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Definitely Hulk desu
Please be Scarlett Johansson
Robert Downey Jr. is a known degenerate.
He would be my first guess.
RDJ or Samuel L Jackson
Johansson and Downey are both kikes, so we know it is one of them.
Can I get a kike check on Ruffalo? Public sources mention he is catholic but he has that jewy looking hair.
Ruffalo or RDJ.
Evans and Hemsworth are too handsome and dont need to fuck kids.
Renner has a daughter but seems like the guy who would castrate any guy who looks at her.
Probably Ruffalo, why else haven't they made more Hulk movies besides the first in the MCU?
I hope it's the olsen sister and that she's into /ss/
Universal has rights to stand alone Hulk movies
Dont think it would be RDJ as he is very cozy with Mel "GTKRWN" Gibson and fought against the jews to get him back into hollywood. Def Ruffalo imo.
99% Ruffalo.
RDJ is a degenerate, but I dont think in that way, and I think he'd be way too smart to pull shit like that.
Like other posters said, Hemsworth and Evans dont need to fuck little kids, they get all the sex they need.
I have always heard that pedos don't care about sex as much as the power of it.
Ruffalo is the biggest SJW of them so obviously him
Its RDJ. look at my numbers for god's sake!!!
He probably fucked the shit out of the new Spider-Man.
You don’t think these billionaires and millionaires got enough sex?
Fiddling with children is a power thing and that’s why those in powerful roles in hollywood that do it should be fucking hanged
Olsen sister
My top 3 guesses
Ruffalo, Mr. SJW supreme.
You guys all circle jerk about "who is it? Who is it?!"
The reality of every single one of those fucks have seen sick shit. As far as I'm concerned, they are all guilty and implicit.
They all know shit.
Hollywood need to be burned to the fuckin ground.
ruffalo, are you kidding?
I base this off nothing at all other than a feeling, kek tells me its ruffalo for sure
Captain America.
probably captain america. hes an sjw commie idiot irl. too bad hes such a faggot, hes a great captain america, he was a great johnny storm, and he was great in sunshine. but i would guess by his signalling that it is him.
hulk possible too
vision possible too
war machine maybe
black widow is a definate maybe though too
i think it is 0% it is anyone else.
Sauce nibba
Catholicism if full of kikes
Ruffalo is "feminist" I bet it's him, always hiding in plain sight
robert manelt jr
Digits confirm it's Ruffalo.
I get such a bad vibe from this guy. He's hiding something dark.
My guess is Renner - he’s homo
It's Jeremy Renner. He starred in a pedo movie called "The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things" where he RAPES Jimmy Bennett
If its true it would be Ruffalo because he was in that movie about kid diddling in the catholic church. The irony would be glorious
Pedo as in they talked to and/or maybe hit on a 14 year old?
Or Pedo as in they actually had sex with an underage girl?
Talking to a young girl (especially a coworker) isnm't a crime by default.
These allegations are just becoming trendy now. Everyone can't wait to get a headline by throwing some big name under the bus for something stupid.
Go to bed Ruffalo
hollywood is for faggot kikes and normies, take your faggot shit back to Sup Forums
Probably Downey Jr.
I know more about cape shit movies than I would like to admit and I agree with the others guessing Ruffalo.
The way the news is worded almost makes me think it might be a lesser avenger character. They can use these headlines to hype up the story before revealing its Anthony Mackie, Paul Rudd, or Paul Bettany.
post a source or fuck off.
>1 post by this ID
yeah, probably not happening. no bump, kys dumb ass.
>These allegations are just becoming trendy now.
And it will have the opposite effect. People won't care about them anymore because there will accusations every day.
>tfw prime ScarJo never did /ss/with you
Exactly, it's creating noise so the real pedo's at the top of the period can get away unnoticed.
It has to be Ruffalo because that faggot is a zealous feminist cuck. He is compensating, flagellating at the altar of feminism to atone for his sins.
PLUS the director was one of the several people who accused Harvey Weinstein of harassment. It all fits.
And the film stars Dylan and Cole Sprouse (Zack and Cody) who crossdress and also get raped.
AND they were really fucking weird when they filmed it youtube.com
Who has the longest nose?
My money is on Hulk.
RDJ. the guy just became "famous" overnight. that happens only with help. and help is only for those who qualify. and to qualify they need dirt on u. ergo rdj is dirty.
No, you shut up!
samuel l jackson, but I have money on scarlett whomever as an outlier bet
captain (((america)))
Probably Ruffalo [beta male (((climate change))) shill] or Evans [anti-Trump SJW].
IIRC, Downey Jr. helped to expose the pedo networks under an anonymous name...
I'd be very surprised if he hasn't done some terrible shit back during his drug days. There's no need for Hollywood to be crumbling for this to collapse around in on him.
In other news though, 1 post by this ID
the iron man is a degenerate, wouldn't surprise me if he was a pedo
Aaron Taylor Johnson.
Can't believe no one said him. He married a much older woman like Macron did.
He was having sex with adults when he was a kid, so now as an adult he fucks kids
the whole "rape is about power" speil is just sex positive propaganda to distance sex from rape. if it were just about power and not sex, they would just become a manager or a cop or some shit and gain power over people legally; they commit sex crimes because they want sex AND power at the same time.
what if it's cumberbatch? he did star as Dr. Strange last year, and he's been shilling for refugees a lot lately...
remember, infinity war's coming up...
>tfw hitler didn't use robots to fight the globalist jews
feels badman
You could also consult one of the 7 other threads on this very subject fuckbag
see my first 2 posts
RDJ has been outing pedos for years on Crazy Days and Nights. I would be shocked of it was him. I'm betting on Ruffalo, the feminist crypto jew.
something always did seem "off" to him... we need to meme these pedo's into jail.
I saw them.
Would let her abuse my son
Evans and Hemsworth are not moguls
Its gotta be Ruffalo or Mitt Romney
The guy who plays Hawkeye, or the guy who plays Bruce Banner.
Guys like RDJ, Hemsworth, and Evans are total chads. Only ugly guys are pedos.
>on the mouth not the cheek
Iron Rod Man ofc
just follow the trail of coke muh dic
Double doubles for Hawkeye.
Easy, just find out which one is a Jew.
It's his daughter. This shit used to be quite common before everybody started assuming all men were pedos. Men can't even take their daughters to the park alone anymore without getting the cops called. I'm sticking with Ruffalo.
>Mitt Romney
nigger are you fucking retarded
There are two threads on this. Not one of the threads list a source.
>Multiple threads with no source
These are slide threads.
Ruffalo. RDJ is trash as a drug addict but Gibson wouldn't accept him as his friend if he was a sexual degenerate.
Vision is only like a year old, and he gets into a relationship with Scarlet Witch. They're really rubbing our noses in it.
should i watch it? looks childish as fuck
>a dad being a dad means he's a pedo
Fucking christ
okay it's him
Jason kiddy-Bourne
And nothing of value was lost once they lay him off
Damn. That is creepy. Why would you take that role. I haven't see any of the movie so maybe he has a good reason. Maybe he was trying to bring attention to a problem and his intentions were pure. I can't say without knowing more about the movie. I really hope it's Ruffalo and not him.
Downey Jr probably fucked a bunch of underage girls when he was a coke fiend. One of those girls probably realised she can make money by talking about it now. It would be funny if it was Chris Evans considering how high and mighty he acts about feminism and other SJW bullshit.
>4 fucking threads on this probably by the same autist
>Not one lists a fucking source
>autists here participating without question
Seriously you all think you can outsmart us Jews?
RDJ hasn't been a drug addict in a long time and when your dad is shooting you up with drugs as a child it's hard not to turn into a drug addict. I'd bet he's one of the most decent people in Hollywood.
Daughter or not Renner has the Pedo eyes, and he's a little too aggressive with his own child. You can tell he's dominating her.
Best Thor movie by far and easily one of the top 10 marvel movies.