Who's a future POTUS after Trump?

I'm thinking the Democrats lost the next two presidencies…Let's discuss REAL candidates who can win.

It's literally gonna be Rand Paul. Get ready to attack, leftshits.


We need a black Republican candidate. The left would definitely destroy itself in hypocrisy.

we've had them, but they've been weak.

Jared Kushner will be the first Jewish president of the United States.

>be me at 17
>basic liberal, but racism and sexism thrown in there
>be Catholic and anti abortion
>get a girlfriend start to realize the world isn't just about me and my stupid crap
>begin to see how wrong religion is and how stupid the idea of god is
>begin to see how I'm not at all different from poor people of color and the only reason I hate them is because of my own insecurities that make me hate them and that all Muslims aren't terrorists
>become a social democratic at 19
>regin to read history that isn't American history
>realize we're are an empire and Iraq and Afghanistan are not where we should be
>age 20 find Marx
>litterally become the opposite of what I was because evidence shows how wrong I am
>begin to understand the exploitation of the third world for the benefit of the first
>start meeting other Marxists and reading right wing material along with left to better understand my enemy
>see how all of my bosses can't actually labor
>24 decide it's time to be in a union
Racists and reactionaries, I know how you think I used to be you, all your hate is centered in your insecurities face yourself and be free of bigotry and hate. Be full of knowledge and love for humanity and see how evil the rule of profit is. Everything you think I have thought before.

Fingers crossed the US falls before this becomes relevant

Sleepy is not weak faggot

fuck off