Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums.
I am a journalist representing the Washington Post. Recently I caught wind of a testimony by one of your users who alleges Obama groped him when he was 5 years old.

As we all know allegations are more than enough to incriminate someone but I was wondering if we have any witnesses to the groping?

Have any of you Sup Forums users witnessed this user being groped by Obama?
Will compile all information I receive in a future expose article.

Also please include your names in your testimony, so we can include you in the article.
We cant allow democrats to get away with complicity in the silencing of these victims.


My name is Sam Hyde and I have first hand experience with Obama. He groped my bank account. He fucked my ass. He raped my country. On purpose.

Obama is a rapist. Obama tried to finger my asshole through my pants age 14 at a rally in 2012.

Obama raped me when I was a student at Columbia. I filed a report with campus police. This is why his college records are sealed.

I can only imagine how horrifying these experiences must have been for you. Have any of you also had perverse encounters with Ben Shapiro, the jewish conservative commentator?

Obama penetrated me when I was twenty. My name is Larry Sinclair.

My name is mike obama touched my genitals and called me michelle.

Obama licked my freckles without consent.


>be me at 17
>basic liberal, but racism and sexism thrown in there
>be Catholic and anti abortion
>get a girlfriend start to realize the world isn't just about me and my stupid crap
>begin to see how wrong religion is and how stupid the idea of god is
>begin to see how I'm not at all different from poor people of color and the only reason I hate them is because of my own insecurities that make me hate them and that all Muslims aren't terrorists
>become a social democratic at 19
>regin to read history that isn't American history
>realize we're are an empire and Iraq and Afghanistan are not where we should be
>age 20 find Marx
>litterally become the opposite of what I was because evidence shows how wrong I am
>begin to understand the exploitation of the third world for the benefit of the first
>start meeting other Marxists and reading right wing material along with left to better understand my enemy
>see how all of my bosses can't actually labor
>24 decide it's time to be in a union
Racists and reactionaries, I know how you think I used to be you, all your hate is centered in your insecurities face yourself and be free of bigotry and hate. Be full of knowledge and love for humanity and see how evil the rule of profit is. Everything you think I have thought before.

I seent it

Terry McAuliffe was involved in the molestation of my sister in law from age 6 until age 12. To cover it up the family was broken apart and my father in law is currently serving 60 yrs in a Virginia prison. When my mother in law tried to speak out about it she was set up. She was injured to the point she was in a coma for 2 years. The kids were bounced from family member to family member. One of which is now my wife. She found her way into my state and married to me. I do not fear any repercussion from this statement as we are well off and well protected, but other members of her family are still trapped in that hellhole. It is time for the Pedo liberals to meet their day of justice.

Yes. I'm an eye-witness. I was sitting on a chair in the corner and wanking while I saw Obama grope him.

botan is best grill

Nah Shapiro's a Jew, he keeps his hands clean by rubbing them together vigorously

There was one time when I thought Shapiro was trying to grope me but it turns out he was trying to get a coin out of my pocket

My name is Robert Eatass and Obama fucked my mom while I was 9 months in the womb and nutted all over me

why are there so many chinese bots in the comments on your website?

Obama touched my wiener outside the Oval Office while I posed in a picture with him in 2011.

This thread is glowing the dark

During one of his visits to Germany a couple years ago, Obama sexually assaulted me in a local ALDI. He sauntered up to me, then felt up my weiner through my pants, remarking to himself that it wasn't as big as his wife's, while mockingly grinning.

Obama invited me and my friends to play ping pong at the white house and then anally raped us in front of each and Michelle. Michelle made me suck her penis.

Yes, back in 2006 at a book signing he asked me if I’d ever been to a Turkish prison. I said, “no.” Then he asked me if I liked movies about gladiators. I said, “no.” He gave it one more shot, and asked me if I’d ever seen a grown man naked. I wasn’t sure, but my Mom’s husband was cranking one out in the corner at Borders.


This is concerning.
We are working on the article right now. Obama must turn himself into authorities immediately.

>What is satire?
>What is making your point about lack of evidence through making a baseless accusation
>What is a Washington Post reporter?

>groped by Obama
I was visiting my step brother in collage when i was 14 and walked in on Obama selling my brother cocaine. It kind of freaked me out while he was leaving he touched my balls

Obama used to do Cocaine with my mom when she was a hooker in Chicago. One night he gave me pills. I woke up the next day and my bottom was sore. There was blood in my poo. I told my mom and she put me for adoption. I never seen her again.

Therapist and Michelle Obama watched
some analysts are also therapists, called analrapists


>back in 2019 when i was 5 y/o

Obama raped me and my family for 8 years straight. They he called me a white piece of shit, and insisted that others do the same. He destroyed the value of my home by putting section 8 down the road. He forces me to pay for the health insurance of people who refuse to work. I love my white privilege.

Are you me?

I am the 400 pound Russian hacker known as for chan. Cyka blyat AMA

Obama used to give me heroin and rape me when I was in foster care in Chicago. He told me I could say whatever I want and no one would believe me because I was a bad kid. I've been in-and-out of prison my whole life because of all the times Obama raped me.

does anyone have that loli

>Everything you think I have thought before.

That kinda self loathing seems terrible.

Fuck off cia nigger

I am that Asian girl. Obama touched my underaged vagina and said "ew I thought you were a boy". That's when I slapped him, bent him over and released my full inner tiger mom on him. He then started crying and went to suck Michelle's pacifier to console himself.

Robot fucker leaf here, stop writing slam articles about us, our love is pure.it Is very offensive and a macro aggression

>Washington Post report

I mean this in all sincerity. Please kill your self. It’s for the best of the world. Do your part plz and help the West.

I don’t think you rats realize how much we despise you and all of your lies. Please die.

When I was 12 I stumbled into the same room as Michelle Obama and she whipped her dick out and started masturbating while she made me watch.

Obama once tried to stop me from sucking my dogs dick! He didn't succeed. Later that day BASED Trudeau gave him a demonstration of Canadian culture by sucking another dogs dick.

When Obama visit China I have encounter. My name is Steven, and I will share my story, but I am need your email. I am not want to post it here.

suck my asshole

dunno bout obama, but OP sucked my penis. he said he literally could not stop sucking dicks

>suck my asshole

how old are you?