When did you grew out of racism?
19 here.
When did you grew out of racism?
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I've been racist for as long as I can remember, I remember when I was like 5 I told my mom there's a weird dark kid in my school and my mom told me not to call him weird because it's not his fault he's dark
29 and still going strong. i don’t mean anything by it, it’s just what it is.
You never grow out of racism, you just become anti-white
>when did you grew
kill yourself
Grew out of it when I was young got older and wiser and grew back into it.
I grew into racism
I'm 53 and I've hated blacks with a fiery passion since the 70's. They just keep getting worse too. I'm a high school teacher and these fucking Jew politicians keep filling the schools up to the brim with minorities. 30 years ago when I started teaching, there were maybe 3 or 4 blacks in my school. Now its over 30%. It makes me SICK. These niggers today are barely human too. They get worse every year. Brown vs. Board of Education was one of the worst things to ever happen to American education.
Watch it cuck
I became racist about halfway through my enlistment in the USAF. I was 22-23.
Judging by that grammar, you are not even 19.
When I was in primary we had 1 nigger, this was back in the 90's, by high school we had 5 niggers. Made me angry but half of them got expelled for bad attendance so whatever
unironically this
I like how they don't include all the blacks killed by whites in the invasion of Africa and the slave trade
I grew into it. In my teens I was lefty as fuck and couldn't see anything wrong with racemixing.
If the mobs still existed I'd be there lynching niggers and beating the shit out of the coalburners they fuck.
I was never racist and became what a SJW calls racist due to their identity politics and white hate and white supremacy bullshit.
Because I noticed that there are actually people who are racist against me.
But I'm still not really racist. I know too many people of other races who are not retards to believe every black is stupid or whatever.
user keep in mind the majority of people here are 13-17 year old edgelords. The other ones are just losers that haven't grown up yet
I grew into racism at age 24. Once you hate blacks you can't go back.
I've never lived in a communist nation. Racism has never existed in my country.
They don't count blacks killed by blacks in the slave trade either. Then again, this is modern statistics.
Communists were trying to free the Africans from the British control. Communism destroyed Africa
It was actually Trump that saved my political views and ideology, and stopped me from being beta
then I realised that the democrats were in fact the real racists, and that they were also no different to the communists and nazis
I've seen things you little pepes wouldn't believe.
Memes so spicy they burned the most notoriously criminal family-tree in America to the fucking ground.
I watched with tears in my eyes as significantly less than 50% of the US population turned into pillars of salt on November 9th 2016.
I've seen a brakeless train traveling at over seven times the speed of light come to an immediate halt at the gates of the White House.
They will tell you it was beautiful, and you will feel proud. But you will never truly understand, little pepes. How it felt to be on the front lines, shitposting in all directions. The line between man and meme blurring until there was no distinction at all. For a short while, Kek walked among us.
And it was glorious.
English is not my mother tongue, fat subhuman
Blacks only sold other blacks cause the white man would of just stolen them anyway so may as well get something from the invaders
I don't hate black people anymore but interracial couples still make me angry sometimes. Something about throwing your genetics away and having your children look nothing like you just pisses me off.
Probably around 16/17
I actually became racist because of the stupid BLM and Islam shit. They have nobody to blame but themselves based on their retarded actions.
Class I racism is learned from parents and peers. Most kids just go along because that's what everyone else does.
Class II racism is from getting racemixing, and white guilt from MSM and media.
Class IIa racism is from white guilt and liberal professors at college that make you think that YOU are the racial problem and you pretend everyone is the same until you enter the Class III phase.
Class III racism is from ling term exposure to niggers and Jews. This is true racism learned from experience and becoming red pilled. This is the racism you teach your kids who see it as Class I racism.
This is the circle of racism.
Obvious jewish tactics to cause more division in society.
We're all humans.
There's lots of whites that act like total trash, and lots of non whites that are top tier.
it is more about culture than about race
>grow out of racism
doesn't happen
i grew out of anti-racism around 17
I'll never settle for a white woman
Im a part time racist.
I mean im not a Neonazi or anything, but i just hate having all these mudlsimes living here.
But sometimes i meet nice mudlsimes and we act like best friends. Its strange.
Same desu senpai
Actually that's an argument that was used against me on a dating site from a jewish whore
Grow a backbone. They're your enemies.
There's a difference between a bigot and a racist.
A racist knows that there are inherent differences between the races but judges each individual,
A bigot doesn't care about individual behavior of a member of different race.
But even a non bigoted racist knows that no matter how close a friend a person of a different race is, you will always be an outsider, and so will they.
Birds flock together for a reason.
t. Pajeet.
Only option is this otherwise just kys and pave the way towards a better planet.
What about the percentage of sale ships that were owned by Jews? Or the demographics of slave owners throuout history? (Currently more slaves in Africa and Middle East than in America at any point in time)
I grew into racism when I was around 10 years old. My parents moved from a white neighborhood in the country to a "diverse" neighborhood for work.
Got beat up by quite a few niggers throughout middleschool. Had a few black friends growing up but only the "white" blacks. If I were to guess their IQs were in the 90s at best. The ones I'm still in contact with are still good people but I fucking hate niggers with a passion.
As I grow older I only hate niggers more and more. It's just about to the point where if someone wanted to kill my black friends I wouldn't stop them.
I grew into racism at about 30 when I started reading research papers on race and intelligence.
Lets not forget that it was the coastal tribes that sold slaves captured from inland raids on other tribes to the European traders.
The Europeans didn't teach them to do this, they took advantage of a product being offered.
>19 here.
you will grow up.
I was thirteen when I saw the planes hit the towers on 9/11. My first thoughts were "oh my god, Islamaphobia has gone too far." And I understood that all races are equal and diversity must be fostered at all costs.
>you will grow up.
Not if he continues to relax around niggers.
When I turned 18 and prepped 3 bulls at once. From then on I knew my true calling. A Communist Bull Prepper
grew into racism, just like every other poor schmuck that had to leave their house and deal with how horrible niggers are
>meme flag
>when did you grew
You're no older than 14 you faggot.
do you mean grow into it?
i can’t wait to grow up and be a 53 year old high school teacher making $48k a year and then spending my evenings on Sup Forums.
your life must ROCK
Teachers make almost 100k a year retard
>projecting on a chinese imageboard
>Grow out of racism
Racism is biologically natural, what you're saying is that you're some sort of retard
damn. CHECKED.
I hate non white people
Maybe in Russia
In my country there is problem
And that problem is transport
It take very, very long
Because US is big
Throw transport down the well
So my country can be free
So my country can be free!
We must make travel easy
Then we have a big party
In my country there is problem
And that problem is the JEW
They take everybody money
They never give it back
Throw the Jew down the well
So my country can be free
You must grab him by his horns
Then we have a big party
If you see the Jew coming
You must be careful of his teeth
You must grab him by his money
Then they'll tell you what to do
I grew INTO racism about 10 years ago
You are a disgrace and your English sucks. You're a moron if you "outgrew racism". I started off perfectly loving and tolerant but then the evidence became overwhelming and I got angry. If you're like me and live in Eastern Europe, I don't blame you for not being racist but how in the world would you regress to opacity like that? You're still a child, faggot.
10 years
my dad's a babyboomer that still has some racist heads.
He's not racist, hell, he was called "nigger lover" back then just because he wasn't a dick to black people.Then this happened. His opinion on them started to change.
It's when did I grow INTO racism?
i grew into it
damn he stole enough money to buy a watermelon
>Grow out of
35, I had a strong dislike for nigger my whole life. It wasn't until the last few years I began to realize so do a lot of other people. Before I kept my racism to myself, now I try and spread it to others.
Hi, Mr. Andrews
grew out? more like grew in, and in that case, it was when I was 15. That's the moment I realized the faggots I hated the most were actually shitskins.
I brought it up to my friends, and that's where my second realization came, my friends were shitskins too as they pointed out to me.
Long story short, I was fucking right because my two best friends turned out to be traitors and backstabbers pieces of shit.
Fuck shitskins and fuck niggers too.
What did he do?
I'm poor.
I grew into racism by simply being around black people.
Rich people think the top 5%ers they hang around represent the race as a whole.
12. I was first exposed to IRL non-whites at 17.
Two years later, I decided that I had enough evidence to start being racist again.
I hate white people so how did I grow out of it?
OP is American, dumbass.
I wish I was as lucky as you, I grew up in Toronto so even in primary we had like 4 non whites in my school
I grew into racism.
19 here
93, still shitposting, still hating niggers. life is good.
>growing out of pattern recognition
I do not approve of this niggernotion OP
That's irrelevant to my post
Antifa Live call in. Get involved
I refuse to believe there's 90 year olds posting on pol
You'll grow back into it once the brainwashing wears off.
Sorry, you cannot "grew out" from statistics. You can hide your head in the sand, and refuse to see reality, but do not call that "growing up"