They have no backbone and are perfectly okay with being treated like shit.

What political options are available to save our young white men?

Other urls found in this thread:

Let them die out

>t.drug runner rape baby
That's not an option.

How so? If there struggling to fit in even with alll the privileges they are born with (white privilege) ,then they dont deserve any help, it cant get any more easier for them

It's like playing a game on easy mode and still looking for guides for your quests

Give them 2 options: fight or die

>If there struggling to fit in even with alll the privileges they are born with
What are those privileges exactly?

Will never happen because of helicopter moms and the dads that want their craigslist fucktoy.

White privilege is not being able perceive your white privilege and getting away with it

Is he crying because his sister is kissing a nigger?

That boy is a cute. A cute!


>They have no backbone and are perfectly okay with being treated like shit.
Let them die. We don't need them. They're a waste of genes. What we need is HARD WHITE MEN, not fucking pussies. Pussies always die, it's natural.

Ha! Nice try nigger. See your girl on pic related soon. You still did not explicitly state what those privileges are.


Looks delicious

He is a manlet anyway, what could he do?

Is he going to be okay?

Let's just be fucking honest here the only way we're gonna help our younger brothers is through identify politics and victimisation. Ex blaming Jews and niggers for there problems and so on. And people who have a problem with this remember the Jews are blaming whitey, negros are blaming whitey etc it is probably the only REAL option us white Europeans have left. We are going into a more collective black and white world. We really need embrace this.

Feminization of the White Male: How to stop drinking from the poisoned well

As you folks have probably noticed, a new species of White Male made an appearance in the 21st century. Paraded as the “modern man”, this species, despite outwardly possessing male genitalia, exhibits prominent feminine features: high-pitched voices, little to no body hair, low muscle mass, round flabby faces, scrawny limbs, thin necks, wide hips and sometimes even semi-developed breasts. Femininity is not limited to physical appearance, however - the “modern man” is soft, emotional, sensitive, passive-aggressive, cowardly and extremely submissive. Some of us call members of this species “nu-males”, the less polite among us call them cucks and faggots, while in Russia they are known as having “never lifted anything heavier than a dick”. They are the eloi of the 21st century – a weak, bumbling, narcissistic breed, consumed by petty distractions and utterly worthless.

However, many people still think that this mutation has occurred due to purely non-physical reasons, such as cultural Marxist education and brainwashing as well as promotion of feminism and subsequent disruption of gender roles in Western society. They are not entirely wrong, but this mind-rot also has a powerful physical counterpart. The cause of mass mutation of normal, strong, brave and bold men into nu-males has a name, and that name is xenoestrogens.

Other useful links:
- The Wim Hof Method:

Please copy and share if you like

Participating in sports instead of watching them

No he's a beaner.


Get them off TV and video games for a start. These two things are awful for the physical and mental well being of any human being. Get whites off of that poison, and after get them involved in various right-wing political activities, and in particular racial politics by exposing them to the very real anti-white agenda. Arouse anger, but don't black pill. Give other whites a reason to exist -- for their nation and people, and give them comradery and friendship. Do this in any way you see fit, so long as you're doing it and doing it right. Guns, fighting, fitness, reading, and self-improvement in general are great things to enter a state of red pill.

This is gross and i hope you get arrested edgy cunt

cry nigga, cry like a bitch nigga, he'll be ok. kek.

Let natural selection play its course you clown you aren't God

Cute chica. How many grams of coke to own her?

To participate in society at all, you must buy into and perpetuate at least a few of the many various scams which require man's effort and attention but have been carefully stripped of the incentives that the original institutions offered, which share only their names in common with what exists now.

The only winning move is not to play.
Ask your doctor about Fukitol™ today.

Side effects may include upset stomach, dry mouth, delerioisness, random uncontrolled explosive defecation, lethargy, upper respiratory infection, heart failure, brain tapeworms, enlarged glans, ingrown toenail, teary eyes, regrowth of foreskin, visions of sugarplums, joint pain, sudden death, or yellowing of the teeth.

posting gore isn't illegal, but I imagine your government wouldn't be too happy about communist guerrilla supporters

10 USD worth

Yeah, no man. You need to try harder than that.

This nigga gets it

Yukio Mishima was a faggot who wanted to attentionwhore with his suicide.

Jamundí shut the fuck up

If it were so simple, you wouldn't be a virgin user
You can't buy love :(

crying like a bitch nigga, ok thats it, rake the yard.

I'm buying a columbian fucktoy to behead and dump in a river when I'm done

Im pretty sure that was his attempt at a photobomb

i'm on a roll nigga. what are you doin?

What makes you so sure?

Purge the weak women who are degenerated and purge those who gave them power.

Leave me alone pendeja

I'm afraid your white privilege won't get you that far

That's what my american dollars are for, sexy little jungle monkey.

white guys can get Colombian women pretty easily.

>Leave me alone pendeja
pol is an English board
>I'm afraid your white privilege won't get you that far
got me a lot further than your gf sucking dick for a can of refried beans. Sad!

They can get whores and goldiggers like any other ethnicities can (even Asians), lmao the delusion

This is a poor country, of course if you're going to scrape the bottom of the barrel you will find an ugly prostitute desperate enough to suck your little pinky weenie for a green card and a can of rice, not this girl tho, she's way out of your league

Read them Mein Kampf.

let natural selection do it's job

go to the gym retards


Traps are gay, you will never pass and the odds of you committing suicide are 1 in 2 :^)

Won't do much as the shitskins will take over.

Take away the electronics and take them out hunting, fishing, and camping. Stay on a farm for the summer.

it's make white genes stronger by weeding out the weak


The men themselves have to save themselves, but we can help.

If you are invested, do something about it.

I teach in a uni, and say what I want, teach classics, and generally dont care about any PC bullcrap. I am forceful but civil.

After a couple weeks, most the young men in class are shocked. Then they realize they can be more assertive too.

The last generation has to help the next one or we are all doomed.

I say skip millennials and go straight to the next generation. They will save us all.

yum, what a tasty boy...


none of those are white outside 56%-land

whitey here

Dude there are only literal robots fighting to save the white race in the USA. We need to change something.

>The numale thinks he counts as human

In all seriousness us white folk gained the world but lost our soul. The eternal whitey spirit was sold for women's rights, gasoline, and offshore bank accounts.

I'm more than happy to see to world correct the problem.

Well, you could start by not selling each other out in law so that women rule you legally and then proceed to decide what manhood is and raise their sons to be the guys they wanna fuck.

Where do you think these faggot names come from. They are porn novel names. Women are naming their sons with names they think are 'hot'.

Then they emasculate them anyways, completely unprepared for the real world.

Wtf do you expect when you allow the gender naturally selected to be irrational and mature the slowest to start making decisions on male identity.

whoever this is is incredibly ugly

The kingpin looks incredible

They must be treated like real men without pussy things like "participation trophies" or "safe spaces". If you want a tool you forge the metal, they just need to be hammered into real human beings.

Just your normal wetback beaner we have in the us

At she's been CONQUISTADOR'd a good amount instead of looking like pic related.

>political opinions to save our young white men
I think you're looking for NatSoc

A tragic scene. But I have never seen that in real life, it must be rare.

Still, that girl deserves condemnation, he looks like an intelligent guy she's passing up for a nigger.

Project white unicorn is working. Women will not fuck you. The ones that will are not top tier and there are fewer of the every minute. Media will neuter you.

Thank you.