Asians are based, idgaf what you white supremacists say. If I ever achieved white supremacy, I’d share it with my Azn bros in a heartbeat as long as they agreed to keep the negroids down.
Asians are based, idgaf what you white supremacists say. If I ever achieved white supremacy...
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He's literally a junkie mobster. He's a Fent addict.
Imagine some Italian mafia goon as USA President. Sup Forums is mostly just teens or males with teen mindsets, so they get off on the macho bullshit tough guy image. They want a nice male father figure to control them and keep them safe.
Asians are soulless.
>Sup Forums is mostly just teens or males with teen mindsets,
But your different
Same thing with blacks and jews. They're based as fuck.
This is just your daily reminder that all chinks are racially self-serving insects that will do everything in their power to subvert your country and loot it for the chink motherland:
>Chinese immigrant and Naval officer was arrested for spying on the US for China.
>Chinese immigrants are systematically spying on western companies that employ them.
>Chinese corporate espionage costs the US hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
>Chinese are buying up massive amounts of US real estate and subtly colonizing the US.
>Chinese Born New Zealand Minister found to have studied and trained Chinese spies at Chinese spy school.
Kill them all ordrive them out of your countries before it's too late, all Chinese immigrants are the vanguard of further Chinese colonization. The only good chink si a dead one.
no, some Jews are based, very very few blacks are based
Fuck off you divide and conquer shill
Trump is visiting him today. The only world leader more based than Trump is Duterte. Truly two legends.
Democrats are the REAL racists!
Blacks are human garbage. They're faaaaaar from "BASED" you fucking cuck.
Philippinos are Austronesians.
My lil Lucy Liu is waitin somewhere in a nice kimono or whatever eastern style shit. I can already smell the food, the green tea. sit on floor eating sushi and stuff with sticks, it's gonna be based. throw that chinese musician some Kuai and a handful of yen. Make shit real romantic. Her based samurai/dynasty father giving me that look, based white man coming to conquer what's truly his. Nods to me in asian. Gives me the old dragon blanket of his great great grand mother. Firing his gandalf tier dragonwork fire arrow in the sky to celebrate.
gonna be gud.
Neck yourself.
Pretty much.
Duterte isn't based he's a degenerate drug addict, how do you go from "I stabbed a man to death" to "Obamas an arrogant nigger" in the same sentence anyway. Dutertes acting exactly like a nigger would
because he’s based af and a kang what are you youre just a loser with no political power sucks a dick
I’m rolling user. Kek Kek Kek
Niggers cant bantz at ths level you retarded faggot. The only people capable of dank banter are white people, and asian people. White people because we are highly emotionally intelligent and therefore understand comedy at a fundemental level, and asian people because they are insectoids and literally do not give a fuck since they are all but cogs in the hive.
>Wahh the chinks we are employing are sharing information for money
>Ff.f.fucking chinks
If he's so based then why is his daughter so degenerate?
Yes goyim, listen to him
because she has yet to be put in place by white cock
muh dick
if i couldn't have Trump, i wouldn't mind having duterte