What were they like? What are your personal experiences with them?
Have you ever personally known a Jewish person?
I live with one. He hates Jews too, and he knows their tricks even better than me.
Yes, quite a few. And I would not have even known they were Jewish unless they mentioned it.
One of the dudes in my roleplaying group is jewish.
He spouts a lot of democrat shit and he's a professor at an university.
But he's pretty chill so I don't hate him.
However when the race war starts he'll be the first one I kill.
I've known one. By far the smartest and the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I haven't seen her in years, but she's still my oneitis. Fucks sake. I feel this void in my stomach just thinking about her. Life fucking sucks.
I've known a few Jews and I didn't trust any of them. They all came off as extremely shady and willing to do illegal shit for money.
yes, many. I interact with many at work and have been friends with a few over the years. 90+% are a walking stereotype i now realize. stingy, whiny, arrogant, democrats, open borders, blah blah.
Keeping in mind that Jews are not a monolith, the western liberal Jews are the ones I'm personally most at odds with
I had Jewish neighbors when I was a little kid. 3 boys and one girl. They lived in Israel part time. They had gas masks, helmets, empty ammo chains, all kinds of kick ass old military gear.
yes, they lie a lot
I am one
I am one. So I know tons. Really annoying culture desu.
Me, too
I never met jew. I wonder, what happened to them here?
Anyone knows? What happened to the polish jews? There were so many of them, where did they go?
Yes many old jews.
It was while the mandatory synagogue visit for every middle school class.
Couldn't careless that they are jews.
Only felt bad for them because none of their relatives would visit them.
My grandparents are Jewish and they are hardcore Trump supporters
all false jews will burn in hell
Post the original, lest ye commit libel
>political cartoon showing Obama attacking the 2nd amendment
Name one concrete thing Obama has done against the 2nd Amendment.
I knew a befriended one in highschool when I didn't know of the jew.
I learned only later that he talked shit behind my back, among other things.
Kind of know a jewish person, from what I know their heart is in the right place but when they latch on to an ideal they lt h hard, good or evil. As Paul put it, very zealous. When they latch onto a wrong idea (as do the majority of jews) they will defned it to the point of hypocrisy. I am a technical jew so I can't speak for jew jews, most jews would be good people if they werent as stubborn as a rock, if you want to beat them pretend to be an idiot and their hubris beats themselves. Jews are textbook titanics, they sink themselves with their own iceberg which is their aupposed status as God's chosen. Jesus Christ is their stumbling stone
A few, and they were all good people.
They're exactly what you think they're like
>be in history class
>prof: "next week we'll be covering the aftermath of WW2"
>one jewess turns to the other
>"We got this. It's what we were born for"
>next week happens
>two jewy paws are high in the air the entire lecture
>"But what about muh shoah?"
>"Did you know the Nazis turned jews into lampshades?"
>"Muh six gorillion."
>I politely inform them the lampshades were a myth, provide evidence (thanks Sup Forums)
>predictably, this makes me a racist anti-semite who wants to gas them all
>tell them my cousins are jewish
>go into the matrilineal nature of judeism.
yes. I am a great person
i use to buy weed from a jew in highschool. he would slways short me .1 or .2 on gs so typical jew behavior as expected
My best friend in high school was a half Jewish Hillary fanatic with the surname "Levine". Fit all my stereotypes of jews but we always had a great time arguing and debating. Friendship is more important than prejudice and developed my views while also giving me insight into contrarian ideals.
I'll let you in on a tip, the PUA shit is unhealthy dude, it makes you view women as a status symbol instead of how they should be viewed, less intelligent less strong servents. The problem with the PUA's is they worship women, only worship Jesus, women are stupid and vain, they serve an important purpose but please for your own sake don't regard them highly.
Also regardig that sinking feeling in your stomach I had it for one girl, then I met another and it disappeared. Even ugly women look good naked and bent over, don't grieve ove just one, guarantee you there is another one you will meet who is both better looking with a better personality. You'd be shocked how when you stop looking for the right women she lands in your lap
I know a lot of them.
They're my family.
Dude, are you shilling for Obama? Honestly? It's damn clear that he together with most other Dems wants to curb it, don't you dare to pretend otherwise, you're not on Kikebook here.
my bf is jewish.
>/spoiler/i'm a guy
Married one. Black Israeli. Nice. Prolly the only woman I'll ever love.
I see a yamulka wearing type once in a while that always talks politics and cannot seem to talk about anything else. I think he's overall left leaning but its impossible to hold a conversation because he can never seem to not pace around the room, instead of sitting down and staying stationery.
Yes, many. They tend to be pretty smart and nice. Some Jewish women are mind-numbingly gorgeous, too.
Super cute ex coworker. She had big khazar milkers and I saw her thong when she bent over. God I wanted to fuck her so bad. But alas, I'm in a relationship. So we just texted and it fizzled out. I would be sad if I had a baby with her though 'cuz she was low class but god damn so fine... The only way I knew she was jewish is cuz she had a star of david necklace between her titties.
Also, my old coworker before her was an old stereotypical nagging and nosy woman who would hassle all the other women about calories in their food (she was doing a weight watchers program) and hassled me for microwaving plastic because of BPAs. Super nasally voice and everyone hated her and talked shit behind her back. But to be fair, she was a big gossip herself.
Oh and one really nice family way back in high school. Vegetarian mom (besides fish), in a nice upper middle class neighborhood. Sweet daughter and wholesome seeming family. Divorced I guess and probably some stereotypical shit but it was wayyyy before I was political/racist so wasn't aware of those things. Would be interesting to talk to her now...
I know its clear that Obama WANTS gun control. He has said as much in several speeches after mass shootings. I am not arguing against that at all. I am just asking what has he actually done, in terms of signing legislation?
I really wish this picture would come true.
Knew one who stole a fairly large amount of money to support an opioid habit. Took advantage of trust. He was a family ‘friend.’ I swear on my life me and my dad realized it was him on Christmas Eve. For some reason we had a picture of him at his bar mitzvah. Like I said family friend. I burned a barmitzvah picture of a thieving Jew on Christmas Eve.
I also know a Jewish girl from Long Island. She does weird and kinda degenerate shit but overall she’s honestly really cool. Loves anime. I was introduced to her by a mutual friend who said she was Hebrew or Israeli. Maybe that means something idk. She also an artist and illustrated kids books. Very attractive too. Definitely middle eastern look. We went on a camping trip in Vermont and swam in lake Champlain at like 4 am. Her and two of her girlfriends were skinny dipping and we climbed onto someone’s boat called The Asylum.
Knew one on the wrestling team who’s a good kid. Works construction. He once put his bare asshole on some kids face on the team bus because the kid was a huge douche. Was very hilarious. He was a hero. Even the coach was laughing.
Got some memories.
Money from my family.*
Yes, a few Jews, including a couple of Israelis. Smart, thoughtful, and conservative all. Mind you they're not Hollywood, Commie-fornia types. They're all pretty woke. There's a difference between atheistic kikes and spiritual Jews, always has been.
Yeah my best man was Jewish. Pretty cool guy. We called him “the Jew” in college and he didn’t seem to mind. Would have expected some sweating if he was one of the bad ones.
>Also regardig that sinking feeling in your stomach I had it for one girl, then I met another and it disappeared.
Can confirm. Although, now i have no girl, and the feeling is back.
I was raised by a poor Jewish nanny who taught me how to make potato latkas and chicken soup. She was a living Saint and I love her. I also know about 3 or 4 Jews that I have the utmost respect for. Despite this, I'm unironically a Nazi. They all need to be sent to Israel so they can't undermine Europeans any longer.
i've dated like 5 jewish girls. It was really how i got redpilled.
One burns faster. Only difference.
I also did my undergrad and graduate school at a school in the northeast that's about 1/8 jewish
scheming. they have this mindset of harvesting information and infiltration but they will leave you alone or 100% ignore you if there is no money to be made off of you.
My computer science professor
he was exactly you would expect from a eccentric and neuritic jew
Got a good grade in his class though
I lived with a Jewish family that took me in for 3 months when my parents kicked me out of the house.
They were nice, but one son was super successful and the other (my friend) was a mess.
I've dealt with Jews in business, too, other than a couple bad eggs they've been better than average.
Was friend of a friend with one. Hung out a few times. Rich parents. Zero idea what anything costs even in his mid 30s. Went nuts when I said I didn't like his range rover BC I'm 6'7'' and need a bigger car - he's 5'7'' with an extreme short man complex. I'm an engineer and essayist, guy thinks he's smarter than me (and everyone else) even though he's quite literally never read a book in his life. Tried to start arguments with me once or twice but since his opener is usually "look I know you didn't grow up with money". That got shut down quick. Unfriended me on FB when I was talking with someone else about free trade and he butted in, incoherently, but something about him and his friends laughing about my assessment. I said I'd like to hear what they have to say I'll be right over. Deleted comment and unfriended.
I might have said something about how men drive Cadillacs and Range Rovers are for surgeon's wives.
Anyway, that's jews in a nutshell. Trained from day one to always feel superior but be sneaky rats. The heroes of the Torah are the slimiest characters in it. Know your enemy.
Yes, my brother in law. parasitical and shameless marriage
grade school
she always tried to be in control and boss everyone around during groupwork, assignments, school plays. her mom was alsohated by all the parents because she acted the same
typical kike
my friend Alex he sold me my first 8th of weed in college. he actually showed me this shitty website and gave me his Sup Forums folder full of all the top memes in 2008. cool guy in my book. now he travels the world with Asians playing street fighter competitively. he's invited me to his home in nyc and he showed me all the best places for food he's a cool guy. all memes aside we are all humans jews are too I don't wish ill will to any living being. enjoy life and make the most of what you have. die happy with zero regret.
It only took one to redpill me
They're as crooked as the nose on their face, do not trust them.
Yes I am Jewish. I sometimes do schemes and lies that I am too ashamed of to mention. I can't help it it's in my nature.
I had my kid in a rural south preschool. Only 4 other kids. There was a tranny kid there. IN A RURAL SOUTH PRE-SCHOOL. His dad was a jew, mom non-practicing catholic, identified as atheist. She talks too much. My kid comes home saying he played wedding with some girls and tranny kid want to play too. Tranny kid got angry because my kid wouldn't marry him. Pulled my kid out. Home school or private school, people. If this happened in my town, can't imagine what the fuck is going on in liberal counties. They don't hire local, they farm out jobs to liberal teachers and bring them in to rural schools to indoctrinate kids.
The US and Israel. The Soviet Union went from 7 million to 200,000 as the CCCP dream was clearly going to shit while the goyim had a Wall keeping you in it.
Yeah, he was a Russian Jew. We worked a technical job together. He was stupid as shit technologically, but would lie and pretend to know his job which caused 10x more problems than if he just admitted he didn't know what he was talking about and stayed out of the way.
After a while I got sick of his shit and just started correcting his logbook entries to make him look stupid. This was before I was even aware of Jewish stereotypes, but he certainly fit them to a T.
I had some close family friends that were Jewish that we knew for about 20 years. They back-stabbed us and tried to get another one of my family members thrown in jail by lying. They were awful.
I dated a Jewish girl in high school a few years ago. She's going to a top 5 university now studying Neuroscience. Great girl, we still talk sometimes
they were your typical NY Jew.
When I was extremely young, my best friend was a Jew. I got my first girl friend (probably like 5th grade). Tried to steal her from me. Swear to god. True story. I made an AIM account 'hellsproject' and threatened to kill him and his whole Zionist culture and finish Hitler's job. He called the police and they showed up to my house. My mom was SO pissed. My dad acted like he was. When shit calmed down, he congratulated me.
I live around a lot of Jews. One of them is a Chicago Jew and says anything to impress, claims mob connections. Obvious lie. Another is a fat dumpy Jew. Picture of pathetic and short temper. A Jew hardware store owner that has gouge-you-to-the-core prices. Funny enough the two female Jews are know are cool folks. One even hates modern society like us Sup Forums. Still don't trust them though.
*scheming intensifies*
My doctor blames Democrats for fucking up the health care industry (not including Obongocare) and voted for Trump because he wanted Carson as Surgeon General. I think he's the exception to the rule
Is your Father /ourguy/?
I purged them out of my life. All the girls were whores and the guys fedora reddit idiots.
I used to work at a paintball place that was also a ropes course and almost all the people that ever showed up were buses of jews. They were smelly, rude, would always threaten to sue, never stopped asking you if you were jewish, would constantly try to get me to sneak into my boss's place and steal for them. The worst. Simply the worst people ever, and their horrible stinky children. More than 90% of them had obvious inbred birth-defects and abnormalities and they didn't give a damn about anything. Always left their garbage everywhere. The smell and the Yiddish and the horrible attitudes were enough to literally give me nightmares for weeks after quitting.
he was a degenerate kike, I scammed him for 50 bucks
commonplace with kikes
from central nj. plenty of jews there. all of the girls that my guy friend group were friends with were kikes. we called them japs (jewish american princesses). 2 of them got nose jobs to hide their jew noses toward the end of hs.
They were paranoid as fuck like they knew that I knew.
sure. quite a few.
you can't paint them all with the same brush but general trends are:
- no idea about politics yet strong alliance to leftism
- arrogant, self-centred, greedy
- i hate to say this but they are fucking liars. liars to the core. they are incapable of changing their mind where it matters. they simply make excuses to avoid facing consequences of their actions
- they are 'bullies', at least, by my definition they are
- extremely controlling people
- love to ruin people's lives
- generally neurotic and self-aggrandised.
terrible in general, constantly undermining you and not valuable to the community.
Israeli citizens are armed to the teeth. People step onto buses carrying military grade weapons.
Well, he's not wrong. Most of the ones I know have a few of those traits. I don't try to get too close to Jews so they probably have the majority of these.
>Be automotive engineer in charge of safety critical software so drivers stay safe (computer detects anything that goes wrong).
>Testing team checks safety functions are in good order for software to go out
>I get a report monthly. All green.
>Iterate through the year, releasing software several times.
>Discover major problem after the fact. Testing report says PASSED!
>Jewish friend in charge of that report was just marking it all passed every time without actually testing anything.
>Super pissed.
>He quits a month later.
when are the people of this board going to get over the whole JEWS DID IT meme, it was made to distract you from who really is jewing you, the government you fucking morons.
I worked for a Jew at a Janitorial service in ABQ NM. This man tried to get me into an agreement to buy a house for me and I pay it off to him. Always tried to give me money advances when I was low on cash, shady shit like that.
They want to have power over you, they do it through debt
Two. One is a psychiatrist, the other was a friend's girlfriend and we weren't close. I hold the doc in very high esteem. He has very liberal views i think, but I think psychiatry requires a degree of empathy over facts, which is why they failed the 'transgender community'. Caving in to the preposterous idea that major surgery could fix an issue with the mind. They owe these poor confused individuals an explanation.
My ex GF was Jewish.
She hot, loved my cock.
Her mum was a fucking Jewish stereotype tho. I actually felt bad for her.
The Fast and Furious false flag attempt.
Yeah, my ex girlfriend is a Jew. She's really nice and has conservative values.
Yeah, he's actually a really nice guy and even shitposts here. If he's lurking in this then thread then:
AYYY David whatup ma nigga?
Met lots (50-60) in my pre-redpill libertarian cuck college days. Became close friends with one. He was a stoner and a libertarian. Very zionist. Now he repairs air conditioners in miami and I never talk to him.
The others were insular and wanted nothing to do with goyim.
>What were they like? What are your personal experiences with them?
My good friend growing up was a full blooded jew. 100% stereotypical. When he graduated from MED SCHOOL, he forgot about all of his boys back at home, and now only hangs out with non-goys.
He was the stereotype. Big nose & dirt cheap.
ya... why would you want to be involved with people that hate you out of a gene-level jealousy?
im a girl BTW ;)
I have very enjoyable arguments with a local kike at my local diner. He isn't from here. He unironically advocates for race mixing and the browning of whites. We have good bantz though.
Lived with/fucked a few. They're all right as individual people. This one jewess gave me the best head I ever had in my life + swallowed
Jew kid at work. First thing he complained to me about was the holocaust and resurgence of Nazis
I had two Jewish friends in my childhood. One of them hanged himself. The other jumped in front of a semi truck. Dead serious.
They were both highly educated. Masters degrees. Making 200k a year.
Put my fingers inside a jew during high school.
Big slut.
>It's almost just as Jewish MFW
One bullied me through high school.
why your pic say "kasi"? i dont get the reference
a couple yeah. lol
yeah they are cheap as fuck
Checked. Also can confirm. Jewesses are unabashed whores.