How do you like it that your great orange leader is throwing you under the bus by limiting your free speech?
Net Neutrality
Durr it's all part of his 4D chess you cuck!
He's only corrupt and raising taxes while giving benefits to billionaires because it's what MSM doesn't want him to do!
>be me at 17
>basic liberal, but racism and sexism thrown in there
>be Catholic and anti abortion
>get a girlfriend start to realize the world isn't just about me and my stupid crap
>begin to see how wrong religion is and how stupid the idea of god is
>begin to see how I'm not at all different from poor people of color and the only reason I hate them is because of my own insecurities that make me hate them and that all Muslims aren't terrorists
>become a social democratic at 19
>regin to read history that isn't American history
>realize we're are an empire and Iraq and Afghanistan are not where we should be
>age 20 find Marx
>litterally become the opposite of what I was because evidence shows how wrong I am
>begin to understand the exploitation of the third world for the benefit of the first
>start meeting other Marxists and reading right wing material along with left to better understand my enemy
>see how all of my bosses can't actually labor
>24 decide it's time to be in a union
Racists and reactionaries, I know how you think I used to be you, all your hate is centered in your insecurities face yourself and be free of bigotry and hate. Be full of knowledge and love for humanity and see how evil the rule of profit is. Everything you think I have thought before.
We never wanted Net Neutrality. Fuck the tech companies especially the websites pushing for it. They all shit on their users and expect us to want what they think is good? Fuck that.
He's not killing net neutrality, he's just killing the Obama Administration's plan to give the FCC broad, overreaching regulatory powers over the entire internet.
This guy gets it.
and transferring said power to the hands of ISPs, who, as we all know, have your best interest at heart!
>basic liberal
>but racism and sexism thrown in there
I trust corporations about as far as I can throw them, but I trust the government even less.
the govt (ideally) represent all the people in a country
a corporation's only goal is to make monies
>hurr durrr well I don't care I will trust corporations because I'm a retard and I sound edgy when I say 'I don't trust muh govt'
Net Neutrality, while flawed, has worked so far and has fulfilled its role. You and your ilk are so fucking dumb, you're willing to let an ISP dictate what you can and cannot see based on frogs and the promises on an empty suit
#maga indeed
>We never wanted Net Neutrality
and why is that again?
>he's just killing the Obama Administration's plan to give the FCC broad, overreaching regulatory powers over the entire internet.
That's not true, and if you did any research, you'd know that.
Are you saying we need more regulations over the internet? I want less regulations, or regulations that force these fucking retards to uphold the constitution on their sites. Enough bullshit faggot.
Yes goy, continue to support legislation that gives the government full control of the Internet and keeps ISP locked into regional monopolies.
>by limiting your free speech?
He only cares about what rich people and corporations want, not what real Americans need.
are you fucking retarded, or just pretending? Net neutrality at its core forces ISPs to treat every bit of data the same, so ISPs cannot, for example, block netflix in favour of their own stream service, or to block websites willy nilly
If it wasn't for the govt and their big, scary regulations you'd be breathing pic related while eating sawdust filled cheese, you gigantic piece of retard
yes, give the ISPs the power to control the internet, instead of leaving it open and neutral.
In other words they won't stop until the internet is just television.
Net Neutrality is what Google wants because it can basically force all internet users to subsidize its bandwidth heavy content. Yet, on Youtube you can see all sorts of people getting demonetized for spouting off wrong think. Even employees arn't free from the struggle sessions.
>muh ISPs
Nigger, Google is on pace to become a Trillion dollar corporation and all you do is shill for them. Seriously you're a dumb fucker if you think Net Neutrality is about anything except securing the profits of Silicon Valley.
>Yes goy, continue to support legislation that gives the government full control of the Internet and keeps ISP locked into regional monopolies.
All net neutrality is, is a mandate that all data is treated the same, and consumers treated fairly. Companies can still charge different rates for different services, but cannot discriminate services based on the content. Without net neutrality, the government could still feasibly "control" the internet, because net neutrality has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with government control and censorship. But corporate censorship and content restrictions would be allowed:
>2005 - Madison River Communications was blocking VOIP services. The FCC put a stop to it.
>2005 - Comcast was denying access to p2p services without notifying customers.
>2007-2009 - AT&T was having Skype and other VOIPs blocked because they didn't like there was competition for their cellphones.
>2011 - MetroPCS tried to block all streaming except youtube. (edit: they actually sued the FCC over this)
>2011-2013, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon were blocking access to Google Wallet because it competed with their bullshit. edit: this one happened literally months after the trio were busted collaborating with Google to block apps from the android marketplace
>2012, Verizon was demanding google block tethering apps on android because it let owners avoid their $20 tethering fee. This was despite guaranteeing they wouldn't do that as part of a winning bid on an airwaves auction. (edit: they were fined $1.25million over this)
>2012, AT&T - tried to block access to FaceTime unless customers paid more money.
>2013, Verizon literally stated that the only thing stopping them from favoring some content providers over other providers were the net neutrality rules in place.
The mainstream media in your country is owned by telecoms. Even MSNBC has been caught shilling against net neutrality. Guess who owns MSNBC?
>Net Neutrality, while flawed, has worked so far and has fulfilled its role.
It didn't exist on paper until two years ago and almost none of the actual legal regulations have actually come into effect yet.
The issue at heart here is free market versus state regulation. Corporate decisions are easier for consumers to deal with. Sufficient customer outrage can force a company to abandon a proposal or reverse a decision, and if all else fails consumers can look for alternate providers. This isn't the 90s anymore where everyone only had one choice of ISP. Between smaller startups, satellite providers, and especially the massive growth in mobile providers, most consumers have a range of options.
By contrast, government regulation is much harder for the average consumer to have an impact on. Even if you succeed in raising public awareness and swaying politicians to support overturning some piece of legislation, it can take years of bureaucratic procedure and arguing, and in many cases can require a complete shift in the balance of power in the legislature in order to make any progress.
The internet was open and neutral for almost 30 years before there was any law declaring it as such. We had net neutrality long before we had Net Neutrality.
>so ISPs cannot, for example, block netflix in favour of their own stream service, or to block websites willy nilly
Exactly, the purpose of Net Neutrality is to force all subscribers to subsidize bandwidth heavy content. You're literally a cuck for silicon valley and yet act like you're some anti-corporatist crusader.
Have fun shilling for ISPs once net neutrality is gone retard! You clearly don't know what you're talking about
>i'm anti-corporatist
>Alphabet, a $600 billion dollar corporation told me so, I'm fighting the good fight against those greedy ISP corporations and telecom cartels.
>basically force all internet users to subsidize its bandwidth heavy content.
how is it "subsidize"? data is data. whether or not I use google or not, I don't give a fuck. an ISP should not tell me what services I use, don't use or subsidize. They sell me the connection, whatever I use it for its my own problem
By eliminating NN you're literally giving ISPs the power to make you pay extra for services you took for granted, to block websites they deem inappropriate, and to force you to use whatever services they want you to use
Yet your only "argument" is "b-but googles, they're too rich! gibs that to the ISPs"
>on Youtube you can see all sorts of people getting demonetized for spouting off wrong think
Its called "private business" you fucking retard. don't like youtube? use something else. and what makes you think once NN things will be better?
Fucking ISP shill, hope once the Orangutan gets rid of NN your ISP blocks Sup Forums for "immoral content"
Damn, you Google shills are going all out. The second I mention the corp that holds your leash you sperg out, thanks for admitting it to everyone.
Net neutrality is reddit cuck bullshit. I don't even care what it's about at this point.
Reddit normie bugmen soyboy cucks are for it, so I'm against it. Nice and simple.
>Exactly, the purpose of Net Neutrality is to force all subscribers to subsidize bandwidth heavy content.
That's patently false. If you have 500GB of bandwidth per month, you're paying for 500GB of bandwidth. If you're paying for 100GB, you're paying for 100GB. If you have a 100GB plan and you use up 200GB, you'll be charged for the extra bandwidth. If you have unlimited bandwidth, it doesn't matter, because the company is still making a profit off your subscription.
Yeah no ISPs will not listen to the consumers because they stand to make huge gains if net neutrality is gone. If all the ISPs throttle bandwidth then there is nothing the consumer can do. We can't go without internet and they know it. It's the government's job to protect the consumer from the corporations. Net Neutrality is essential to protect the consumer.
>all data is equal, Netflix to deserves to have each of it's GB upon GB viewed equally to Joe's blog.
>I-I have no retort, time to call him a shill
enjoy your soon to be ruled by corporate interests "internet", you fucking dumbass. Think google is bad? wait til your internet is absolutely ruled by Comcast or whatever other shitty company in your flyover state. Watch how they'll bleed you dry, and you'll still be blaming Obama lmfao
fucking retard. ALL DATA is the same. And it should be the same. Why should I pay extra if I want to see X or Y? Oh wait "da googles, dey bad! give shekels to Comcast, they good boi"
Not to mention, ~30% of Amerilards only have one, ONE ISP in their area.
At the end of the day burger, its your loss. I don't live in your retarded country so have fun giving away your money to cartels. Besides Google will not lose if net neutrality goes. No matter what you tell yourself.
>If all the ISPs throttle bandwidth then there is nothing the consumer can do.
If all the ISPs throttle bandwidth its a violation of existing federal anti-trust laws and falls within the purview of an already existing regulatory agency - the FTC. No need to give a second agency even more, broader regulatory powers to handle a potential problem that another, existing agency is already designed to deal with.
In order to understand net neutrality you need to know how peering works in relation to content delivery. Big telcos dont host much content compared to CDN's like Akamai cndetworks, cloudflare, etc. Telcos can charge CDN's and charge their own customers at the same time to use their network. ATT can choose who to charge to interconnect with. Sometimes there is settlement free peering and sometimes they charge up the ass for peering. ATT purchasing Time Warner is huge because now they own the rights to all the content and have one of the largest networks in the country. They can choose to pull all Time Warner related content off netflix and hulu. HBO Now can be affected because they own the rights to HBO, They can choose to rate limit and or charge up the ass to deliver HBO content to other providers that are NOT ATT.
>No arguments left
>Better call him a shill and leave because this is going against my beliefs and I'm a closeminded retard
>Why should I pay extra if I want to see X or Y?
Why shouldn't I be allowed to pay less if I *don't* want to see X or Y?
I don't think I've read anything more retarded on here than this. But you're probably just some edgy 15 yo so your opinion is irrelevant anyway.
Furthermore, if you're behind a small ISP like cox, rogers, midco, one cable, etc. you're fucked because now they will have to pay more to peer with Telco's hosting content, i.e ATT, Verizon(edgecast) and now comcast(They have their own CDN)
The shills on here shilling for Comcast to destroy net neutrality are the useful idiots
I don't really care, I just want to fuck over Google. I'm sorry you're so addicted to corporate cock that you can't stop yourself from watching your Netflix and Youtube.
what makes you think you'll be paying less if you don't use it?
Net neutrality is the strangest thing, because leftists are actually pro this as everyone should. Let me explain:
Net neutrality is important because it would give a company the power to limit another company's network traffic. Sure , it sounds like competition is the way to go and it would eliminate the need for such a regulation in itself
You're missing the point that you DON'T have free market competition in the US telecom markets. You have a few corporations which have basically divided the market between themselves and are extorting people for shit services.
This is possible because the USA IS A FUCKING CONTINENT. You cannot make a new ISP to compete with somebody else as simple as you can in a smaller country.
Don't forget that google tried their Kansas experiment and they failed miserably.
Because of this, the USA has shit and expensive internet services compared to other countries. Hell, we get faster and cheaper internet on mobile in Europe than you get on cable in the US.
We get gigabit for 10-15$ because WE HAVE A FREE MARKET FOR ISPS and you don't.
That's why Net Neutrality is important. Because ironically the ISPs are fucking your shit up in this very special regard.
We've had that in Europe for a decade before it got fixed by freemarket. But we have countries smaller than your states. You have this shit for decades and you're voting to make it worse.
This guy gets it
>haha look at these useful idiots not doing exactly what a $600 Billion dollar corporation tells them to do
Good, let this happen. Once these sites start charging, new up-and-coming sites will come along and only make money off ad revenue.
Besides, too many idiots use the web. it might be better for society if you had to pay more to use it.
Because wihout net neutrality it would give a company the power to limit another's network traffic.
Google is already fucked you retard. No one wants to peer with google because of the amount of content they host. Big ISP's are already charging them up the ass to interconnect. Google fiber is failing in lots of cities because of this. Telco's do not want to compete with google.
Lowest hanging bait I’ve seen in awhile
This guy gets it.
African-south-american, you literally have under a handful of ISPs in your country. It's not about individual webistes. It's about your ISP throttling competing services.
It's about opening the hot water faucet and getting only 10% of the stream, because your water company is the cold water company.
As someone else on here said. 30% of the Americans still only have 1 ISP. That's 100 000 000 Americans that will have their free internet taken away.
Look how excited you are!
Third thread i have seen you in so far m8.
>Free speech
My opinion on a position is generally the opposite of what tech companies want.
Can anyone from Portugal share how it's going for them?
why dont you tell your bosses to buy more ads on Sup Forums its so obvious that this is artificial
Every tech company and public personality who shilled for Net Neutrality wasted no time in supporting the black listing and censoring of sites like the daily stormer after they got major media attention. Net Neutrality is nothing more than a power grab by the federal government and FCC under the guise of "protecting your internet freedoms from the evil ISPs" even though the ISPs have been the only actual neutral party when it comes to political matters on the internet. It is the most obvious case of a trojan horse yet there are dumb faggots who still shill for it to this very day.
You are one dense motherfucker, just endlessly screaming GOOGLE IS WORTH 600BILLOIN REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Nice bait m8 but ty to make it less retarded next time it's just too obvious this is bait
You're wrong. The daily stormer censoring was primarily a DNS thing.
Sure, cloudflare fucked, but the main issue was the DNS being hijacked. And it was hijacked BECAUSE the TOP LEVEL DOMAINS ARE MANAGED BY THE UN instead of the US.
Obama turned the governance of internet domains to the Saudis, Chinks and Russians instead of letting them be managed under the 1st ammendament in the US.
>$600 Billion dollar corporation tells them to do
Yeah you are doing the bidding of Comcast who has lobbied the hardest for destroy net neutrality
not an argument
>primarily a DNS thing
and a Google thing and on every other platform. and every personality and pundit having no problem with it's censoring. "Net Neutrality" is a fucking scam.
holy shit so many shills here
Google effectively STOLE a domain that did not belong to them BECAUSE the UN allowed them to.
Government, ISPs, web corporations, non-web corporations with ads on the Internet, there's no victory with whatever move is made here.
>inb4 you have to pay extra to visit Sup Forums without having to load 5 minutes on every refresh
Sup Forums is too irrelevant for ads m8
And when will you retards learn that just because you scream something loud enough it isnt going to become reality
Net Neutrality, like Freedom of speech NEEDS to be absolute in order to work. That's the only way a government ruling should be applied: towards maximum freedom.
Net Neutrality is the biggest red flag to revealing good goy normie cocksuckers. Net Neutrality was shilled and drilled hardcore on normiefag places like plebbit - to make sure all those fags went about their day repeating exactly what they were told
By allowing freemarket capitalism.
Net Neutrality works pretty well in New Zealand.
>the UN
And why is that? oh because pro-net netrality president Obama who made it happen.
i dont have much to say anyway
>your great orange leader is throwing you under the bus
Yes, but out billionaire class has never had it so good.
This thread already has more than enough decent arguments pro net neutrality. All those against it are simply ignorant and don't really know what NN means or are just dense retards who are anti NN just because the left is pro and they want to feel special. Have yet to find an anti NN argument that actually makes sense.
>makes it harder for niggers to use the internet
please please let it happen
I feel like there's a lot of propaganda around net neutrality that muddy's the waters on both sides.
I can't make up my mind about what is better. It's similar to global warming. Sux but that's the way it is.
Stop strawmanning. Net neutrality regulation was approved by obama's FCC only because it was an anti-corporate measure, not because he cares about freedom.
He was perfectly aware of the fact that the largest internet companies are pro-democrat, so net neutrality would not affect anything for his party.
What he didn't like was that people could make sites against the government and host them at home, so he moved the domain management outside of the 1st ammendament legislative area.
Shills tend to congregate in specific threads. Notice how most of the time a shill thread is created, at least a few replies near the beginning are supporting it and then very few after?
Oh shit THIS level of projecting how can you not see the ads on he top of the page when viewing Sup Forums the one about contacting congress
it was to dimish the power of ISPs in favor of tech companies like Google. to allow federal overreach of the internet was just a plus. doesn't change the fact that was going to happen if those regulations stayed in place.
Y'all niggaz don't understand
Without net neutrality
> Every internet company will be allowed legally to cut or limit access to Sup Forums
There's no federal overreach when you say "everything must be treated equal on the internet, no exceptions" . That's net neutrality.
>30% of the Americans still only have 1 ISP
That's a load of horseshit, even according to data directly from the FCC
then another internet company would allow access to gain customers
This has absolutely nothing to do with net neutrality and if Pajeet Streetshitter abolishes it, it wouldn't stop it from happening again. But it would let MSNBC's parent company throttle bandwidth to Sup Forums.
You keep misrepresenting what net neutrality even is.
>he thinks the actual regulatory code says just that
Top fucking kek.
Well i guess im getting different ads than you then cuz i never had it.
Belgian cuck upset its going to take .0025ms longer to connect to Sup Forums once Net Neutrality is killed LMAO
FCC is totally corrupt m8. Their leader is literally ex-Verizon.
>Not to mention, ~30% of Amerilards only have one, ONE ISP in their area.
source google employee?
It has everything to do what the mentality of those who publicly supported net neutrality and why it does nothing to insure "muh freedom of speech" on the internet you retarded fucking leaf.
it's bs
No, because
1) it's crazy expensive to setup an internet company
2) you need to go through a lot of red tape just to start it, and the compeition will lobby against you to sabotage
3) If you manage to set up the internet company the existing company will change access to lower prices, effectively taking you out of business
4) Go back to step 1
There's also the 2nd version, in which you get an oligopoly of company deciding which things they should limit. I've lived through this and believe me, it's shit to have routes cut between ISPs because the owners had a quarrel over dinner.
There are thousands of examples around the world and many in your country where this was bad for everyone.
> Comcast - Netflix deal and many mentioned above
If you're against net neutrality only because it was obama's presidency then you're not analyzing the merits of an idea, and are just contrarian for the sake of it....
Which makes you no better or ideologically sound than antifa. Just a collectivist
For all the free speech on this board, the ignorance is pretty stunning. I don't think you realise that it won't affect me. It will only affect you amerifags who will pay up for your corporate overlords. Sup Forums fir me will be like it's always been. You, on the other hand, will only get Sup Forums if you pay extra and even then they might not let you come here at all. Which wouldnt be too suprising considering this site's reputation.