pretty much built the modern world
>indians wuz mathematicians and shit
>china has a rich culture and history of innovation
>central and south americans built mountain empires with irrigation similar to rome
>middle easterners had the first civilizations and arabs had algebra and shit
Except maybe abbos, is there any race as useless as them?

Other urls found in this thread:ë

You already know the answer.

Without using google, name 10 Danish inventions

arab "algebra" was already being done by greeks and pajeets. Also the dude who compiled the denbt and poo mathematical techniques to form algebra was persian not arab


they lived in an environment / climate that didn't select for intelligence. Everything was easy, just grabbed fruit off of trees and muh dikked in a hut or whatever. No need to evolve brains.

Nope, the entire History of niggers can be summed up like this :

>Starve in caves
>Finally understand how to make houses from dirt
>Tribes form and kill each oher for trivial shit, mostly because X isn't part of your tribe
>Starve in mudhuts while getting cucked by lions
>Eventually meet Europeans
>Sheeeeeit, we needa sell members of our tribe to make money n shieeet
>Sell half of you tribe for a few cents, flour, and a lemon
>Sheeeeeeit I got bamboozled
>Do it again
>And again
>Meanwhile your tribe is in the colonies picking cotton
>One tribe decides to explore the South
>Meet some white people in red and white
>Get cucked by bongs
>One day, on the other side of the world, whites don't really know if slavery is good or not so they decide to have a civil war
>''Slavery is bad'' they said
>Become free independent man
>Starve in your newly-built streets
>We just gon play basketball n shieeet
>One day learn about Egypt, and pharaohs
>Do crack and get shot because you pulled out a .38 when pulled over
>Burn down L.A because of this
>Get cucked by rooftop Koreans
>Burn down cities and loot weed stores when Tyrone and DeShawn get shot

Why are you so dumb?
Our history is still way better than the scandinavian one.ë

Top kek

dat good kush

These empires were meme tier, they all lasted a couple hundred years and had minimal global impact; even Musa with his ridiculous amount of wealth couldn't leave anything significant behind to be remembered by, apart from stories of his wealth. The only people you've listed who actually accomplished stuff were the Nubians who left some dank architecture behind.

>Axum meme tier

>Named by Mani as one of the four great powers of his time along with Persia, Rome, and China.

Native Americans didnt do shit

vvhvb 8

I had a friend who's father was a danish invewntor and he invented hot hair curling irons.

So that's 1!

>what is cahokia
But yes I agree they didnt do much in north america

Read a fucking book. Holy shit, I swear Sup Forums is literally the only board on Sup Forums that manages to spin their embarrassingly poor knowledge of quite literally all aspects of history into some kind of superiority complex. I swear it didn't even used to be this bad but now it seems like posters don't even challenge each others ignorance as long as it coincides with their biases. Not sure why I even bothered posting this to be honest as I know what the response will be...

>inb4 dumb nigger

We was busy been Nigerian princes and shit.


Aboriginals never did anything either

Lego blocks n shiet


Niggers were breeding with an archaic hominid up until about 35 kya and have about 2% of its DNA. Europeans are devoid of this 2% DNA as sub-saharans are devoid of the neandertal DNA which provides the genes for white superiority.

Subsaharan niggers more closely related to primates than are europeans and asians. Europeans are more closely related to Neandertals.

So yes, you're a dumb nigger reading 20 year old text books. Africans have contributed nothing to the modern world except for a slowly expanding sludge of subhuman sewerage.

Fuck you white boi. We traveled to the stars while you picked head lice in caves.

Never did anything worthwhile besides being the first humans and all. You know, birth of our entire species? Kind of a big deal.


Indians weren't, the people that did that shit were descendants of the Indo-Europeans that took over the Northern parts of India. They weren't Shitskin Pajeets.

Big if true

north indian here. Can confirm this, except most people here look like sicilian mutts. Due tot he fact that it's literally hotter than africa here. As for dravidians, search up the indus valley civs. South idnians are stupid, but theyre not that stupid.

Fuck off nigger, chimps have higher IQ than u, umad shitboi?



The absolute state of burger education

Neanderthals arrived on the scene 700 kya.

They were a highly compassionate early human who passed on genes for white skin, larger brains, a capacity for higher speech and music and there's also evidence they utilised medicine.

Niggers were most definitely not the first humans. The oldest fossil evidence for humans and chimps diverging from their common ancestor has been found in Europe.

You're a subhuman nig and mother nature keeps trying to wipe you all out in Africa but white mans compassion gets the better of him and he helps the abomination to survive.

t.scandinavian barbarian

Many native Americans had stone buildings. Whites would tear them down and destroy their sites because they were pagan. There are stone house ruins that you almost have to know someone in the tribe to get to.

Let's ignore the fact that the richest man in history was black.

t. nigger

He was rich because he was born on top of gold. Niggers were too dumb to ever use the gold for anything until Europeans showed up and wanted to buy it. He never did anything useful with that wealth anyways.

let's not forget that he was such a fucking moron that he crashed the gold price by giving it away to nigs and sand niggers on the way to mecca.

Let's also not forget his sons were insane and he left no legacy behind whatsoever. He was just a lucky nigger sitting on top of a pile of gold and watched it dwindle away year after year without setting up even the most basic bureaucratic instruments for a civilisation to flourish.


You're comparing negroids to humans.
It would make more sense to compare them to other non-human primate species.

This has been debunked.

>extrapolating the results of an academic paper this laughably

Wanna know how I know you have absolutely zero background in scientific study?

>t. nigger who can read (and is currently doing a PhD)

Are you forgetting that all the biggest european empires, english, french, spanish, portuguese were all built by afrcans

The rest of humanity has 4% Neanderthal DNA. Sub Saharan Africans have 0. The niggers raped the Neanderthals and created modern humans. Niggers are not human. They're doing it again.

>one contentious academic paper = debunked
>authors of paper literally admitted they need to obtain more data before they can make a conclusive statement

Wew. Does Sup Forums actually even understand academia or do they just grab and blindly accept the first scientific study that confirms their biases?

>extrapolating the results of an academic paper this laughably

This laughably what? You didn't finish your sentence nig.

Are you saying this paper does not provide a theory as to why niggers have the ghost DNA of an extinct hominid?

cmon man Ethiopians and people from the Horn of Africa =/= sub-saharan Africans.

Try again.

Mali, okay, that dude was rich. And then he gave all his gold away.

Oh and tell me how much European heritage you have nigger so that I can tell you who to thank for your ability to read.

>3 sub Saharan ethnic groups = all Sub Saharan ethnic groups

Hmmmmm......... Really made me think.

Try actually taking a look at the data range before you make judgements.

> 5 million people
subsahara africans
> +500 million people

comparing the sir are an idiot...

and by the way
>Nils Bohr: Atomic Structure and their rays
>Tycho Brahe: Like Keppler one that ditched the earth-centric vision
> Finsen: Lupus (Enemy of Dr. House)
> Hertzsprung (the astronom guy with the diagram)
> Malling-Hansen: Ball-Type_writer
> Orsted: Devices to measure preassure and ampere
>Sörensen: pH-Scale
>Kjeldahl: Nitrogen stuff
> Bering: the guy with the straight...proved that americas are connected

now please...thousands of years more time and 100x more people.. subsaharan inventions

>arabs had algebra and shit
How did the greeks do pythagorean theorem without algebra?

So what you're saying is that there's actual evidence to show niggers were raping an archaic hominid and you have zero evidence to refute that.

Also does no one ITT understand the influence of ancient trade/migration routes and technological development?

Brits (or should I say Celtic tribes) were literally living in fucking mud huts until they were "colonised" by the Romans. And even then, once the Romans left they regressed back to their nigger-tier technology until they were invaded again.

Isolation generally sets back progress. That's why you never heard of obscure Amazonian or Aboriginal tribes developing astronomy or "advanced" mathematics. Most major early inventions originated from regions in the Mediterranean or the Middle East. Which just so happened to also have experienced the greatest migration of people and mixture of cultures.

The aboriginals of Australia are probably about the most useless group of people to ever exist still to this day. They have done absolutely nothing in the estimated 40,000 years they've lived here except make a curved piece of wood that comes back when you throw it (pretty cool right).

All they do now is shit all over white Australian's for taking "their land". They get welfare just for being black. They can get into any medical school they want just by saying they want to study. Of course none of them ever do, they just sit around and drink fucking goon all day and sniff petrol. The pickaninnies are the worst. Before school they would always smell like they spent the morning fingering their arsehole and they never wiped their fucking nose, they would have massive boogers running down their face and they wouldn't care. Absolutely disgusting and useless race of people.

Right now their is debate about closing off Uluru, the giant rock in central Australia to tourists. Aboriginals believe it to be a sacred aboriginal site so they don't want people climbing or walking on it. Absolute rubbish. I could understand if they built it, but they didn't, it's no different to telling people they can't walk up a hill because it is special to some mob of fucking outback gorillas.

>missing the point this badly

Should've known I was arguing with a brainlet. I knew it was a mistake to expect an intelligent argument on Sup Forums - literally baby-tier logical reasoning.

So how about you take your PhD in race and gender parity down to Africa and sample a far wider population. Oh that's right you have degrees in race and gender and not an actual science.

>Everything was easy, just grabbed fruit off of trees and muh dikked in a hut or whatever.

> Lions, hyenas, snakes, tigers, malaria and shit

> easy

>tfw I'm actually doing a STEM PhD at a top 10 world uni


>can't understand the difference between mockery and discussion so makes a disparaging comment and implies that one is backing out due to their intelligence being superior to all others.

Yes, what's it called again? Affirmative something or other?

yes the romans brought new stuff, but the brittish isles (kelts and before) knew much more than mud huts before the romans...there are countless remains from the stone age showing they knew how to build with stone some 4000years ago...
and yes they didn't leave any marks in history mainly because the romans knew how to write...the brits did'nt..the africans either but thousands years later

it's generally the latter, latch on instantly to any paper that confirms biases, it's been an echo chamber for a while

Use google and name one (1) Sub-saharan African invention. If you can, you become their king, for whatever that's worth.

jesus they are hideous


I doubt you don't already know, but the answer is simple:

They are not human beings, they are higher primates, one step above a gorilla.

>more like not bothering the continue an argument with someone who is quite clearly arguing in bad faith

you also forget that chinks are essentially aztec-tier: innovative several thousand years ago, then splat. the only difference is that aztecs had the decency to die out, and not produce 1 billion entrail-frying rat torturers

What is Mayan mathematics and astronomy?

I get it, you read guns germs and steel and think you are well informed. Meanwhile You talk shit about British Celts who were trading with the Athenian empire 300 years before the birth of Ceasar. Were well known for being the prime traders of Tin in the ancient world and also for advanced metallurgy that surpassed even Rome right up until the 1st century AD.

Oh another butthurt nigger living in a country with Celts.

Celts invented pants because they knew wearing dresses no matter how short made one a complete faggot. So if the only level of civilisation they reached was weaving material and making pants, which it's not, then they've still contributed more than a whole continent of niggers whose sole contribution to the world was big lips for dick sucking.

t. a filthy african living in Australia

Explain to me how these subsaharans gained 2% DNA from an archaic hominid and why it's devoid in Europeans. Also explain to me how Europeans have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA and subsaharans are devoid of this DNA.

>le 56% posters

I guess that makes you only one and half steps above gorilla.

might even be the most stupid leader.

still further away from gorillas than you, nig.

The Britons even minted their own coins a feat remarked upon by Roman scholars due to it being believed impossible outside of "civilised" peoples.

>stack some rocks poorly



You're a nigger and will be hunted as niggers normally are.

Libs do the same with global warming/climate change/manmade-er whatever its called this year.

> obscure amazonian tribes is equivalent to Mayans

You do realise South America is quite a big place and not all tribes actually interacted right? In fact, do you even know where the Mayan civilisation was based? I can tell you right now that it wasn't in the middle of the fucking Amazon rainforest.

>advanced metallurgy that surpassed the Romans

Also, several african tribes also had advanced metallurgy techniques that in some cases surpassed that of Europeans at the time. Read up on the Igbo and Hausa tribes of Nigeria.

>indians wuz mathematicians and shit

More like Persians teaching Indians everything and then Indians taking it as their own. Even their only good landmark, the Taj Mahal, was made by and ordered by Persians.

Geneticists have know for a long time we whites are actually only about .5 or.6 percent away genetically from African blacks. Most people leap on this fact and claim their is so little difference it is pointless to consider. We as humans also share 97% of our DNA with daisies, 98% of our DNA with dogs and are only roughly 1% away from chimps.

What is not discussed openly is the fact that .1% difference in DNA is enormous. Sub Saharan blacks are literally closer in DNA to chimps then they are to humans. What is even more interesting is the idea that since we can breed with them and produce offspring we are the same. This is a logical fallacy, dogs can be bred with wolves and produce healthy offspring, as can horses and donkeys though it is always a sterile combination.

It is biologically possible for humans to produce an offspring with most of the great apes. Yet would such an act ever be condoned as moral or more importantly beneficial? Sub Saharan blacks much like Abos in Australia and pygmies in New Guinea are a separate branch of human evolution. The great divide of the Sahara both shielded them from more advanced peoples who would have gladly wiped them out in centuries past or more than likely the Sahara protected us from mixing with an inferior species and creating a sub optimal spawn.

Now with modern sensibilities where life in the advanced part of the world is bereft of real threat or danger we willingly allow the reversal of the triumph of nature to produce the greatest version of Humanity it possibly could.

there are 2000 years between the two architectures...clearly the pre-kelts hadn't mastered architecture at that level yet,but italy 4000 years ago didn't look like that either! like i said, there was no scripture at that time to record their deeds. one of the reasons we kow the romans to have been as powerfull in their time is because of their wealth of written record they left behind.

also you see how roman architecture looks after 2000 years. how will it look in double that time? so only the most sturdy type of building will endure that time and probably not as it looked as when it was erected

> Sub Saharan blacks are literally closer in DNA to chimps then they are to humans


m8, modern humans can't breed with great apes.. trust me, the niggers have been trying in africa for the past 10 thousand years but there's no offspring.

I do know where it was based. It is now in the middle of the Mexican rain forest in the South east. Not interacting with anyone yet producing advanced mathematics that surpasses our own (adopted by NASA due to be more accurate when dealing with astronomical figures), and strangely, extremely accurate astronomy that was not replicated until the advent of the telescope.

Trade in the Late Iron Age[edit]
From the late 2nd century BC onwards South-central Britain was indirectly linked into Roman trading networks via Brittany and the Atlantic seaways to southwest France.[23] Hengistbury Head in Dorset was the most important trading site and large quantities of Italian wine amphorae have been found there.[23] These Atlantic trade networks were heavily disrupted following Julius Caesar's conquest of Brittany in the 50s BC.[24] This fact may support a supposition that the Celts of Britain had an economic interest in supporting their Gallic brethren in their resistance to Roman occupation.

>almost always a sterile combination
I dunno I see mixed breeds creating functional offspring constantly

>more advanced peoples who would have gladly wiped them out
many empires tried to penetrate further south into africa and failed because they knew nothing of the areas dangers like diseases, flora and fauna.

also your picture is garbage, building a single rail line to extract as much reasources as you can whilst enslaving the natives wherever it may be is not civilising them

Africans are more closely related to Bonobos than they are to any other Human race. I remember reading something about Africans being able to breed with Bonobos, and produce offspring. I think they're infertile tho.

It is possible to mate with great apes, though perhaps not naturally and without modern medicinal techniques and careful monitoring for the whole gestation. This was a hot topic in genetics more than 4 decades ago and is not even up for discussion in the field anymore. Mostly I would assume just because you can do something does not mean you should or anyone really wants to. IF someone did the science backs it up as possible.

I was referring specifically to mules. Which are ALWAYS sterile.

>Not interacting with anyone

In terms of the Americas, their positioning was quite literally one of the most advantageous in terms of exposure to migration routes as it acted as a bridge between two huge land masses (North and South America).

Nah m8, you cannot fertilise a human egg with ape semen nor vice versa.

>also your picture is garbage, building a single rail line to extract as much reasources as you can whilst enslaving the natives wherever it may be is not civilising them

If you believe that as an Australian you are woefully ill informed. Ever since Governor Phillip we have tried to help the abos modernise and improve their standing. We have tried and failed repeatedly to educate them by every means up and till forced miscegenation to breed out the abo race and give their descendants a bright future. White Australians and the British before them are now forever vilified for improving their way of life BEYOND anything they could have possibly done themselves. We tried to help join our culture and take advantage of our superior way of life and they spat in our faces and now with Jewish influence cry racism.


Physically strenuous, yes.

But mentally? No.

All they had to do was run fast, and breed quickly in order to survive. Literally EXACTLY what they're doing today.

You do realise trade between major civilizations was not only thoroughly uncommon, but in theory and practice virtually impossible between say Inca, Mayan and proto Aztec? The Incas had a larger trading connection with Polynesians than any other mesoamerican peoples. Mayans may have stumbled upon an older peoples and either amalgamated or simply taken over or not. We do not know. What we do know that is they themselves were almost completely unaware of other large civilisations and assumed they were alone. Any advancements they made or achieved were their own and independent of outside influence so far as we know today. They had a few breakthroughs in some fields and severely lacked development in most others. Case in point their complete lack of metallurgy for instance.

>forgot about the mass culling of abos that predated all this
I ain't even abo but I'd spit in their faces too

the abos are an extreme example. africans have multiplied hugely as a result of the infrastructure and medicine we left them. same with the indians.

Niggers also have a much higher instance of a particular MAOA gene which causes extreme and brutal violence. I would suggest it's higher instance in Africans would point towards a a constant theme of mass chimpouts being the goto solution for any crisis encountered.

>Richest man in history
>Blew it all on stupid shit