does he regret guarding opium fields so the cia can import it to his home town ?
shart order followers deserve shit like this.
does he regret guarding opium fields so the cia can import it to his home town ?
shart order followers deserve shit like this.
Other urls found in this thread:
no, he loved it
>jewish cock is the best cock
>i must suck it
>oh god, i hope the poor jew made enough shekels from my wounds and from the war i fought in
>better go and pray to jesus this sunday in church
>the pastor said that this was the work of evil white people
>my wifes son will be black - and its great!
>i think its a good think that white people will die out soon!
>it will better for the enviroment
>and it will stop racism!
He's a good goyim, no really he still lives. He was supposed to die for Israel.
Goyim, you had your face melted and look like a zombie for a good cause. Stop kvetching, oi vey! Did you expect a new jewish boy to fight how own wars against his own enemies and get maimed? Come on goyim...
good us army = commie killer army
every other monent = shit
joining the US military is one of the most cucked acts one can undertake
bug like drones risking their lives for bankers, Jews and degeneracy.
US Army recruits always look like cucks, while marines look hard as fuck.
God will bless those who bless Israel.
Modern Picasso
At least he doesn't need a Halloween costume, so who really won?
Story of picture?
americans love being able to live in a trailer park a few hundred miles away from the rich billionaire mansions that their overlords live in .absolutely pathetic dogs that think one of these billionaires cares about them beyond giving them lip service for votes.
KYS manlet
He, like 80% of recruits, was fighting fro free healthcare and no college debt. If he was fighting because his daddy was a military man and he felt pressured to join in or because he loved liberty or some other dumb bullshit reason he deserves it.
The military exists to weed out poor people and either turn them into worthwhile human beings or bury their corpses in some desert anyway. He just got the shit end of a shit deal.
>order follower did what his master told him to do
>got face fucked up by ied
no woman will ever go near him now but at least he fought 4 muh freedoms
> was fighting for free [...]
what a dumb shit! nothing in the world is free except with a bullet with your own name on it
or some nice fire which burned his face
what a commie nigger
only costs him his face - he will never score again! haha
look at the comment above yours americans are like modern uncle toms day love day mastas no mata wut
>does he regret guarding opium fields so the cia can import it to his home town
no. brainwash was complete during bootcamp
we can't coat that with a gallon of maple syrup
thank you for your service leafie
>pls respond
Didn't get injured in the war.
these pathetic dogs deserve it
some of them do see the reality of what the usa has become but they are sidelined and replaced . americans on pol would probably call this guy a cuck
hello friend
so this is what you fucking edgy teen fags think is funny? i know this is some fucking bait turned up to 11, but you got me. i'm a vet, and i was in iraq and afghanistan when most of you were in elementary school. how the fuck are you going to alienate a huge potential base of support? you idiots somehow made me see the light of how fucked the world is, and how jews really are fucking with things. but then you go and do this shit. you know all the edgy anti-military "i hope they all die" memes fucking come from? fucking communists and liberals, i remember them doing this kind of shit in the early 2000s. good job alienating a whole shitload of combat trained, pissed off white guys who came home to see our fucking country going insane. seriously, fuck all of you. you edgy little faggots, you really are a bunch of richard spencer haircut tiki-torch fags. either that or this is some really good divide and conquer shit, or this place is filled to the brim with edgy faggots. i don't even know, but god damn i took the bait hard. this shit is near to my heart, i didn't have a very fun deployment.
>quitting right before getting the chance to kill japs
Chickenshit traitor
No wonder a leaf loves him
>Pasta in slide thread
Do you fucking morons really believe that people join the military for God and country?
11 year veteran here... I literally did it because I grew up without a pot to piss in and it literally brought me out of poverty into a paid for house at 29 years old and the ultimate life card in America, the veteran card. I can get a job anywhere I want as long as I'm otherwise qualified.
Reality fucking check is that 70% of the dicks around me at the time was in the exact same scenario.
Nice pasta. Also nice job avoiding the question. No one cares about your "support". If your pea brain can't rationalize or comprend the utter uselessness of American intervention in the ME then fuck off.
>joined US army
>in basic training
>have to say out loud why you joined
>free college/unemployed by far the most common answer
>a few "it was this or jail"
>"I had nothing else better to do"-me
>One lone voice says "I just want to serve my country"-the only blond haired blue eyed guy there
The Army was shit in 2000 it must be even shittier now.
he also narced on some patriots who were going to kill FDR.
We could have had fascism. We could have avoided pic related.
Fuck Butler.
What happened to this country
I saw yesterday a documentation about the Military–industrial complex and how Eisenhower warned the USA before he left office.
Also know tactic is to get people to shame their own soldiers "since they joined on their own so its their fault when they lose a leg" to distract from Industry and Lobby.
Why ask? We already know the (((answer))).
>"since they joined on their own so its their fault when they lose a leg"
I don't see the argument where this statement is incorrect. It is a 100% voluntary force and the "join or go to jail" card will 100% get you unqualified for service. That is literally a question they ask you and if you state "Yes" then you are disqualified.
It's like a coal miner bitching about black lung disease.
Seems that the russians are now concentrating their efforts to discrace US army.
Trump leads US now and the west is winning.
Well, you have to admit, these wars do no good for us White Americans. The OP's post is supposed to be antagonistic, and crude so we don't get suckered again. Strangely, it may actually be better for you than not, as all the US does is fight unjust wars for the Zionists. Why is their always enough money for a war, but never enough for free college?
All you cunts talk about how soldiers fight for the jews and shit yet you cunts do NOTHING to fight back against it, you don't do anything constructive you all just come in here and just circle jerk and hang shit on other cunts who in their eyes are doing the right thing.
You're all fucking neck beard faggots, go do something with your life.
Smedley D. Butler, War is a Racket
>War Is a Racket is a speech and a 1935 short book, by Smedley D. Butler, a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Based on his career military experience, Butler frankly discusses how business interests commercially benefit (including war profiteering) from warfare. He had been appointed commanding officer of the Gendarmerie during the United States occupation of Haiti, which lasted from 1915 to 1934.
no specken dutch
but at least we vibe on the same level
And you sound like a BLM protestor complaining about the police having to put down some coon. The American public happily sent him off to war so dont shit on the wounded now because after the fact you have second doubts. Stop acting like a nigger.
"Its not going to die for zog thats awesome, its showing others I did"
lmao I knew you pro military dogs would hate butler at least you refrained from calling him a cuck .
and lmao again the business plot was backed by the bankers you trump dick sucking retarded kids love so much .why in the fuck do you think he tried to stop them .
He's a fucking hero you fucking leaf hes 10x more manly than you soyboy numale
Go to war goy!
When you are out there dying for the chosyn we can do this with your son back home.
hmm hes hardly what id call a hero
Butler woundn't shit on the solders because of the lies of the politicians Chaim.
>Volunteer for war
>Coon gets shot for committing crimes
I don't get your lame ass argument nigger. I'm a veteran myself and fully acknowledge that anything could happen at any moment. I FUCKING VOLUNTEERED FOR THE DANGER.
>fighting for kikes
Ahahahh stupid idiot
I don't as much have a problem with people like you as I do with the draft dodging chickin hawks that rule you and the pot belly flag waving retarded fucks that buy into the propaganda
Butler loved his Marines. He was just calling a spade to spade
This is me and your children while you are out there fighting for israel goyyyy
He's a hero to the rest of us non-numale cuckbois like you show your flag leaf
2X Medal of Honor are a true faggot
Thats absolutely bullshit. They are after the oil.
oh lets be edgy because you have no fucking argument.
I'm interested in your argument. Could you elaborate on who got all the oil?
Look at the OP dipshit. Because tomorrow is veterans day Sup Forums has had nonstop fuck the crippled veterans they deserve it for serving the zog nonsense. The solders were sent to fight by the American people. Not shlomo or some other secret cabal. In doing what they were told to do by the duly elected government many were killed and wounded. Now faggots like you and OP want to shit all over the solders for doing their job just like the lowlife nigger you are.
Yes good goyim fight for my oil mone-I mean uh GOD BLESS MURRICA LIBERTY PATRIOTISM
Oh, so it was a Canadian posting about this Wordpress:
You were just hiding behind a Kekistani flag the whole time.
Is this really how you pay your carbon tax?
First off I am 28 secondly fuck communists thirdly fuck spencer .
if you are awake why are you still defensive over the iraq and afghan wars ? you should be able to see better then most that it was all bullshit
>wahhhh honor me for fighting for neocons
Die, your job is to die for jews and degeneracy so die already
I have no idea why you ridiculous "veterans" come here
How am I shitting on them. Anyone who signed up after 9/11 knew what the danger was? I don't get your fucking argument.
>grew up dirt poor
>no job no life
>join 2005
>knew that I had the potential to die or maimed for service to my country
>did it anyway for that sweet sweet BAH and untaxed combat pay
>multiple deployments (2 volunteer waivers for min length in combat zone)
>motivation was to stack money and pay cash for my little farm
I knew the risks you faggot, but it was worth the reward if I escaped unharmed.
Literally every swinging dick around me had the same mentality.
Are you even a veteran?
Agree. OP seems to be someone wanting to undermine US fight against terrorism.
Many of the bankers were still gentiles back then. (((They))) didn't take full control until after WW2.
I wouldn't call him a cuck; because he wasn't. But he did ruin what may have been a very good chance to avoid the horrors (((FDR))) unleashed on us and the world.
I find patriotardism revolting, particularly when directed at this rapidly browning shitheap of a failing shopping mall we call a country.
and what heroic deeds did he do?
>I find patriotardism revolting, particularly when directed at this rapidly browning shitheap of a failing shopping mall we call a country.
This is an excellent line. I'm saving it
>Wounded U.S. soldiers lie on the ground at the scene of a suicide attack in Maimanah, the capital of Faryab province north of Kabul, on April 4, 2012. A suicide bomber blew himself up, killing at least 10 people, including three NATO service members, officials said.
AP Photo/Gul Buddin Elham
none. Got a Bronze Star for Service if that'll mean shit to anyone. Every E7 and above got one.
Got an ARCOM with V/ device for dragging a guy behind an MRAP one time.
Other than that, we'd just shoot back and forth with haj. Literally nothing exciting and just adrenaline rush.
I also now have my paid for house and small farm and am happily out of the military.
>predatory snarl
>body position displays sexual dominance
>boy tarted up like a bacha bazi
I wonder what could be going on here?
You are the ultimate fucking tool, goy.
You veteran bitches can go fuck yourselves
You dont revel in dead and wounded solders user. If you have a problem with the wars and US foreign policy then take it up with your congressman. Blaming some low level grunt for for the actions of DC achieves does what exactly? Beyond being edgy of course.
Probably not. Most people who join in combat positions already accept the possibility of being injured, maimed or killed.
On another note, if I looked like this, I'd wear a mask in public like King Baldwin IV in the movie Kingdom of Heaven.
>This hasn't been properly posted yet
You should fuck off then you worthless sack of shit
No one is reveling; just acknowleding that Americans in 2017....correction...2005 onward know what the hell they are getting into when they sign their enlistment contract.
>undermine US fight against terrorism
you truly are cucked.
Part and parcel. Don't join a shitty country's shitty military if you don't want to be crippled for ZOG.
no no no
wars have all been for profit since the 60s
if you make
and 1000 other things related to the war industry it is in your best interest to have endless war or you are out of the job its that simple . this is called the military industrial complex collectively own every politician in washington .
congrats on beating the odds
>mfw soldiers are all autists
Did someone say "shart"?
Never forget this was never intended to be a nation; it was intended to be a profitable corporation under the auspices of the Plymouth COMPANY and the Virginia COMPANY.
>t. kek'd.
You are truly sandnigger.
He got a face transplant didnt he? where's the after pic
I'm interested in your statement. Could you slang some redpills my way please?
mmm, so this is where the meem "success breed jealousy" came from
Fuck off Civic. If it isn't white it isn't worth anything.
This is him today after the face transplant.
So are most of them now.
>But he did ruin what may have been a very good chance to avoid the horrors (((FDR))) unleashed on us and the world.
lol what horrors? It's not like he started WWII or was the one who dropped the A-bombs on Japan, that was Truman. You're just a redditspacing kike who can't get over the New Deal.
Also...if you are E6 higher, the Army will take you with open arms. They are having a HISTORIC issue for retention of senior enlisted personnel. I got out myself as an E-7 with 11 years of service and I was part of a pack, not the exception.
Well, you can still join the military, without being Jewish muscle, that's the Coast Guard.
It's nonsense, that may have been true for the original colonies but not the US that seceded from Britian.
Yes, the US is a nation