How could a 14 year old girl be so smart and mature?

How could a 14 year old girl be so smart and mature?
Seriously,I read her diary when I was 22 and was amazed at how much of an understanding of the world she had.
She had a goal(to become journalist),she questioned everything-gender norms and relations,sex,power,dominance etc.
When I was 14 I was a fucking idiot.None of these things came to my mind.

SO what is it?Is it because she's a Jew so she's more intelligent,or women mature faster?

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It's fake

Jewish women at any age are smarter than you will ever be. Deal with it.

She didn’t write it. It’s “based” on her alleged diary. This is not a revisionist claim- it’s an accepted literary fav

It sounds like you might be genuinely in love with her.

>Seriously,I read her diary when I was 22 and was amazed at how much of an understanding of the world she had.

its ironic that you nazis will soon be the ones hiding

Gee i dunno OP. It almost seems like it was written by some other jew to get free shekels.

Could you please find me some non-looneytunes sources that stake a claim as to the diary being part or all a forgery?

I'm very intelligent,and always was.
What I'm saying is,when I was her age these were not the things that even glazed my mind.I did stuff with my friends,played video games,studied,very much enjoyed life.
I had no deeper emotions back then,or thoughts.
I was just on autopilot so to speak.Just did what I had to do,or felt like doing.
Later on,I thought and experienced all of these things,but thats like 5-6 years after her.
That shocked me.

Germany looked at the real copy and found that there was a pen used outside of the timeframe she allegedly wrote this thing. It was some of the later entries I guess

So do you think you might genuinely be in love with her?

>when I was her age these were not the things that even glazed my mind
Well, no shit. You didn't have to hide in an attic with your extended family because those nazi bastards wanted to fucking send your ashes through the chimney. Those things tend to accelerate your evolution.
>That shocked me.
It fucking should! Fucking nazis REEEE never forget.

It was written by her dad, baka

No,it has nothing to do with love.
I'm just very surprized at how "deep" she was.

Yeah it's crazy how much her thinking resembles that of a forty-year-old man.

>played video games
well there's your answer, genius
while you were busy filling your head with useless trivia about fictional characters and universes, people a few decades ago had to entertain themselves by talking to others and learning about the real world. Primary way to learn about the world was through newspapers, explains why she would want to be one. Same reason many kids thought about becoming video game designers in your generation.

I think you want to be deep inside her and you are genuinely in love with her.

Just as deep as her dad rammed her asshole

>falling for the "poor little jewish girl experience through le evil nazi genocide"

You mean to tell me a 40 year old bolshevik Jew with publisher buddies would use his daughter's name to write a sensational 'diary' in order to make the Germans look bad and keep publishing it far and wide despite lack of sales just for?

Not only that, but she wrote with a ball point pen that wasn't even invented until the 1950s. How did she do it?

I spent a lot of time with my friends,and most of the time with my best friend.We talked about lots of stuff.
But I had no deep understanding of anything.Or so I feel like.Maybe if I had written a diary it would sound similar.
I don't know.

Haha, no waaay. You're paranoid as hell, son. I bet you're wearing a tinfoul hat, too.

Why did you read her dairy? Why you even care about her? Why



What did people do for entertainment before tv and the internet? Read books, tell stories, write letters.
Seriously, go back and read some letters from average people in the wars. They put a lot of time into their letters, and they knew how to write because of all their experience reading and writing. It's basically comparable to a lot of poetry you see today. And most people never get to that previously average level of writing.


Go take one up you ass, like the Jew fag you are.

We all know you were looking for this shit. Now begone degenerate.

That's Hot!.
Who's the Artist??


Lol there was literally proof she never existed (its 'her' aunt or sister or whatever)

the sources got (((deleted))) literally right after I posted them to Sup Forums. When I find that shit again Im posting everywhere with backups

she didn't write anything, many Auschwitz diaries were totally fake to sell books or to influence western readers. This shouldn't mean I don't believe that Holocaust happened, but many books and diaries were just made for commercial or political reasons


Google when she died.

Google when ballpoint pens were available to the public.

Contemplate why parts of her diary were written in ballpoint.

>How is nazi formed?
The nazis didn't call themselves nazis. Kikes did.

Because the nazis were hiding hidden tech in the form of ballpoint pens. Nice try goy.

>Is it because she's a Jew so she's more intelligent,or women mature faster?

She wrote her diary with a ball point pen years before it was invented

It didn't happen though

With Jews, you lose.

>How could a 14 year old girl be so sexy and fertile?

i guess rule 34 applies for every single thing in this universe of ours

I was capable of discussing and considering and even tangibly engaging with many complex topics at 14.

This was before the internet existed, back when we used to read books instead of soundbytes.

Are you retarded?

fake like this girl

Maybe it is because she didnt write the fucking diary.

Her uncle dreamed up most of it after the war to cash in on the dead kid. Typical Jew behavior, I don't think even blacks would sink so low?

wait you actually read that bullshit at 22 ??

are you a former child but still needing deep help, honey ??

end your problems, gas your life NOW !!

Pregnant Anne Frank thread? Pregnant Anne Frank thread.

I have a friend who believes she sees and speaks with angels & ghosts after suffering a traumatic brain injury in a motorcycle accident. She says Anne Frank is one of her frequent visitors and that Anne Frank wanted my friend to tell everyone that she was 16 not 14 and that she doesn't like that everyone thinks she was 14.

I don't know if my friend really speaks to ghosts or not, but I thought I'd share this anecdote.

Ew dude wtf is that picture

Drawfag named Livium from /his/.

Why is this so hot?

Must have been good

Because she's the closest you're getting to a fine white piece of ass Juan.

>mfw EUfag has no idea what you're referring to

She questioned everything because she smoked weed with the local black bois and she was so deep because they filled her gaping pussy with black mamba venom

...and she listed to 80s punk

Actually EUfag was just trying to say in a baitposting way that there's no way a 14 year old girl wrote it, so her dad wrote it, therefore the Holocaust is false. He's wrong but he's not totally stupid.


>a heavily pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels will never emerge from their hiding spot to find a company of Confederate infantrymen resting on the side of the road, playing "Oh Susanna" on a harmonica. Perplexed at the strange square flag the color guard clutches tightly, cherishing it as if it were a sacred relic, Anne and Peter curiously reach out to touch it, which the soldiers allow. As they feel the wool banner run through their fingertips, they do not know its meaning, but can nonetheless sense the importance it has in the hearts those who carry it.


nazis should have forced her into porn desu

She sounds like an old man when he wrote with that pen invented after the war, very mature indeed.

She had one fucking job to do, hide in an attic... And she fucked it up.

Exactly. That girl is a perfect example how easy it is to spread war propaganda.

That's a man in a wig, baby.

Stunted thyroid.

The anne frank of syria.

>When your high school English teacher doesn't make you read Anne Franks Diary because she's read it too much and is sick of it

Thanks Mrs. Johnston, wherever you are.

Are there any recent pics of her? They've been using the same photo for like 5 years.

Her father edited it massively before publishing it.

The original was a lot more what you'd expect from a teenage girl, including her discovering masturbation.

Some adult kike probably rewrote it and lied about it.

She also managed to get a ball point pen to write her (((diary))) many years before it was invented. The high IQ Jew meme is real, son.

It's because the diary was written by an old jewish man with ballpoint pen that didn't exist at the time :).

She was a Jewish supergenius, like all other Jews naturally are.

t. non Jew

theres a lot of people at that age that think like her especially if your growth is excellerated by some defiencie or illness growing up i knew this autistic kid he was really deep always talked about niestche and shit like he just didnt understand how to talk to people though he was all in his head so thats just how he turned out. i myself suffer from some severe depression the first time i had a suicidal thought was in 3rd grade i didnt even know you could kill yourself back then. that really excelrated everything for me i got really spirtual and read up on every possible religion and got really existential so i dont know if your fucked up enough your brain morphs and you think deeper

Did you have to read Night instead?

>tfw your ancestors weren't born at the right time period to lead the drive to liberate Auschwitz and save all those people.

Existence is pain

No, we actually read 1984 and Brave New World, and did a comparison between the two.

It's definitely fake. Anne frank was real. She gave shitty head tho and was way too skinny for me


Doubleplusgood comrade

This was way back in 2004 though. doubt they have the same curriculum.

1984 is definitely one of those books that should be required reading if you want to know how fucked up the world is. I found it a real eye opener.

It's a fact that her dad wrote it. It's not even a conspiracy, it's confirmed.

The publishers have admitted it was fake.
You still might go to prison for saying it's fake in certain countries though, I'm not sure.

You came to the 'politically incorrect' section to post a thread which says nothing politically incorrect.

Sorry about the 404'd link. They shut it down.

He didn't say it's a forgery. He said its "based" on her diary. If you even read the prologue it says "much of this is based on Anne Frank's own words" or something to that effect It's actually written by adults who supposedly had access to her diary. It's not a literal transcription of her diary. It's an author who supposedly found the diary between the arrest and when the gestapo raided the house, and it's also the combination of several "manuscripts" she is alleged the have written. They also removed large sections of the original the Dutch guy wrote before it was published widely.

Oops meant for >tfw Anne will never write a critique of the first edition of 1984 for a Dutch newspaper


In other words, it's fucking fake.

....she was also locked in an attic cage against her own will no drugs/entertainment 24/7 nothing but constant paranoia of surveillance. With nothing to distract you but sticks and dust mites, I'd probably pick up a pen too and write the shit out of it hahahaha "holy shit I'm trapped in an attic all I have to do is brush dust off items with my finger I'm losing my mind AH what is life fuck nazis I mean - fuck...gender roles And dominance and shit.....I got a twig for dinner this shit sucks I'll be back tomorrow journal and think of some other random shit so I don't off myself" shouldn't we ALL nurture our children like Ann frank, so we can cultivate the critical richness that is adapting to being a war victim?

It's a fraud. Her likeness is used everywhere, but she's effectively just a fictional character.

Heard she was experimenting with being gay too, I'd actually be quite interested in reading that


Because her "diary" is fictitious propaganda that has gone under numerous revisions as time has gone by.


her father admitted that the dairy has been modified, although I'm not dumb enough to tout that the whole thing is a ballpoint pen fabrication. ONLY 2 pages are ball point. added in the 60s by some woman. fuck this dumb ass thread