This is how an average american look like

this is how an average american look like.

>be me at 17
>basic liberal, but racism and sexism thrown in there
>be Catholic and anti abortion
>get a girlfriend start to realize the world isn't just about me and my stupid crap
>begin to see how wrong religion is and how stupid the idea of god is
>begin to see how I'm not at all different from poor people of color and the only reason I hate them is because of my own insecurities that make me hate them and that all Muslims aren't terrorists
>become a social democratic at 19
>regin to read history that isn't American history
>realize we're are an empire and Iraq and Afghanistan are not where we should be
>age 20 find Marx
>litterally become the opposite of what I was because evidence shows how wrong I am
>begin to understand the exploitation of the third world for the benefit of the first
>start meeting other Marxists and reading right wing material along with left to better understand my enemy
>see how all of my bosses can't actually labor
>24 decide it's time to be in a union
Racists and reactionaries, I know how you think I used to be you, all your hate is centered in your insecurities face yourself and be free of bigotry and hate. Be full of knowledge and love for humanity and see how evil the rule of profit is. Everything you think I have thought before.

The Average Finn is by far worse.

this is how an average nigger look like.

Guess how I know that this post was created by a Mexican hiding behind a meme flag?

>Wendy's French Fries coloured hair
>Mozzarella coloured skin
>Mountain Dew Voltage coloured eyes


The Average Southerner is by far worse.

53% white doesn't mean white americans are 53% geneticaly european, it means that of the overall population, 53% of them are white.

its so good that Yanks are getting meme'd on Sup Forums now. For so long they've been lording it over us with British teeth jokes, Argentina "white" jokes, France surrender flag jokes, etc etc. Now they're getting trolled and it's beautiful.
90% of shitposting on this site is by Yanks, 90% of all Nazi meme flag shit, and holocaust denial shit is by Yanks. fuck em. taste of their own medicine

The average southerner is statistically non-white. The only reason the US is still majority white is because of the 80% white north, 90% in New England and the Midwest.

inb4 this thead gets shoahd by buttblasted mutt mods


>its so good that Yanks are getting meme'd on Sup Forums now

>Eggo waffle coloured hair
>Bryer's Vanilla Ice Cream coloured skin
>I presume Starbuck's bluberry smoothie coloured eyes

Fuck that shit.

Americans on this board were fine before the Trump campaign. I know it's been said a million times over, but The_Donald ruined this board. Half of the American flags you see here are reddit cancer, and they are the ones who have been constantly talking shit about Europe for the last year and calling everyone Achmed.


>that's one kike genetic experiment gone horribly wrong

it was Brits who went on to The_Donald and broke the "don't talk about Sup Forums" rule, you guys are to blame for this, not us.

take off your meme flag mexico we all it's you

i love this meme


asserting that x is the product of insecurity indicates no more than that your own perception is dominated by obsession about insecurity

yeah. kekistani bros and /r/TheDonald infested this place. To be honest i just ignore all posts with either Kekistan or Nazi flag in them. Always americans hiding behind them. Guaranteed to be either bait or shitposting. Shitposting about the "holohoax" and genuine, unironic Nazi regalia is not going to spread or message and win over neutrals.

That number is false. Even if you subtract the millions of spics that shouldn't be counted as white America still has more whites than any other white country in the world. On top of being the top country in the world we have handgun carry rights and eurofats don't. Feels good to be better than a Eurofat

why is you English so bad that you used "how" instead of "what"? That's a romance language thing.
Pretty good deception.

Nice flag fag


I'm sure you do, muttboi.

so you admit that there's a problem with shitposting ?

>Tfw the mods will inevitably purge this thread. Feels good man.

>yeah. kekistani bros and /r/TheDonald infested this place.
And it was a Brit who came up with the Kekistan bullshit. And it was Brits who invaded The_Donald and incessantly talked up Sup Forums. Take responsibility for your own collective actions.

Nice fucking copypasta

Very, very disrespectful.

I admite that Brits talking about Sup Forums on The_Donald had a deleterious effect on this board.

The picture in ops op is a a chimpanzee.
And ops flag is african.
Chimpanzee.... african
Chimpanzee.... african....

>then I read Marx
yeah hahaha 19th century philosophy totally counts as empirical evidence

try reading up on biology and real economics sometime. Yes I know neoclassical sucks but Marxism is worse.


Can confirm, we should be asserting that x is the product of down syndrome.


even if that's the case, British posting on this board is usually high-quality, with sources linked, dank Brexit and memeball memes, and Brit/pol/ has a whole inclusive, cultural feel (on top of the political banter) that Trump Generals never have. Trump generals are shit shitposting about the holohoax. USA have taken over the mantle from Australia as king shitposters now.

This op u faggot

>t. mutt comedian

when and why did this meme start? it's so good. Like all good memes there's truth in it which is why it works

Don't worry Hans, your only 30 years behind America. With Merkel's help you can catch up, and join our vibrant diverse community!

it started on 9gag

>autistic ramblings
is there ever a time you people are able to hide your autism?

started on frogtwitter

i wish that was the average southern woman but here in rural mississippi the average southern woman would probably be a fat black woman

A fucking britt made the "can't stump the trump" montages. You fuckers like Trump just as much as we do.


Good one user.

fake news

>Holocaust denial shit
>Oy Vey, greatest ally!

And that's how we know you're a merchant.

>30 years behind America


>WE had jet fighters before you did
>WE had stealth planes before you did
>WE had rockets before you did
>WE had UFOs before you did
>WE had nukes literally made out of home appliances before you did

If you hadn't stolen all our shit after WW2, you would still be living in mud houses, lmao.

This meme has gone too far.

>Sup Forums
What do you really expect ? everyone there is a retard.

you guys were 100% white until the 60s and are now letting in lots of migrants

america at it's best was only 80% white, we went from 80 to 63% while you guys went from 100 to 85. the drop was about the same, but it's worse for germany because you are in the heart of europe.

>salty german loser
lol sorry that germany loses at everything Hans XD

There is some weird revisionism here.

bullshit, we don't have nearly enough british dna to have teeth that shitty

good thread

this is all true, but of course when you say "we" you mean "our Jewish scientists who we were desperate to eliminate and eventually gave to the USA"
>t. EU flag
how're those open borders for you, faggot?

I'm talking about demographics you autist.

reminds me of graham

>lives near a big city in MISSOURI
>thinks it represents the entire south

Looks like a coalburner

lol fuck off m8

bomber harris is a hero