Im a turk

Im a turk

No, go away roach

Why did Erdogan think he would get away with hiring Flynn?

No one cares.

Do you really think the coup was real and not staged so Erdogan could consolidate power?

No need to be redundant, we can already see your flag.

What do turks smell like? I imagine it's just horrible.

Because he was blessed by Allah, the most merciful.

>posts picture of 100 years of near dead woman to back his claim

What do turks smell like? I imagine it's just horrible.



Not as bad as traler trash.

Like peeling open a ham and cheese toasted sandwich!!

Not a Turk m8

What do aussies smell like? I imagine it's just horrible

flag checks out i guess

u gay

Not an Aussie m8

Thats an Abooooooooooo

Fucking cuckkooooooo

What do aussies smell like? I imagine it's just horrible.

Isn't being a Turk and a German the same thing?

Finally bitch bahaha

remove kebab


Ham n cheese tosties old man

how goes the expansion in Europe? And how are german girls i hear they love sucuk in their kebabs

Now it was suppose to be a :3 smiley :3

Ham and cheese is delicious, desu
Try again

Are Kurds Jews?

Do Turks see Israel in a good light?

Jesus christ !! Not when the bitch spreads her pussy lips and the cheese pulls away, leaving flaps of ham dangling over your cuck!!

Enjoy your delicious ham n cheese toastie bitch

When will you just blow over the middle east and kick Saudi ass? team up with Iran plz.

Jews support the independence of a kurd state
Turks oppose a kurd state

But jews are so enriching you cant simply pull away

How do you cope with the fact that you're hated by both libs and Sup Forums

Wanna be my bf? I'm a bottom. :3

How happy are you to say you are a Turk?